Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – North Korea – Hatred – World War III – Truth


Are we spiraling toward World War III?

As the reckless missile and hydrogen bomb tests continue by North Korea and the war of words between President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-Un magnifies the tension, the news media would have it that we are on the brink of World War III and any day we might find ourselves overcome by clouds of radiation and killed.

Well Melchizedek has had a few words of wisdom about that and his explanation is quite different.  Several months ago, he said tension between the US and North Korea would begin to spiral out-of-control and the media would strike fear in the people when they started to make references to World War III.

Perhaps such an effect would fall on deaf ears for those too young to have experienced the impact of World War II and the Cold War aftermath, but believe it or not, though the Madison Avenue marketers may have forgotten about us, we are still here.

For all intents and purposes Baby Boomers and Millennials are tied in numbers, yet Boomers control more than 50% of all wealth in America.  In 2030 when Boomers are just 17 million they will still control 45% of all wealth.

We know of the ravages of war, the wars that were never won, and the effect of tens of thousands of deaths of our brothers, friends, and neighbors.  We also know of the damage wars can cause to our national psyche.  Yes, the media are causing fear with reports of potential catastrophic deaths in South Korea and to American troops stationed at the Korean border.

Melchizedek reminds us that fear breeds more fear and collective fear manifests into reality.  Then he mentions a few other factors we may never have considered. 

Perhaps the greatest Creation in all of Creation is the amazing planet Earth we call home.  This vessel has provided all of our needs for billions of years from health to housing, food to warmth.  What have we done in return?

We test nuclear weapons, in the air and underground.  We even drop a couple on Japan, and continue to test nuclear weapons long after a test ban agreement was adopted.  In fact, according to the Arms Control Association, since the first nuclear test explosion on July 16, 1945, at least eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear test explosions, at dozens of test sites.  These sites are all over the globe from Lop Nor in China, to the atolls of the Pacific, to Nevada, to Algeria where France conducted its first nuclear device, to western Australia where the U.K. exploded nuclear weapons, the South Atlantic, to Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, across Russia, and elsewhere.

Conveniently, most of the test sites are in the lands of indigenous peoples and far from the capitals of the testing governments. A large number of the early tests—528—were detonated in the atmosphere, which spread radioactive materials through the atmosphere which eventually fell to earth.  Many underground nuclear blasts have also vented radioactive material into the atmosphere and left radioactive contamination in the soil.  What about the massive amounts of radiation blown deep into the bowels of the earth through nearly 1,500 explosions?

According to Melchizedek, our scientists have been completely wrong in trying to calculate the impact of humankind on climate change and global warming.  Mining coal, oil, and uranium among other things has certainly been a lousy way to treat Mother Earth, but it is nothing compared to the devastating impact over 2,000 nuclear bombs have caused over the years.

As the radiation made its way down through the various layers from crust to hot mantles to molten core, stop right there.  There is no known answer for what lies below the surface of the earth and we are constantly discovering new things, like oceans of water hundreds of miles down.

Truth is we have no idea what is under us, how it functions, and how it might be influenced by super-heated bombs and deadly radiation.  How can we honestly make any claims about climate change when we do not even know what is going on under the very surface we walk upon.  Add to that what happens to all the hot and molten layers of sub-surface when exposed to radiation for decades.

The nuclear bomb category includes the first atomic bombs dropped on Japan.  Resulting temperatures can reach 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit of molten lava under the earth.

Hydrogen bombs require 20 million degrees Fahrenheit just to generate the hydrogen reaction within the bomb.  In addition, there is the destructive power as the hydrogen bomb can be 1,000 times stronger than the atomic bomb.

We have not factored this astounding destructive effect of the 2,056 nuclear and hydrogen bomb explosions into our climate control and global warming analysis.  Melchizedek says the increase in our temperature and global warming effect is a result of the radiation seeking its way to the core of the earth where the temperature is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

What we are experiencing, as we face and will continue to face the wrath of Mother Nature, is the cleansing of the Earth of the effects of our testing of nuclear weapons. If we are not prepared to protect our Earth, this miraculous living spirit was created to take care of itself.

Natural storms doing unnatural things are the result, until the damage has been repaired.  We can count on it taking at least another 6-12 months.  What better way to reduce the aching impact of the poison we have driven into the very core, or heart, of our host and protector, the Earth.

However, the years of damage and abuse will require a year of super storms, followed by several years of occasional super storms, before the healing will be complete.  It would not have been necessary if we did not set off the 2,056 nuclear bombs.

In 1996, negotiations on a global Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) were concluded and the treaty was opened for signature on September 24, 1996. The CTBT, which prohibits "any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion" and established an international test monitoring and verification system, has not yet entered into force.

Here are the nuclear nations of the world and the number of nuclear bomb blasts they contributed to the destruction of Earth.

United States (1,030)

USSR/Russia (715 tests)

United Kingdom (45 tests)

France (210 tests)

China (45 tests)

India (3 tests)
Not a CTBT signatory.

Not a CTBT signatory.

North Korea (6 tests)
Not a CTBT signatory.

Israel (?)
Not a CTBT signatory.  Secret but estimated between 75 and 400 nuclear warheads.

Our actions today are not the cause of the unnatural natural disasters we face. With the exception of North Korea, they are the consequences for what we have done. Earth will make the necessary repairs using the gifts given to the Earth at Creation.  That is what Melchizedek says we are experiencing.

As for the eventual consequences of the North Korean threat, if they do not come to the understanding that the tests are causing the unstable and greatly increased intensity of the natural storms, they will be destroyed by earthquakes, not the USA, before World War III begins.

Melchizedek says North Korea likely will fire a H-Bomb toward the US that will explode and contaminate the Pacific Ocean with radiation.  Earth will respond with earthquakes that will destroy North Korea.

Remember, the half-life of the residue from the bombs tells how long the land will be useless.  The Hiroshima bomb used Uranium-235, while the Nagasaki bomb used Plutonium-239.  The half-life of U-235 is 700 million years, while Pu-239 is 24,000 years.  That is far too long to wait for the Earth to be cleansed.

We face a very difficult time as the Earth makes the necessary repairs to allow us to continue our path of spiritual evolution.  There will be deaths from the disasters, many, but even deaths are a chance for a soul to start over again.

What we are witnessing is the love of the Creator for all of Creation, and the omniscient of the Creator in providing healing to those creations.  This is not the wrath of God against humanity, for the forgiveness of the Creator transcends all human emotion, action, or deed, good or bad.

Friday, May 26, 2017

It is Memorial Day weekend - time to forget, forgive, and then love and live

I do not know about you but I really need a break from reality, at least for a weekend.  What better way to change your outlook than by focusing on the sacrifices by so many members of our armed forces, dating back to George Washington and his ragtag Continental Army.

We all know people who have served, or we are beneficiaries of the service by others who gave us freedom, hope, equality and justice.  I suppose if one were realistic, they would say we honor those who sacrificed for others, yet wonder about those who ignore the sacrifices and do things that are not in the public interest.

When I was young I lived to have the opportunity to defend freedom.  My career in both sports and education were preparation for joining the military.  Even as I was playing basketball at the University of Arizona I was immersed in an intensive Reserve Officer Training Program to prepare me for the inevitable service during the Vietnam war.

However, Divine Providence has other ideas for us on occasion so at the moment I volunteered for the draft armed only with exceptional ratings in ROTC, they discovered my body had been permanently damaged from 15 years of intensive sports achievement.

Rather than military service, I was confined to public service and spent much of the next three decades working in government and politics at all levels from local, to state, to national offices.  It was a far cry from my dream but at least a way to make sure we could enjoy the opportunities given to us by our patriotic and dedicated military.

So this weekend, as I do every year, I will honor our fallen heroes.  I will honor those who have not fallen but gave up their lives for us through injury and stress and will never be able to lead a normal life.  I will honor the families of those heroes whose lives were changed forever by wars halfway around the world.

Here is a song I wrote to honor those heroes.  It is performed by my band, Nashville Bound. I hope you take the time to listen to it.  The name of the song is "No One's Left Keeping Score."  Click on the link below to hear it. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

It is Memorial Day weekend - time to forget, forgive, and then love, and live


I do not know about you but I really need a break from reality, at least for a weekend.  What better way to change your outlook than by focusing on the sacrifices by so many members of our armed forces, dating back to George Washington and his ragtag Continental Army.

We all know people who have served, or we are beneficiaries of the service by others who gave us freedom, hope, equality and justice.  I suppose if one were realistic, they would say we honor those who sacrificed for others, yet wonder about those who ignore the sacrifices and do things that are not in the public interest.

When I was young I lived to have the opportunity to defend freedom.  My career in both sports and education were preparation for joining the military.  Even as I was playing basketball at the University of Arizona I was immersed in an intensive Reserve Officer Training Program to prepare me for the inevitable service during the Vietnam war.

However, Divine Providence has other ideas for us on occasion so at the moment I volunteered for the draft armed only with exceptional ratings in ROTC, they discovered my body had been permanently damaged from 15 years of intensive sports achievement.

Rather than military service, I was confined to public service and spent much of the next three decades working in government and politics at all levels from local, to state, to national offices.  It was a far cry from my dream but at least a way to make sure we could enjoy the opportunities given to us by our patriotic and dedicated military.

So this weekend, as I do every year, I will honor our fallen heroes.  I will honor those who have not fallen but gave up their lives for us through injury and stress and will never be able to lead a normal life.  I will honor the families of those heroes whose lives were changed forever by wars halfway around the world.

Here is a song I wrote to honor those heroes.  It is performed by my band, Nashville Bound. I hope you take the time to listen to it.  The name of the song is "No One's Left Keeping Score."  Click on the link below to hear it. 


Friday, May 22, 2015

It is Memorial Day weekend - time to forget, forgive, and then love and live


I do not know about you but I really need a break from reality, at least for a weekend.  What better way to change your outlook than by focusing on the sacrifices by so many members of our armed forces, dating back to George Washington and his ragtag Continental Army.

We all know people who have served, or we are beneficiaries of the service by others who gave us freedom, hope, equality and justice.  I suppose if one were realistic, they would say we honor those who sacrificed for others, yet wonder about those who ignore the sacrifices and do things that are not in the public interest.

When I was young I lived to have the opportunity to defend freedom.  My career in both sports and education were preparation for joining the military.  Even as I was playing basketball at the University of Arizona I was immersed in an intensive Reserve Officer Training Program to prepare me for the inevitable service during the Vietnam war.

However, Divine Providence has other ideas for us on occasion so at the moment I volunteered for the draft armed only with exceptional ratings in ROTC, they discovered my body had been permanently damaged from 15 years of intensive sports achievement.

Rather than military service, I was confined to public service and spent much of the next three decades working in government and politics at all levels from local, to state, to national offices.  It was a far cry from my dream but at least a way to make sure we could enjoy the opportunities given to us by our patriotic and dedicated military.

So this weekend, as I do every year, I will honor our fallen heroes.  I will honor those who have not fallen but gave up their lives for us through injury and stress and will never be able to lead a normal life.  I will honor the families of those heroes whose lives were changed forever by wars halfway around the world.

Here is a song I wrote to honor those heroes.  It is performed by my band, Nashville Bound. I hope you take the time to listen to it.  The name of the song is "No One's Left Keeping Score."  Click on the link below to hear it. 


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Obamaville - April 15 - Foreign Policy Initiatives - What is to lose? Is it time to trust the people - not politicians!


Not many people think much of the Obama foreign policy morass and for good reason if you look at what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, and all the others I forgot.

However, my philosophy has always been trust the people, not the politicians.  Thus, Obama and congress continued to fight over everything not important while the world awaits important decisions that are important.

Well by now, we should have learned a few lessons in foreign diplomacy.  No one really tells the truth when negotiating.  No matter what we do, we will figure out how to waste billions of dollars in defense and foreign aid spending, our intervention will result in millions of refugees, sanctions really do not work, and no one seems to be hearing the people impacted by the policy decisions.

What to do?

How about we actually try to reduce tensions, stabilize economies, protect homes and property of the people of the world, make sure no more crises result from refugees, give kids a permanent home and education, and make sure war is not part of so many people's lives around the world.     

Start by defusing what should not be a crisis.

1.  Lift the sanctions on Cuba - the people of Cuba have been through enough.  The incorporation of the people of Cuba into the American influence that can result from open borders and no sanctions is far more likely to bring our people together, than actions by the governments.  The people of Cuba are a wonderful people as witnessed by the Cubans already living in America.

2.  Adopt the Iran nuclear agreement and drop the sanctions.  Once again the people of Iran have always been wonderful friends and contributors to the American way of life and the only way the shackles of outrageous practices under the guise of religion can be broken is to immerse the people in exposure to alternatives in lifestyle.

3.  Stop treating Russia as the bad boy and acknowledge that our governments do not have to agree on everything.  For one, Crimea and a border strip of land to Crimea from Russia has always connected Russia to Crimea.  Even the Ukraine people know the pro-Russian influence of eastern parts of RussiaGive Russia land access to Crimea.

Also, agree to let the Ukraine be an independent nation without dictating government affiliations with the East or West.  In this day of government over-reach in monitoring everything from your phones to bedrooms, how could anything bad go unnoticed in this viral age.  We have the ability to monitor everything, legally and illegally I might add, so use it for a meaningful purpose like peace rather than just for national security and war.

While we are at it, get rid of the economic sanctions we imposed on Russia.  The people of Russia hurt the most from these financial sanctions, not the government, or the bankers.  These people being hurt are the same ones victimized after the fall of the Soviet Union when we went in and tried to establish democracy in Russia.

There was no way a democracy could work in a country ruled by czars for 1,000 years and Communism for 75 years without years of slow development, but we shoved it down their throats and then were shocked when it not only failed miserably, but nearly bankrupted this new nation once freedom was established.

We may not like Putin but the Russian people do and we should listen to them and deal with Putin as he holds the key to long-range action in Iran, Syria, North Korea, and other world hot spots.  Obama claims to be the great negotiator yet fails to negotiate with someone very important to the Middle East, Asia, and even Europe.

4.  Double and triple our efforts to work with China.  They hold more American debt than any other nation, bank, or family.  We share some ideals with the emerging Chinese superpower like working for a better standard of living for our people, improved environmental initiatives to clean the air, water, and land, and the management of natural resources in responsible ways.

Does anyone think China does not want to clean up pollution?  It will cost billions of dollars and millions of Chinese people need other help, yet the huge clean up effort started and will continue.  In the meantime, China is becoming one of the best trading partners of America.

Like America, China faces a long legacy of corruption, corruption that must stop, involving the politicians, government employees, contractors, the rich, the financial institutions, and foreign governments.  There is amazing progress by President Xi Jinping in attacking this problem, yet we have been quiet in supporting his efforts.

Instead, our government warms of the emerging power of China, frets over defensive moves by the rising nation, and blames China for every cyber attack that takes place until investigations show they did not do it.

NO ONE has trampled over the rights of people to privacy and freedom more than the United States government.  No one has the technology to eavesdrop on every aspect of American life like our Intelligence agencies, and thanks to Edward Snowden, the despicable acts of our government, in spying on their own people, are public information.

We have no business as a nation tossing accusations of cyber snooping on Russia or China when the finger should point at us, the United States, who have routinely monitored every government in the world legally and illegally for decades.

It takes a lot less money to feed the hungry than to spy on our perceived adversaries.  It takes a lot less money to help China clean up their environment, which directly helps the world environment, than to encourage the Asians to increase defense and intelligence spending to find out what we are doing to them.

What ever happened to common sense?

Why not devote a generation to tearing down border restrictions, improving the quality of life for everyone, eliminating hate-inspired sanctions, and helping people preserve their cultural heritage rather than obliterate it.

Our priority should be helping every young person in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe find decent jobs rather than forcing them into terrorism for an occupation.  The investment would be far cheaper than the multi-billion dollar cost of new and unnecessary weapons systems or intelligence capabilities.

Let us work as hard to bring down barriers between people as we did to build them.
