Monday, September 11, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – Did America just Witness a Modern-Day Miracle?


Hurricane Irma is over and the worst, most powerful hurricane to ever exist in the Atlantic Ocean plowed through the entire State of Florida from Key West to Jacksonville, Miami to Tampa and Tallahassee with just five deaths, four resulting from car or truck wrecks, and minimum injuries.

Even more amazing is within 48 hours many evacuees will be allowed to start returning back to their homes and businesses and a significant number of the five million without electricity will see it restored much earlier than the dire predictions of the news and weather reports.

Several unnatural events took place during this foreboding natural disaster that defy logic, natural law, and human understanding, and resulted in a remarkable change in the results of the disaster.

Call it what you like, here are some of the “miracles” resulting during Irma.

The most powerful hurricane in the history of the Atlantic Ocean got stalled in the Cuban Mountains and lost significant parts of its strength, defying all weather predictions.  It never regained the Category (CAT) 7 power (as analysts rated it) when it reached the Florida mainland.

At first sustained winds of 180 mph with gusts to 235 mph were supposed to hit Florida by this CAT 5 hurricane.  Various weather experts said if ratings went beyond CAT 5 Irma would be a CAT 7.  Instead there were sustained winds of 50 – 80 mph and occasional gusts reaching 80 – 130.  In addition, the CAT 5 super storm landed as a CAT 3 and left Florida as just a tropical storm.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to God the Father of all Creation.”

Yet that is only the beginning of the miraculous swath Irma traversed through the entire length of the Florida peninsula.

Beyond that, somehow this monster storm over 400 miles wide was able to shift directions over and over again like a NASCAR racer at Daytona as the eye first moved from the east to west side of Southern Florida.

First it moved west away from the 5.5 million people in Miami to the 357,000 people in the Naples area.  Then it reversed itself and moved east again bypassing the 3 million residents in the Tampa area as it plodded up the center of the state before moving west again and avoiding a direct hit on Orlando and Jacksonville, another 4 million people.  It was almost as if the hand of God was moving it along the way.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to Allah the Father of all Creation.”

There is more as the catastrophic storm surge the media said could reach 20 feet high in all the towns and cities along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts seemed to disappear.  Only Miami and Jacksonville areas experienced any surge impact of significance and it began receding by the next morning as the storm moved north.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to Yahweh the Father of all Creation.”

Then another unpredictasble weather anomaly occurred as some highly vulnerable bay areas, expecting huge surges, astounded the media when the waters started receding as Irma approached, just the opposite of what was expected.

From Sarasota Bay to Tampa Bay water levels kept dropping nearly draining the areas and exposing sights formerly underwater.  The sudden drop in water levels also trapped a few Manatee who were saved by good Samaritans.

This mysterious anomaly resulted in the news media and weather experts saying those trillions of gallons of water disappearing would return as part of the storm surge potentially making it twice as catastrophic when it hit land.  In yet another of the many extraordinary coincidences by the next morning when the storm surge should have flooded the low-lying areas of the bays, the missing water had returned but no storm surge and what surge there was never breached the sea walls.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to all Gods who are the Father of all Creation.”

After the horrors of hurricane Harvey, which was an “unlucky” storm by media standards, this series of miraculous events spawned by Irma seem to mark a change in the national and human consciousness.

All of America responded to the tragedy of Harvey and collectively prayed for the people of Texas as day after day of torrential rains pounded them with up to five feet of water.  Somehow Harvey defied physics and natural law also as it twice turned around and went back into the Gulf of Mexico to re-intensify.

Harvey woke us up to the human tragedies unfolding, a time when our national consciousness was obsessed with politics, and the bevy of people and causes dominating the media.  We were trapped in a world dominated by fear as manifested in wars, greed, politics, and pure hatred instead of tolerance.
Guess what, Harvey knock all that fear mongering off the television screens and nightly news as Americans responded to Harvey with perhaps the greatest humanitarian effort in world history.

Volunteers, heroes and heroines, essential supplies, and massive amounts of financial aid poured in to the victims of Harvey and it was fueled by a groundswell of Prayers, prayers to all Gods of all religions including God, Allah, Yahweh, ad infinitum.  We were all united as one in a great humanitarian outburst.

Melchizedek hopes it will lead to our realization of a few inalienable facts.  We all share a common desire to live a “good” life.  We all can care and pray for humanity.  We all are Creations of the Creators.  Finally, when we pray collectively, when millions become One, powerful miracles can happen if we just ask for help from the Creator for the common good of humanity.

When we pray collectively for a common good and direct that prayer to the Giver of all, “Our Father” Creator, there is no limit to the Power of Prayer.  Prayer is the answer to connecting between worlds and altering the course of our destiny.

“Luck” or Divine Providence?  What do you think?      

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek - More Melchizedek Prophecy Comes True through Solar Flares


Melchizedek warned us that we face a year of natural disaster anomalies that will disrupt the Internet and disturb our growing obsession with the viral world by creating interruptions of the electrical grid and spot outages to the Internet.  These totally unexpected solar flares during the quiet period of the Sun seem to support his observations.  More food for thought on just when the human race is headed.

Giant sunspot unleashes powerful solar flares
By Hanneke Weitering Staff WriterPublished September 08, 2017

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed this solar flare on Wednesday (Sept. 6) at 7:58 p.m. EDT (1158 GMT).  (NASA)

An active, sun-spotted region of the sun that unleashed powerful solar flares earlier this week fired two more significant solar flares this morning.

As a result, radiation flowing from the sun's surface may bring brilliant auroras and strong geomagnetic storms to Earth through Saturday (Sept. 9), according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC).
The first flare peaked at 6:15 a.m. EDT (1015 GMT) and is classified as an M7.3, or a midlevel flare. At 10:36 a.m. (1436 GMT), a second and more powerful X1.3 solar flare was observed. X-class solar flares are the most intense.

Solar flares are bright flashes of radiation that come from magnetically active regions on the surface of the sun. When the sun's magnetic fields get twisted and tangled, they can send enormous bursts of energy speeding toward Earth in a matter of minutes. Particularly intense magnetic storms on the sun's surface can send huge clouds of plasma called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which take up to three days to reach Earth.
After astronomers spotted two powerful solar flares Wednesday morning (Sept. 6), NASA's Solar Heliospheric Observatory detected a CME emerging from one of two massive sunspots, named active region 2673. It is not yet clear if that CME will hit Earth directly.

However, another CME that erupted Monday (Sept. 4) made its way to Earth in about two days, the SWPC reports. That CME was expected to supercharge auroras Wednesday night, but the aurora forecast is looking good for the next few days with this wave of solar activity.

The G3 Watch is now in effect for the 7 through 9 September UTC-days due to CME influences. Visit  for more info

This morning (Sept. 7), the SWPC issued a new G3 (strong) geomagnetic storm watch "in anticipation of the arrival of another CME associated with the X9.3 flare" seen on Wednesday. That watch remains in effect through Saturday.

In addition to beautiful auroras, the geomagnetic storm could disrupt communications, as well as damage satellites and power grids. Wednesday's X9.3 flare already caused a strong radio blackout.

Editor's note: If you snap a photo of the northern lights and you'd like to share it for a possible story or image gallery, please send images and comments to at

Email Hanneke Weitering at or follow her @hannekescience . Follow us @Spacedotcom , Facebook and Google+ . Original article on

Friday, September 08, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek - Mexico rocked by 8.1 Earthquake - Solar Flares threaten Earth - Are these manifestations of the Melchizedek Prophecy?


Several months ago I presented the first of the Melchizedek Prophecies in the Coltons Point Times and the articles continue to gain interest and support.  An earlier article titled Earth's Weather Anomalies - Are there Dark Clouds on the Horizon?

Here are links to all previous Melchizedek articles.

The Melchizedek Teachings and Prophecy

Conversations with Melchizedek – Where is the Truth in Weather reporting?

Conversations with Melchizedek – Natural Disasters Reclaim the World for Mother Earth

Conversations with Melchizedek – Suppose Divine Intervention wiped out the Internet – could you survive?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Who is the mysterious Biblical person?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Earth's Weather Anomalies - Are there Dark Clouds on the Horizon?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Knowledge and Wisdom, what is the difference?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Time to Listen to Mother Earth - We are Running Out of Time

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Ascension of Jesus of Nazareth

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Meaning of Lent and Holy Week

Massive earthquake rocks Mexico
Yahoo News Photo Staff

Massive earthquake rocks Mexico

People react on a street in downtown Mexico City during an earthquake, on September 7, 2017.

An earthquake of magnitude 8.0 struck southern Mexico late Thursday and was felt as far away as Mexico City, the US Geological Survey said, issuing a tsunami warning. It hit offshore 120 kilometers (75 miles) southwest of the town of Tres Picos in the state of Chiapas.

(Alfredo Estrella/AFP/Getty Images)
Mexico’s president says that the magnitude of the earthquake that hit the country is 8.2, the biggest the country has seen in a century.

Enrique Pena Nieto confirmed that at least five people have died in the temblor. He also said that major damage has been caused and that 1 million initially had been without power following the quake, but that electricity had been restored to 800,000 of them.

He said that there have been 62 aftershocks and it’s possible one as strong as 7.2 could hit.

The U.S. Geological Survey has reported that the quake had a magnitude of 8.1. It hit off the coast of southern Mexico, toppling houses in Chiapas state, causing buildings to sway violently as far away as the country’s distant capital and setting off a tsunami warning. (AP)
Here are photos of the worst earthquake to ever hit Mexico in 1985.

Massive Sunspots and Solar Flares: The Sun Has Gone Wrong and Scientists Don't Know Why
 Alexa Halford,Newsweek 

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.
If you still have your solar viewing glasses from the eclipse, now is a good time to slap them on and look up at the sun. You’ll see two big dark areas visible on our star. These massive sunspots are regions of intense and complicated magnetic fields that can produce solar flares—bursts of high-energy radiation. You can just make them out with solar viewing glasses, but they’re better viewed through a solar telescope.
These two huge sunspots are currently causing quite a bit of consternation and interest. The solar storms they’ve sent toward Earth may affect communications and other technologies like GPS and radio signals. They’re causing amazing displays of the Northern and Southern Lights. And space weather scientists like us are excited because we wouldn’t normally expect this much activity from the sun at the moment.
The sun goes through 11-year cycles of solar activity. What scientists call a solar maximum is the time in the cycle when the sun is putting out the most energy. That’s when we tend to see the most sunspots, solar flares and associated solar storms. Some solar maxima are larger or more active than others—such as the 1990-1991 solar max. But this last cycle, which peaked in 2014, was quite small, and there were few large geomagnetic storms.
We’re heading into the bottom of solar minimum, when the sun tends to have fewer sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections—large expulsions of plasma, electrons and ions, and magnetic fields. But despite where we are in the sun’s cycle, activity on the sun has dramatically picked up over the past few days. On and off, these two sunspots have been flaring and shooting out coronal mass ejections, directed toward Earth.
So what’s going on with the sun? And should we be concerned about this somewhat out-of-character solar behavior?
Here’s what’s happened so far

Huge solar flare recorded by NASA on September 6. NASA/GSFC/SDO

On September 4, the sun started sputtering. A moderately large flare (classified as an M5.5) erupted at approximately 18:30 UTC. It produced a coronal mass ejection aimed at Earth.
The sun continued to flare on September 5. A solar energetic particle event from the previous day’s activity arrived at the Earth, where it likely affected radio communications as well as the health of satellite systems.
On September 6, the sun produced two massive X-Class flares. This is the category for the strongest of all solar flares. NASA announced one was the most powerful since at least 2008. It produced another coronal mass ejection.

The second and strongest of the two X-class flares on September 6 produced a coronal mass ejection directed at Earth.NOAA

Over the next day, the same sunspots continued to spit out more solar flares. It took about an hour for the solar energetic particles they emitted to arrive at Earth. These protons are incredibly fast-moving. They can affect communication systems, typically in the polar regions where they are more likely to enter into the Earth’s atmosphere. As with all increases of radiation in space, they can also affect satellite systems and the health of astronauts.
Early in the morning hours of September 7 in the U.S., that first coronal mass ejection that erupted from the sun three days earlier arrived at Earth. Because of the way its magnetic field aligned with Earth’s, it generated only a small geomagnetic storm.
After being detected by spacecraft upstream from Earth in the solar wind, the massive coronal mass ejection from September 6 also hit Earth on the evening of September 7 EDT. Its arrival was a few hours earlier than space weather forecasting agencies around the world predicted.
What other effects will Earth see?

Both sunspots are visible on the sun’s surface, as well as the flare in the solar atmosphere. NASA/GSFC/SDO

All this solar activity has already caused a couple of radiation storms in Earth’s high latitude regions that blacked out radio communication at certain frequencies. The impacts extended toward the equator and have affected high-frequency communications, including ham radios, which are used in emergency and disaster relief management. Radio fade-out maps from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology show that high-frequency radio communication disruptions have likely occurred in the same areas being pummeled by Hurricane Irma.
There has likely been a loss of global navigation system satellite communications in those same areas, but it will take time for the data to be analyzed and for us to gain a full understanding of how this space weather activity has affected those on the ground. The radiation storms may also force flights over the polar regions to reroute to avoid increased radiation exposures for people on board and potential loss of communication and navigation systems for aircraft on these paths.

Northern Lights in the Arctic Circle, on September 5. Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images

With the collision of the coronal mass ejection from this X-Class flare with Earth come other impacts for the near-Earth space environment. Geomagnetic storms, like the one currently in progress, are known to wreak havoc on a range of satellite and ground-based communication technologies, as well as power grids, GPS/GNSS, and orbit predictions of satellites and space debris. It is also very likely to produce dazzling aurora activity as far south as the northern U.S. and Europe in the Northern Hemisphere, and as far north as southern Australia and New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere.
While scientists and aurora-hunting enthusiasts closely watch the storm’s ongoing effects, others will be bracing for problems and disruptions to the many technological services that will be affected.
We don’t need to worry about this coronal mass ejection being “the big one”—a solar storm direct hit that could cause widespread power blackouts and trigger as much as $2 trillion worth of damage, according to a National Academy of Sciences study. But this storm, on the back of this month’s abnormally active space weather, may wind up on the larger end of the scale, and will be the subject of lots of analysis and research.

Images of the sun during solar cycle 23. You typically see more activity during a solar maximum (2001) than during a minimum (1996 or 2006). ESA&NASA/SoHO

We don’t yet fully understand everything that is happening. But the activity over the past few days, when the sun should be within its quietest period, shows that significant space weather events are possible at any stage of the 11-year solar cycle.
You can help us study this and other solar storms as a citizen scientist. Sign up for Aurorasaurus and let us know if you observe aurorae with this event.
Alexa Halford is a researcher in Physics and Astronomy at Dartmouth CollegeBrett Carter is senior research fellow at RMIT University, and Julie Currie is research officer at RMIT University, Australia.

Conversations with Melchizedek – Where is the Truth in Weather reporting?


The Most Destructive Storm in History about to Destroy Florida
according to the news media

As Hurricane Irma moves toward Florida perhaps it is time we ask where is the media getting all the doom and gloom predictions that have citizens throughout America glued to the television tube.  Of course, we should never ignore storm warnings, but is there a sinister force at work to keep us on edge, to keep us trapped in fear, and if we are in the storm zone, and to keep us buying up a mountain of storm supplies.

One wonders what is the source and reason for the dramatic, life-threatening, predictions for the latest version of the worst storms in history.  Melchizedek long ago said Florida would weather any and all of the natural disasters we face in the next year without facing utter destruction as the news media warns.

Of course, Florida will be hit, but not by the worst storm in history.  South Florida might get a Category 1 or 2 storm and by the time Irma survives Miami and heads north, it more than likely will be a tropical storm only.

As for the track of the hurricane, I think the media keeps certain information from the public, information that would undermine the headlines and prove much of the pre-hurricane hype of the media is not for the public interest but for the profitability of the media advertisers.

Storm warnings are one of the most effective ways to get the attention of the public, and to make sure you get the most attention, the more dire the “breaking news” headlines the higher the ratings.  Once the hotel are all booked, the evacuations are underway, store shelves are empty, and gas pumps are dry, the last 48-72 hours before the storm, truth starts to surface in the news reports.

Suddenly those deadly 185 to 225 mph winds circling the eye of Dante’s beast stop being mentioned in the media because they were never going to reach Florida.  It will be more like 100 mph winds hit and the Florida building code requires buildings withstand over 135 mph.  If the storm hits in Miami, then Orlando and Jacksonville much farther north will only see a weak tropical storm.  Panic sells and ratings soar the more hysterical the news forecasts.

The one chart from NOOA, about the only source of information that tells the truth, that might help give “honest” forecasts from the news media they refuse to reference in real time because it might stop the hysteria and slow down the panic buying of storm supplies.

Called the “Tropical Surface Analysis / NWS Unified Surface Analysis.”

Here is the purpose of the map as stated by NOAA.

The Tropical Surface Analysis is created every six hours to depict the current state of atmosphere, specifically the sea level pressure field and any relevant synoptic surface features. The Tropical Surface Analysis is attached to surface analyses over North America, the North Atlantic Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean, and the Western Pacific Ocean to create the National Weather Service Unified Surface Analysis.

The Tropical Surface Analysis and NWS Unified Surface Analysis depict the sea level pressure field by showing lines of equal pressure, usually in increments of four millibars (mb) but often in increments of two millibars where the pressure gradient is weaker (especially in the tropics). The analysis also depicts important surface features that affect the weather, including areas of high and low pressure, frontal systems (cold, warm, stationary, and occluded), troughs, tropical cyclones, tropical waves, the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), drylines, and squall lines.

The Tropical Surface Analysis is created by the National Hurricane Center and covers the area approximately from 30°N to 20°S between 0° and 140°W. This area includes the tropical and subtropical areas of the Atlantic and East Pacific Oceans, Mexico, Florida, the Caribbean, South America, and West Africa. For radiofax purposes, the analysis is split into three different areas:
1.            Atlantic (East Half from 5°S to 50°N between 0° and 70°W)
2.            Atlantic (West Half from 5°S to 50°N between 55°W and 125°W)
3.            Eastern Pacific (from 20°S to 40°N between 70°W and 150°W)

The NWS Unified Surface Analysis is created by merging the separate surface analysis produced by the National Hurricane Center, the Weather Prediction Center, the Ocean Prediction Center, and the Honolulu Weather Forecast Office. The total area spans from the equator northward nearly to the North Pole, from 20°E westward to 130°W. This covers the area from Europe and Central Africa westward across North and South America to East Asia.

Look closely at the section zoomed and you will see a line showing a High and Low line cutting through the middle of the state, it shows red and blue marks.  This is the leading edge of a powerful front that will push Irma to the east.  Out in the ocean you see a huge High that will keep the storm moving up the east coast trapped between the High/Low front and the High.

The same conditions have been forming the entire time Irma has been tracked by the media but if this Tropical Surface Analysis / NWS Unified Surface Analysis real time chart by NOAA was reported, we would have known the damage zone was far, far, less than reported.

Truth seems to be evasive where ever you turn.  However, give the government it’s due when appropriate, NOAA DID report the truth, the news media chose to ignore it.  As Melchizedek says, perhaps we should question the source and seek the truth.  It is time for truth.
