Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton poll collapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton poll collapse. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2016

Hillary finishes greatest poll crash in presidential history - Sunday the margin hit 1%!


The astonishing poll collapse of the Hillary Clinton campaign in the ABC News Washington Post tracking survey dropped to a single digit lead Sunday, a change of 11 points in one week.  Her is what the Washington Post had to say in explaining the amazing fall.

Post-ABC poll finds tight presidential race, with mixed reaction to FBI’s review of Clinton’s emails

"Republicans' growing unity behind their presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has helped pull him just 1 percentage point behind Hillary Clinton and has placed GOP leaders who resist him in a vulnerable position, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News Tracking Poll."

According to the Post they explain the collapse in the following way.

"Greater Republican unity has buoyed Trump's rising support, which has wavered throughout the year. Trump's 87 percent support among self-identified Republicans, ticking up from 83 percent last week, nearly matches Clinton's 88 percent support among Democrats. Independents also have moved sharply in Trump's direction, from favoring Clinton by eight points one week ago to backing Trump by 19 points."
