Showing posts with label Susana Martinez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susana Martinez. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Super Primary Tuesday - Winners and Losers - The People Speak Out


No matter what the media and political pundits in Washington and New York have to say about it, the Tuesday Super Primary began the age of women in American politics. Ever since the Coltons Point Times launched a campaign last fall to turn America over to women since men seemed to have made quite a mess of things, we have been waiting to get confirmation from the people that they agree.

Last night America made a giant step forward with six major races featuring women winners, five Republican and one Democrat, and most running against the establishment and even away from the two political parties.


NIKKI HALEY, a few weeks ago unknown in her own state of South Carolina, got a huge boost from Sarah Palin and rode the Palin - Tea Party wave to a stunning 2-1 victory. Nikki is the first Indian American woman to have a chance to make history and be a governor in South Carolina and the fact she is a Republican means she will finally get the major party support she deserves.

Haley faced the nastiest smear campaign in politics this year and no one could sum it up better. In her victory talk she mentioned "we faced the Dark Side of politics and won!" The Dark Side has no place in politics and maybe this race will help drive it out.

SUSANA MARTINEZ, the first female Hispanic Republican candidate for Governor of New Mexico also won the nomination handily and could join a surge of Republican minority candidates in the fall election.

CARLY FIORINA, Republican candidate for US Senate is a multi-millionaire and one of only four candidates receiving Sarah Palin's endorsement. Carly is one of the two California CEO females who have a great shot at ending the Democrat control of US Senate seats. She also had an endorsement from Sarah Palin.

MEG WHITMAN, CEO billionaire won the Republican nomination to become the first female Governor from California.

SHARRON ANGLE won nomination for US Senate from Nevada and will bring the Tea Party muscle into the race against Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.

BLANCHE LINCOLN overcame a withering $10 million assault from organized labor and with the help of Bill Clinton surprised many pundits by winning the Democratic nomination for her own seat.

TERRY BRANSTAD, former Governor of Iowa won the right to challenge the incumbent governor in the fall election. Branstad also received the endorsement of Sarah Palin.

SARAH PALIN endorsed four candidates yesterday and three won while the fourth, yet another long shot, lost by only 1000 votes. Try as they might the liberal media still cannot understand why Palin is the greatest fundraiser in the nation this year and one of the most dynamic draws for huge crowds.

BILL CLINTON came to the aid of Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas when the unions were spending $10 million to defeat her and with his help she won. It shows that Clinton remains the best politician in the Democratic party and that he can help people when Obama is afraid to get involved in campaigns.

MICHAEL STEELE, the Republican party spokesperson, has overcome a series of controversial statements and actions to help position the Republican party for huge gains in the fall elections. While the liberal media has been working overtime to damage the credibility of the GOP spokesperson, his slate of candidates for the fall could make history.


President Barack Obama who was not involved in a single campaign on Super Tuesday and sat on the sidelines as a formidable field of GOP candidates emerged.

Labor union leaders who wasted $10 million in union contributions trying to defeat Democratic candidate Blanche Lincoln because she was too moderate, not liberal enough. It was a waste of $10 million the Democrats will need in the fall election to avoid a Republican landslide.

Liberal Media who still fail to see the real threat to incumbents as the people continue to purge the national government of incumbents involved in the old game of politics as usual. The denial of the media regarding the power of Palin and the anger of the public toward politicians continues to result in quite slanted reporting on the mood of America.

The national Democrat and Republican parties both lost some power as the people refused to follow the calls of the party leaders to support their slate of candidates.

If you want to see an interesting article with pictures summarizing the primary you should visit the Coltons Point Times by copying and pasting the following election recap,

where our campaign for women to take over America continues.
