Showing posts with label Roger Goodell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roger Goodell. Show all posts

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Tom Brady Wins - Roger Goodell Deflated in NFL Deflategate Case - Federal Judge lets air out of NFL Commissioner's Balls


After six trips to the Super Bowl, four Super Bowl championships, and three Super Bowl MVPs, Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots, may have won his biggest game yet, beating NFL Czar Roger Goodell in the U.S.  District Court of Judge Richard Sherman.

The Judge threw out the four game suspension Goodell gave Brady for involvement in the deflation of footballs in the league championship game last year.  It was an embarrassing setback for the $44 million per year Commissioner.

In the course of the court action it became clear the judge did not like the NFL position of not warning players of the consequence of the action, having no basis for the four game suspension, for refusing to allow Brady's lawyers access to the Investigator for the NFL, and a number of other issues.

Multiple efforts to settle the case were made before the season begins next week but the NFL refused to agree to any changes in arbitration.  In fact, it was the NFL under Goodell, that took the case to court.

The power of the Commissioner and the NFL itself was under the microscope and both lost a lot of credibility in the process.  Unfortunately, there is a high probability the NFL will appeal the ruling to protect their privileged status in the American system.

In the meantime, Brady can breathe a sigh of relief.
