Monday, October 29, 2018

The 1,000-pound gorilla threatening to send the Democrat Party into "Oblivion’’ - Persecuted and Persuadable

Part 3 of 4 – Persecuted

No one holds a candle to those Democrats when it comes to managing the persecution complex of victims because they manage to exploit both sides of the persecution puzzle.
They use the persecution playbook perfectly.  First, they embrace all victims or imagined victims with enthusiasm, all kinds of victims.  Perhaps there are a few logical explanations for this.  Most lawyers are Democrats and the lawyer associations are among the most powerful and successful special interest groups in the country.

If you are a victim of social abuse, sexual abuse, medical malpractice, human trafficking, overdue student loans, legal drug addiction, opioids, and other related issues championed by the Democrats, you found a home.

Add to that the victims of discrimination, bias, bigotry, hatred, unemployed, misdiagnosed, minority birth, transgender, homosexual, lesbian, African American, Latina, Mexican, South American, well you are welcome.

All kinds of help are available to legally or illegally get you into America, make sure you get food, housing, education, driver’s licenses, social security cards, and jobs when you are here.  Then they give you sanctuary, help you be refugees, and teach you all the ways to get through hearings and other actions by us to establish legal status as refugees.
You are then expected to vote Democratic whenever you are told.

Part 4 of 4 – Persuadable

As for being persuadable, it seems to work just fine in spite of any language barriers.  You are expected to agree with the Democratic party on a number of issues, vote for the candidates you are told to support, and believe the mouthpieces for the Democrats, the Mainstream News Media.

Well I regret to inform those party leaders selling socialism and progressivism that not all those victims need you to tell them what to do, think, and say.  Since when did massive groups of mankind sharing similar abuses, fates and situations, need to rely on just one political party to be their Knight in Shining Armor?

Since when did any room full of men, or women, or teenagers, or races, young and old, agree on practically everything?  We can all think for ourselves, it was one of the promises of the new America.  We all share God-given inalienable rights and are given gifts unique to us and consistent with the Constitutional rights of individual freedom and equal opportunity.

I cannot imagine anyone would give up those rights for freedom and equal opportunity to a political party, especially since most of them or their ancestors fled political persecution or 
racial bias and bigotry to get here in the first place.

Freedom in America means no one can tell us what to do or who to support and once immigrants get here, legally or illegally, if they were sold a bill of worthless goods in the first place, they will soon discover the mistake they made.

No, I tend to believe people came here to think for themselves.  They expect political parties to offer them choices.  In fact, for many years each party offered different choices to accommodate the liberal, moderate and conservative thinkers within their party.

You see, freedom and equal opportunity are the rights you are guaranteed, but our Founding Fathers knew in order to serve the common good of the nation, compromise was the foundation for progress and success.  It was the underlying principle behind our Republic and the essential ingredient for all future survival.

We are testing the scope of compromise in the present as polarization has stymied the ability of political parties to compromise, and ego has blocked any hope to break the compromise impasse.

The result of such a condition is we remain slaves to the political party in power, at a time when no political persuasion has all the answers.  When political power is split, there can be no success without compromise.

The Mainstream News Media, as the spokespeople for the liberal or progressive causes 93% of the time (typical anti-Trump versus pro-Trump news coverage balance), have now threatened the right to all forms of freedom of expression because they have ignored their own claims of impartiality, violated their own Code of Ethics, are quite ignorant when it comes to the lessons of history and experience, and decided it is the News Media who should make news, not the politicians or people.

The collapse of faith in Mainstream News by the people has allowed the substitution of social media and news aggregators of the internet world, cable channels on television, streaming news services, blog news and of course Fake news.  Their performance has further corrupted all semblance of impartiality in news of all types and the people see right through the illusion.

CPT Twit - Albert Einstein beyond Math and Physics - What you should know!

 “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.”

Einstein and Hopi Indian 1931

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The 1,000-pound gorilla threatening to send the Democrat Party into "Oblivion’’ - Patriotism

Part 2 of 4 – Patriotism

Throughout our 242-year history Americans have consistently been one of the most patriotic nations on Earth.  Regardless of which political party controlled the Congress or the Presidency, or tried to influence the Supreme Court, the people have always supported the nation and our Constitution.

Examples of this undying patriotism must include never wavering in the face of such challenges as the War of Independence, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Great Depression, the assassination of Presidents, the 1968 Democratic Party National Convention riots, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Schizophrenia Sixties.

The sixties, probably the most destructive, divided, depressing, disgusting, and drug-driven decade in the history of the world.  For those of you who missed the lessons of the sixties, you must thank God you did.  For those who were there but seemed to have lost the years in a fog, it is a good thing to have memory loss of the sixties.

Patriotism was the fabric that carried us through those monumental challenges.  It is the core of our existence and the spirit that propelled us, as a people, to be the sole beacon of hope in a world of fear and uncertainty.  It brought us to where we are today, the only Super Power left standing.

As stated by our forefathers:

Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions”

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Pledge of Allegiance

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

As our forefathers clearly established, truths were self-evident, all were equal, all are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  And we acknowledge a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.

The Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights are the perpetual gifts of our forefathers born of divine inspiration when the colonists were prepared to go to war against the world super power, the British Empire.  The colonist’s commitment, to pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

In terms of the Democratic party there has been a shift over the past few decades as policy moved from the party that conquered religious liberty with the election of JFK in 1960, to the party today that has worked for years to discredit the founding references to God, the Creator, or Divine Providence, whichever God you so choose.

It began with the party leadership position to attack the credibility of God through the separation of Church and State argument.  First the Nativity Scenes were banned from public property, then the Ten Commandments removed from courtrooms and legislative chambers in court houses and all public buildings, while praying, religious photos or artwork, and the Cross were banned from public schools.

At times it seemed as if the Democratic party had morphed from “Moderate” under John Kennedy to liberal, then progressive, and finally the socialist party of today.

I wonder about a political system like socialism.  Whenever it wins over a nation, and has established the mindset that everyone is equal and everything belongs to all of us, then turns over control to an elite group of leaders who immediately exempt themselves from all laws, where are they going?

Then the socialists tear up the old constitution, take all the money, land and wealth from the rich and redistribute it to everyone.  Next the businesses owned by the former wealthy are nationalized by the state driving away the aristocrats who knew how to run a business and replacing them with the proletariat who had no clue.

By now critics of the government are silenced or killed off to prevent any erosion of control.  Remember that liberal news media as you continue in your blatant efforts to undermine the Constitutional Republic and replace it with socialism.  Do whatever it takes to provide cradle to grave goodies to the people.

Where does that leave us?

We just squandered all the wealth, confiscated then corrupted before destroying all businesses, and promised the people all sorts of very expensive goodies, i.e., jobs, wages, housing, food, safety, health care and layers upon layers of bureaucratic rules and regulations to make sure no one could ever take away all those goodies from you.

They forgot to mention their House of Cards lacked foundation so when it started to fail, they let it go bankrupt and poof, the well runs dry.  The people, left with nothing, begin to awaken to the lies, illusions, and deceptions they once embraced.  But no one and nothing is left to save them.

Attacks on God are attacks on patriotism.

So is kneeling down during the national anthem in protest while insulting the sacred nature of the Flag, an action embraced by the Democrats of today.

Our forefathers clearly recognized only one kingdom we were beholden to, the Kingdom of God.  We are the human side of God’s Kingdom, his creation on Earth.  But God is not a religion, it is a divine presence that oversees all of creation.  The Creator belongs to no one group of humans but all humans, no religion or race but all religions and races.

The Democrats seem to be at war with God and the teachings of His or Her Son, in spite of the distinction that we pledge to live under divine law and influence.  To ignore it is to also lose all honor.

Is it so easy to cast aside founding principles like being endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  And we acknowledge a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.
Add to the unpatriotic image of the Democrats, efforts to replace constitutional law with rules and regulations, or replace them with “administrative law” rulings from the Supreme Court.

Attacks on the Supreme Court, challenges to the laws of the Constitution including illegal immigration, universal health care, gun control, expansion of abortions even impeachment of the president for no viable cause, all put the Democrats at odds with the Constitution.

There is the rioting, protests, flag burning, screaming in congress, accosting people in public places, violating people's privacy, and an endless stream of fake news, distortions and downright nasty activities.

On most social issues the people are pretty evenly split, nearly 50-50.  Advocating one position over the other loses 50% support immediately.  People who label themselves “progressive” total just 8% of the electorate, yet the vast majority of Democratic party positions are far left progressive.

Even the liberal or moderate Democrats are caught at cross purposes from the party leadership.  Add to them the Independents who already left the two political parties because they were disgusted with platforms and tactics, and you have a foundation, well you have a House of Cards waiting for the first wind to come along and destroy it.

It seems as if the Democratic party made a conscious decision to embrace radical ideas over common sense, resistance over negotiation and compromise, attacks over hope and character assassination over helping all Americans.  Patriotism is not relevant to the party of today, but might not be forgotten by those the DNC are trying to brainwash.