Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2010

Nation's Capitol Hit by Largest Earthquake Ever as Sarah Palin surges in Poll to tie Obama


The largest earthquake ever recorded within 30 miles of Washington, D.C. rattled the capital early Friday just as a Public Policy Poll was released showing Sarah Palin has now tied Obama for the first time in a head to head match up for 2012 with each receiving 46% of the vote.

This poll by a Democrat leaning organization showed all major GOP candidates tied or ahead of Obama as storm clouds on the election horizon continue to overshadow any achievements touted by the White House. It is not a good omen for the 2010 midterm elections as the Democrats tied to Obama are in danger of losing heavily, perhaps even losing control of the House and Senate.

As for the Palin quake, it hit at 5:04 a.m. ET with a magnitude of 3.6, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was centered near Rockville, Md., the USGS National Earthquake Information Center said. NBC News reported that the quake was felt in the D.C.-area, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Amy Vaughn, a spokesperson for USGS, told WRC-TV that the quake was the largest recorded within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Washington since a database was created in 1974.

In terms of the Public Policy Poll, the organization said every Republican candidate we polled this month saw a peak in favorability. In individual match ups the gap closed between Obama and his potential Republican competitors this month. This is the first month since we began polling on the 2012 election that Obama is behind or tied with a majority of the Republican candidates.

According to the poll, Obama "trails Mitt Romney 46-43, Mike Huckabee 47-45, Newt Gingrich 46-45, and is even tied with Sarah Palin at 46.

In yet another polling triumph Sarah Palin gave more reason for liberals to have a stress test as she was in first place among GOP candidates for President in her favorable rating at 76%, higher than those for Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Bobby Jindal. See the following Gallup Poll.

July 16, 2010

Palin's 76% Favorable Among Republicans Tops Others in GOP

PRINCETON, NJ -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the best known and most positively rated of five possible contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Her 76% favorable rating among Republicans is higher than those for Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Bobby Jindal.

Even more bad news. Among all voters in the US Palin continues to lead all Republican candidates in favorable rating and is tied with the Obama favorable ratings.

Frank Newport of Gallup says Palin has the strongest name identification and positives among Republicans at this juncture. Only 4% say they don't know enough about her to have an opinion, and, by more than 3-to-1, those opinions are positive rather than negative.

While it is early, way too early to project election impact in 2012, her position at the top of the charts for both Republican voters and the public at large is quite amazing.

With the national media suddenly realizing she continues to be a thorn in the side of Obama in spite of the fact she has never run for president, is not a candidate for any office and is not even a public office holder gives credibility to the Tea Party movement and the Palin appeal.

Stay tuned for more intensive efforts to trash Pain by the old boys network and the liberal left. Maybe one day the left will report on just Palin and her policy instead of every bit of trivia trash about her and her family they can manufacture or find no matter what the cost. Then the people can judge her fairly.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obama Silent as NAACP Sparks Polarization and Sarah Palin says Let's End Divisive Language


The NAACP called the Tea Party racists in order to bring attention to their fading image and only Sarah Palin among all the politicians in America including President Obama called for an end to such divisive language by the Civil Rights group and all other groups in America.

Ironically, only the outsider Palin spoke up for the people of America and the cause of ending the legacy of racism which Ronald Reagan first championed. It seems the Democrats and Republicans currently in office were content to let the ridiculous charges by the NAACP go unchallenged. Perhaps they want the polarization as their silence would indicate but their failure to join Palin and calling for an end to it along with the media efforts to imply this is Palin speaking only for the Tea Party when she is truly speaking for any fair minded American shows weakness by politicians, not strength.

Since the media will only focus on sound bites I am presenting Sarah Palin's entire message which the news media will not give you because they are not about to do anything to show that her understanding and compassion reflects the mood of America. How long they will continue to favor the beltway view of America and not the Main Street reality is not known, but sharing the entire context of what she said will allow you to understand.

Sarah Palin's Facebook Statement:

The Charge of Racism: It’s Time to Bury the Divisive Politics of the Past

I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.” The charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand.

President Reagan called America’s past racism “a legacy of evil” against which we have seen the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights. He condemned any sort of racism, as all good and decent people do today. He also called it a “point of pride for all Americans” that as a nation, we have successfully struggled to overcome this evil. Reagan rightly declared that “there is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country,” and he warned that we must never go back to the racism of our past.

His words rang especially true in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 presidential election. It seemed that with the election of our first black president, our country had become a new “post-racial” society. As one writer in the Washington Post stated: “[Barack Obama’s] election isn’t just about a black president. It’s about a new America. The days of confrontational identity politics have come to an end.”

We, as a united people, applauded that sentiment. We were proud of that progress. That’s why it is so sad to see that 18 months later, the NAACP is once again using the divisive language of the past to unfairly accuse the Tea Party movement of harboring “racist elements.”

Having been on the receiving end of a similar spurious charge of racism (in a recent frivolous lawsuit which was finally dismissed by a federal judge), I know how Tea Party Americans feel to be falsely accused. To be unjustly accused of association with what Reagan so aptly called that “legacy of evil” is a traumatizing experience, and one of which the honest, freedom-loving patriots of the Tea Party movement are truly undeserving.

On this subject, I can recommend the statement issued by a man I was proud to endorse, Tim Scott, the GOP candidate from South Carolina’s First Congressional District. Tim, poised to become the first African-American Republican Congressman from the former Confederacy since Reconstruction, is himself a sign of a hopeful, truly post-racial future for our country. It gives added meaning to his warning that “the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference.”

The only purpose of such an unfair accusation of racism is to dissuade good Americans from joining the Tea Party movement or listening to the common sense message of Tea Party Americans who simply want government to abide by our Constitution, live within its means, and not borrow and spend away our children’s futures. Red and yellow, black and white, this message is precious in all our sights. All decent Americans abhor racism. No one wants to be associated with any organization that is in any way racist in sentiment or origin. I certainly don’t want to be. Thankfully, the Tea Party movement is not racist or motivated by racism. It is motivated by love of country and all that is good and honest about our proud and diverse nation.

Like President Reagan, Tea Party Americans believe that “the glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past.” Isn’t it time we put aside the divisive politics of the past once and for all and celebrate the fact that neither race nor gender is any longer a barrier to achieving success in America – even in achieving the highest office in the land?

I just spent a few beautiful Alaskan days with some beautiful Americans in my husband’s birthplace – they are Todd’s family and they are Yupik Eskimo. In the decades that our families have blended, I have never heard one proud, patriotic member judge another member based on skin color. Both Todd and I were raised to measure a person according to their capacity and willingness to love, work, forgive, contribute, and show good character. We’re joined by the vast majority of Americans in this belief whereby we measure a man by his character, not his color. Because of amazing efforts and accomplishments by those who came before my generation, it is foreign to us to consider condemning or condoning anyone’s actions based on race or gender. Being with our diverse family in a melting pot that is a Native village just days ago reminded me of that.

So to leave that remote village and return back to “modern civilization” only to hear of the NAACP’s resolution today suggesting that we Tea Party Americans don’t respect equality makes me sad for those who choose to divide these great United States. It is time to end the divisive politics.

-- Sarah Palin


Friday, July 09, 2010

Obama's still got the Wailin' Palin Blues as the Polls Show Sarah has Caught Him Again!


If you listened to mainstream media you would think Sarah Palin is the pariah of the midterm elections and that the Tea Party is almost non-existent. Yet when Sarah has endorsed and campaigned for a candidate her picks just keep winning, especially female candidates. The political pundits seem to be surprised to learn the people out on Main Street America believe no Washington politician is a good politician. They even seem surprised that Palin will endorse candidates though her pick is often at odds with the Republican party favorite.

It is almost as if the media and Obama believe the sun rises and sets on our two political parties, though polls show both have no credibility to the voters. Time and again in this election cycle the people have gone against one or both parties to elect or nominate underdogs, in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, South Carolina, and other races. Still the Washington political elite don't get it.

People are fed up with politicians, with spending, with deficits, with campaign funds, with conflicts of interest, with Obama blaming Bush for everything, and with all the self-serving actions being taken in Congress. Of course the experts can spin away all the bad news as long as the people are not paying attention, but when they do look out!

That is where Obama, the Obama gang from Chicago, the Washington politicians, the political party machines and the special interests who control our nation's capitol are failing to hear the people. And that is where Sarah Palin has staked her claim as a spokesperson for the disenfranchised and silent majority of Americans.

If Palin was insignificant on the national political scene as Obama, the Democrats and the liberal media try to prove, why do they spend more time commenting about or covering Sarah than any other politician except Obama? She isn't even holding office or a party leadership position.

Not a day goes by that the liberal media doesn't try to make Palin look bad going so far as to induce her son-in-law to tell lies about the Palin family which he recently admitted. Whenever any poll that shows Palin in a negative light comes out it is shouted from the media castles in NYC to Washington, DC to further prove she is not a legitimate factor in this election year.

To her credit, Sarah Palin, a journalism graduate from college, knows better than to debate the politicians in our capitol. She takes her message straight to the people on Main Street America and in spite of what the media and Obama gang say, Obama is still wailin' about Palin.

While the liberals continue to downplay her successes, undermine her credibility and dismiss her influence, Sarah continues to raise more money than any other non-office holder in either party, help more candidates than Obama, and endear herself to middle America stronger by the day.

You never hear the media, Democrats or Obama administration talk about anything good Palin has done or said, even though Obama himself, a serious Palin basher, has stolen some of her proposals and policies for implementation. But the real truth is in the polling numbers from Main Street America.

Right now in national polls Palin and Obama have almost identical poll numbers. Obama's favorable rating has slipped 19 percentage points in the past year while Palin's have consistently gone up. Most recent polls show Obama with a 43-44% favorable rating while VP Biden has a 26% favorable rating. Sarah Palin has a 40-41% favorable rating as a political figure and she doesn't even hold a political office and is not running for anything right now.

On the negative side Obama and Biden have 48% disapproval, their highest negative numbers since being elected. Palin has about 50-51% negative which means Obama, Biden and Palin all are within the margin of error for the polls so they are virtually tied.

What has Obama wailin' about Palin is the public opinion on the issues and policies. Palin opposes Obama on the Arizona Immigration law and the federal efforts to block enforcement of the law. Most recent national polls show 61% of the public support Arizona's law while 56% of the public oppose Obama's efforts to block the law. Palin stands with Main Street America, Obama does not.

In issue after issue Palin agrees with the national mood of the electorate whether it is offshore oil drilling, a drilling moratorium, opposition to bailouts and stimulus, balancing the national budget, eliminating the national debt, creating a sensible comprehensive energy policy, even health care reform, yet the media tries to paint her as far outside the mainstream of American politics. They are fools.

Sarah Palin knows the pulse of America and is the only person fighting for the people against the political establishment and media manipulators. She could care less what Obama and his minions have to say because they are totally disconnected from the American public. There is no way intellectual and academic elitists like Obama will ever understand the electorate because they will always believe they know what is best for the people and the people are not smart enough to figure things out for themselves.

Arrogance and ego are the biggest sins a politician can commit and Obama has demonstrated over and over these are lessons he does not understand. Palin, who worked her way up from local government to state government as a chief executive and held her own in the national spotlight, has now demonstrated it is she, not Obama, who speak for the people.

Her self-deprecating sense of humor, being able to laugh at herself and all the vicious rumors, has won over more and more people along the way. She is a mother, has a son who served in Iraq, is a patriot yet defends our right to bear arms, hunt and fish, and exercise our Constitutional freedoms. She has a handicapped child, has faced the same problems as us as a parent, and lived under the floodlights of the national media in a fish bowl with no complaints.

As liberals thought she was dead and buried over and over again Palin ignored them and put herself in the national spotlight by championing Main Street America. While Obama relies on Wall Street and a host of special interests to keep the campaign cash flowing Palin is raising far more money from the people to stop the influence of Wall Street and special interests who are being protected by Obama and Congress.

Obama was obsessed with the spotlight given to Palin during the presidential campaign spending as much time and attention running against her as he spent against his opponent McCain. Since being elected and since she resigned as governor he continues to be obsessed with Palin. His obsession has cost him nearly a quarter of his personal popularity while at the same time Palin has gained more than a quarter in popularity in spite of the attacks by the liberal media and Obama gang.

With four months until the election, she has chalked up victory after victory while Obama has lost the major races noted previously and is stunned that many Democrats don't even want him to campaign in their states. Oh yes, Obama's got the Wailin' Palin Blues and it may be time to bring the song back as written and performed by the John Galt Band and update it for the new election cycle. It goes something like this:

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sarah Palin Tells Her Story about Mama Grizzlies


As if fading polls and more endangered candidates along with the economy in a wobbling mode, two wars building up the debt, a BP oil spill that may impact the USA for years to come, and a recent attack by the president on the State of Arizona new immigration law, what more could go wrong for Obama?

How about Sarah Palin coming on hard and strong leading her endorsed candidates to stunning surges in the polls? Now Palin has her own video telling her own story about the Momma Grizzlies and how women are needed in government.

Double click on the video to get full screen.

Even the liberal media are nervous about the power of her new video and are not about to take the usual cheap shots at Palin. After all this time they finally see her as a viable political force on the American scene, something voters knew long ago.

Watch for Palin to become more and more of a force in politics and for less and less nasty stories and smear campaigns against her. Palin has tapped into the concerns of disenfranchised voters and struck a nerve. Now she will really be heard.


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Super Primary Tuesday - Winners and Losers - The People Speak Out


No matter what the media and political pundits in Washington and New York have to say about it, the Tuesday Super Primary began the age of women in American politics. Ever since the Coltons Point Times launched a campaign last fall to turn America over to women since men seemed to have made quite a mess of things, we have been waiting to get confirmation from the people that they agree.

Last night America made a giant step forward with six major races featuring women winners, five Republican and one Democrat, and most running against the establishment and even away from the two political parties.


NIKKI HALEY, a few weeks ago unknown in her own state of South Carolina, got a huge boost from Sarah Palin and rode the Palin - Tea Party wave to a stunning 2-1 victory. Nikki is the first Indian American woman to have a chance to make history and be a governor in South Carolina and the fact she is a Republican means she will finally get the major party support she deserves.

Haley faced the nastiest smear campaign in politics this year and no one could sum it up better. In her victory talk she mentioned "we faced the Dark Side of politics and won!" The Dark Side has no place in politics and maybe this race will help drive it out.

SUSANA MARTINEZ, the first female Hispanic Republican candidate for Governor of New Mexico also won the nomination handily and could join a surge of Republican minority candidates in the fall election.

CARLY FIORINA, Republican candidate for US Senate is a multi-millionaire and one of only four candidates receiving Sarah Palin's endorsement. Carly is one of the two California CEO females who have a great shot at ending the Democrat control of US Senate seats. She also had an endorsement from Sarah Palin.

MEG WHITMAN, CEO billionaire won the Republican nomination to become the first female Governor from California.

SHARRON ANGLE won nomination for US Senate from Nevada and will bring the Tea Party muscle into the race against Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.

BLANCHE LINCOLN overcame a withering $10 million assault from organized labor and with the help of Bill Clinton surprised many pundits by winning the Democratic nomination for her own seat.

TERRY BRANSTAD, former Governor of Iowa won the right to challenge the incumbent governor in the fall election. Branstad also received the endorsement of Sarah Palin.

SARAH PALIN endorsed four candidates yesterday and three won while the fourth, yet another long shot, lost by only 1000 votes. Try as they might the liberal media still cannot understand why Palin is the greatest fundraiser in the nation this year and one of the most dynamic draws for huge crowds.

BILL CLINTON came to the aid of Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas when the unions were spending $10 million to defeat her and with his help she won. It shows that Clinton remains the best politician in the Democratic party and that he can help people when Obama is afraid to get involved in campaigns.

MICHAEL STEELE, the Republican party spokesperson, has overcome a series of controversial statements and actions to help position the Republican party for huge gains in the fall elections. While the liberal media has been working overtime to damage the credibility of the GOP spokesperson, his slate of candidates for the fall could make history.


President Barack Obama who was not involved in a single campaign on Super Tuesday and sat on the sidelines as a formidable field of GOP candidates emerged.

Labor union leaders who wasted $10 million in union contributions trying to defeat Democratic candidate Blanche Lincoln because she was too moderate, not liberal enough. It was a waste of $10 million the Democrats will need in the fall election to avoid a Republican landslide.

Liberal Media who still fail to see the real threat to incumbents as the people continue to purge the national government of incumbents involved in the old game of politics as usual. The denial of the media regarding the power of Palin and the anger of the public toward politicians continues to result in quite slanted reporting on the mood of America.

The national Democrat and Republican parties both lost some power as the people refused to follow the calls of the party leaders to support their slate of candidates.

If you want to see an interesting article with pictures summarizing the primary you should visit the Coltons Point Times by copying and pasting the following election recap,

where our campaign for women to take over America continues.


Super Tuesday Election Results


Helen Reddy singing 2010 campaign theme song.

Could it be the dawning of a new age in America? An age a long time in coming and long overdue?

Super Tuesday primary day saw America take a giant leap forward toward Women taking over America and it is long overdue. Since the Coltons Point Time said last fall that it was time we turn the nation over to women, I mean look at the mess the good old boys got us into, the voters have spoken.

Republicans led the way and believe it or not, Republican women, not the liberal Democrats, include a Native American and Hispanic woman both hoping to become the first of their culture to be governors.

Nikki Haley - First Indian American Republican - Governor South Carolina

Susana Martinez - Hispanic Republican - Governor New Mexico

Meg Whitman - Billionaire CEO Republican - Governor California

Carly Fiorina - Millionaire CEO Republican - California US Senate

Sharron Angle - Republican - Nevada US Senator

Blanche Lincoln - Incumbent Democrat - Arkansas US Senate

Sarah Palin - Helped bring about the avalanche of female Republican candidates.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Welcome to the Big Leagues Rand Paul - Just ask Sarah Palin for Media Advice


Newly nominated Senate candidate Rand Paul, a threat to everything the Administration and left liberals stand for if he gets elected this fall, had not basked in the glory of a stunning primary victory for 48 hours before the propaganda arm of the Obama left and Democrats, PBS and MSNBC, began the task of trapping and discrediting the political neophyte.

It was done with surgical precision in a one-two punch by PBS, followed by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC that left the rookie staggering. Much like his father Congressman Ron Paul, who has been a master of communications with our youth and general public but is denied access to much of the national media, Rand Paul takes a rather cerebral approach to news conferences. He actually tries to give an in depth insight into his views and philosophy on issues.

Well the left liberals educated him on why the national media has lost the confidence of the public as they took his words, reinterpreted what he said, and incited national media hysteria over whether he was for or was against the 1960's civil rights act. A little deft editing and the Democratic pit bulls were cut loose trying to force him out of the election before the final primary votes had been counted.

In less than 24 hours he was back trying to do damage control and again he demonstrated he is not quite ready for prime time by trying to explain his position in a reasoned way. Wake up Rand, today's media can only be controlled with sound bites and video clips. Give them 5-10 seconds of senseless patter that keeps you out of trouble and don't get seduced into thinking you can walk right into the liberal lion's nest and be treated with anything but the scorn and fear they have for you.

Now Paul is a fresh face and I have been involved in many political campaigns including running US Senate races and never have I seen such a stupid job by his communications advisors. He should fire his entire communications staff and bring in the pros who can prepare him for the massive scrutiny that he will face throughout the rest of the campaign.

To think that PBS and MSNBC, the national masters of media manipulation and the propaganda machine for the left guard, would give a conservative libertarian a fair interview is just plain stupid. Whoever let him schedule the interviews with the gotcha networks, yes they advertise that they will find a way to smear anyone who does not agree with them, should be replaced as well.

Rand should stay off the air until he gets the right advisors and schedulers and is properly prepped before facing the lions again. He may strike a nerve with the public, but the media is his enemy and he cannot forget it. They have the power to twist your words into anything they believe will hurt your chances to get elected.

Ask Obama who watched the media, who were in his back pocket when he was elected, turn on him. Better yet, ask the most prominent victim of media manipulation in America and one of your first major supporters Sarah Palin what kind of fair break you will receive from the silver screen mouthpieces. She was a trained journalist and proven communicator and look what happened.

Keep your campaign with the people, not the media. Get experienced and good communications and scheduling advisors. And keep your campaign focused on the people of Kentucky and today, not some 1960's law that has nothing to do with the problems America faces today. Lick your wounds and move on, don't keep trying to educate a media that has no interest in telling your story.

We need your independent voice in the Senate. Keep independent of the liberal media and you have a chance. The people of Kentucky deserve no less.


Friday, April 09, 2010

South Side Chicago Obama at Sarah Palin's Tea Party - He Just Keeps Her in the Spotlight


Sounding more like a South Side Chicago bully who has been put down by a girl, President Obama once again lost his presidential cool and blasted Sarah Palin for questioning what he considers to be good for the nation.

Before the ink was even dry on his nuclear agreement with Russia and before he had a chance to leave Prague and return to America the President was on the defensive from across the world blasting Palin for questioning his nuclear energy and offshore drilling policies announced just days earlier.

Unfortunately for Obama, this lady just won't go away and each time she speaks up there are thousands of people cheering her on and a national television audience fueled by both sides of the media, the liberal haters and conservative lovers. Sarah invited Obama to a tea party and he should have stayed away.

After Obama made overtures toward the Republicans by endorsing nuclear energy and seeming to endorse the Palin "drill baby drill" oil and gas policy, Palin brought a little bit of reality to his moves by dissecting the real meaning of his "new initiatives".

She said the Obama nuclear policy would take decades to implement because it takes nearly ten years just to approve one nuclear reactor. As a tool to help American energy independence, she called it everything but a fraud. The overwhelming cost and environmental regulations facing any new reactor will insure it is far into the future, much too far to help with American energy independence now.

As for his adoption of the patented Palin "drill baby drill" policy, she pointed out that he removed more known oil fields from production than added new areas for drilling. Then she noted he was going to delay the drilling licenses until 2012, giving the radical conservation groups an extended amount of time to launch legal challenges to slow down the licensing and increase the costs to Americans.

"I really have no response," Obama told ABC News. "Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues."

The interview occurred Thursday in Prague, where Obama signed a treaty with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that orders both nations to shrink their nuclear arsenals. That deal that must still be ratified by the Russian parliament and the U.S. Senate.

Palin was referring to another development on the nuclear front this week, a rewriting of American nuclear strategy.

Among many other elements of that new plan, the U.S. makes plain that if a non-nuclear nation is in compliance with an international nonproliferation treaty, the United States will not threaten or use nuclear weapons against it.

If such a state were to use chemical or biological weapons against the U.S. or its allies, it would face a potentially devastating conventional military strike by the U.S., but not a nuclear one.

North Korea and Iran were not included in that pledge because they do not cooperate with other countries on nonproliferation standards.

"It's unbelievable. Unbelievable," Palin told Fox News on Wednesday. "No administration in America's history would, I think, ever have considered such a step that we just found out President Obama is supporting today."

Asked about that criticism from Palin and other Republicans, Obama said: "If the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin."

Unlike the Democrats in Congress who cowed to the power of the president, Sarah Palin is not going to just sit back and take it from the White House. After his remarks got wide play in the liberal media Palin was in New Orleans today at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and cut loose with both barrels to resounding applause and ovations from the several thousand attending the event.

Palin shot back in her comments Friday, mocking the president for "the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer." She said that his alleged experience had not helped him make progress in the issue with Iran and North Korea.

Palin was greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm by the delegates here, who entered the hall to find Alaskan caribou jerky waiting on their seats. Hundreds of flashbulbs went off when Palin came onstage, and standing ovations and chants of "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" broke out throughout her remarks.

Palin, a potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate, said the Obama doctrine involved "coddling enemies and alienating allies," attacking the administration for its handling of Israel, Iran and North Korea. She criticized the administration for its "yes we can spread the wealth around" attitude and said its programs, which she said took money from future generations, involved what "a lot of us" consider "stealing."

She suggested alternatives to the Obama administration's "Yes we can" slogan, among them "repeal and replace," in reference to the health care bill, and "don't retreat, reload," which prompted a standing ovation.

Palin said "don't retreat, reload," was "not a call for violence," despite what Democrats and members of the media have suggested. She said the media is "so desperate to discredit the people's movement, the tea party movement" that they make up such claims.

Later, after saying the word "shoot," she quipped, "I said shoot, I'm sorry," prompting laughter from the crowd.

Palin said that too many in Washington see money as free, referencing the stimulus package passed by the Obama administration. She quoted Bill Clinton's comment about then-candidate Obama during the presidential campaign, stating in a deep voice, "If this ain't the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen."

On energy policy, she said "the left has waged a multi-front war on conventional resources." Palin dismissed the president's decision to open up some offshore areas for drilling, saying, "they banned more offshore drilling than they allowed." She said the administration had purposely built a delay into opening the areas "to give environmentalists more time to sue."

"Let's drill, baby, drill, not stall, baby, stall," said Palin.

And the debate between the president and citizen Sarah goes on.
