Showing posts with label president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label president. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2015

Wall Street Greed to Propel Progressive Dream Team into Presidential Race - Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren


As Wall Street greed continues to manipulate the stock markets for the sole purpose of generating even more wealth for the wealthy, the result should be a dire consequence to the wealthy, and brokers who feed the insatiable appetite of the wealthy.

The obvious result to those not blinded by greed is that the door is now wide open for a Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren ticket that could capture the populist disgust with Wall Street and sweep them to victory next year.

Look at the facts.  Obama came into office on the heels of a take over of the world economy by Wall Street and the Central Bankers.  Since Obama was already in the pocket of big money, he did nothing to protect us from future manipulation by the wealthy and they thrived during his entire two terms in office.

Instead of throwing them in jail, he rewarded them with bailouts saving the rich billions of dollars while costing the public trillions of dollars.  An incompetent media and even more incompetent economic analysts ignored the threat and fed the beast enabling our current economic manipulation on the eve of Obama's departure.

In time, the truth will come out, probably when Obama gets $500,000 speaking fees like Hillary and Bill Clinton, thus showing again how big money trumps big government when it comes to the bottom line.

Well Hillary is one of them, the fat cats, and she has done nothing to prove she is not.  Even her efforts to appear to take the advice of Elizabeth Warren, were nothing but a political sideshow to con the voters, but people sense her motives.  Why else do the majority of voters not trust her?

As for Elizabeth Warren, she is the number one enemy of big business, the wealthy, and the fat cats because she was an Obama Administration insider, saw the carnage they could cause, and refused to be a party to the rape of the American taxpayer by resigning.

The progressive left has been desperately trying to make her into their poster girl but to do so will seriously impair her ability to win.  This is a moment of common sense for the progressive movement.

Forty-three percent of Americans refuse a conservative or progressive label.  Just thirty percent of voters lean Democratic and twenty-six percent lean Republican.  As I mentioned in previous articles, over fifty percent of the eligible voters refuse to be a part of the system so deep is their disgust with the electoral process.

Still, neither the Democrat nor Republican base has the votes to elect a ticket on their own.  If Elizabeth Warren allows the progressive elements of her party to hijack her candidacy by declaring her a left wing fanatic rather than a concerned American, she probably will not win.  There is absolutely no reason for her to allow such a tragedy.

Warren and her battle against the rich is like Joan of Arc taking on the English army.  In the end, she won her battle but lost her life in the process.  Warren could have both because the Independents and substantial members of both parties are fed up with the rich, yet are suspicious of the progressive agenda because Obama failed to show how it works.  In fact, he left a bad taste  for socialism in the mouths of the public and there is no place for socialism in America.

Joe Biden offers the perfect vehicle for Warren, to get into a position to rein in the dastardly rich and powerful.  Good old Joe, while a loyal Vice President to Obama, managed to distant himself from the liberal-progressive heap of Obama staff, those who went too far in trying to change America into a socialist paradise.

Joe Biden opposed the president on policies, he disagreed with the way Obama ignored congress and the Republicans, and he was never in the back pocket of big business like Obama or Hillary.

He is electable as president, and by having Elizabeth Warren as Vice President, he could help her take on the wealthy in a non-partisan way to benefit all Americans.

If Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren ran as a ticket committed to serving all Americans, not just the progressives, or Democrats, then America could benefit, polarization would end, and big business kicked out of controlling the government, the money supply, and the world.

As a result, Biden would get his reward for all those years of loyal service, he would fulfill the last request of his son to run for president, and Joan of Arc would be in a position to not just win the battle against the enemy, but win the war.

Besides, when was the last time we saw a genuine laugh of joy from our president, saw him enjoying the people he served, or share a beer with a Republican?  Good old Joe always had time for all the people.  

Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren, Americans for all Americans, it does have a nice ring.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

President Carter News Conference - Transparent and Honest - Vanishing Values in Politics


While many people disagreed with President Carter on his policies, even those opposed to him have to admit he has been the greatest ex-president when it came to his continuing efforts to save the world and the people in the world.

Jimmy Carter had no interest in padding his pockets with $23 million in speaking fees and he used his time working for peace, better health, honest elections, and better housing for all people, not just his supporters.

People around the world have benefited and will continue to benefit from the Carter Foundation and the good it has brought to mankind.  His revelations at the news conference about his battle with cancer, was historic in terms of transparency, something all subsequent presidents have largely ignored, and full of hope.

The only time he did not smile was when he addressed his unfinished agenda and mused that our relations with Israel and the Palestinians was the worst he ever witnessed.  As a result, his goal of peace in the Middle East remains far from settled.

One of the highlights in humor came when he said he received a well-wisher call from Secretary of State John Kerry, someone he had not talked to in a long time.

We all wish him well in his struggle and I hope those with political aspirations will heed his warning that we have failed in foreign policy in crucial areas.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Trump Trumps Media - Drowns out Opponents - Turns Politics Upside Down


The boys inside the beltway and the media powers from NYC to DC are choking on their microphones as The Donald, as he is known to adoring fans, continues to devour a steady diet of liberal media, political opposition, and preferential prodigals designed by the "politically correct" clowns.

Trump cannot help himself, he is having great fun and he is doing it in a way the professional politicians and media, whether right or left leaning, had better take seriously.  No one east of the Allegheny Mountains has a clue about politics in America's third world, or outside the beltway.

Where I grew up, in Iowa the caucus state, talk of Washington, D.C. was generally concerned with the foolishness and egomania of those politicians in the nation's capitol.  Outside the beltway, people had little good to say about government and a lot bad.

As government became more and more polarized people figured it was just as well, they were only doing stupid things anyway.  At times, it seemed the safest course of action was to send congress back on vacation where they could not screw up the union further.

People could still talk about politics with humor, not hate.  They could still talk about God without legal challenges.  They could still talk about all the things now on the politically taboo list and forbidden to discussion.

Well, along comes Trump and suddenly he shatters all the taboo subjects and strategies and perceptions heretofore promoted by the eastern elite.

If an opponent attacks him, he fires back with guns in both hands.

If a news media demagogue asks a stupid question, he calls it a stupid question and refuses to answer.

He flaunts his hard-earned wealth and laughs at the tax loopholes that made it possible.  Yet he stands alone as the only person running for office who really knows what needs to be fixed, and how to fix it.

When pressed by the media for details he implies there will be plenty of time for details when he is president.  How many politicians have been quick to lay out extensive policy papers, like Obama, and then ignore them once elected.

The truth is no one knows what will work until they are in the oval office and discover the truth about what the government is doing.

Win or lose The Donald is turning the election upside down and his down-to-Earth comments and instant availability to an often hostile press is refreshing transparency missing from the Obama administration and many other professional politicians.

If his numbers keep improving in the polls and he continues to dominate the media he will be a force to be reckoned with, one created by the very media that called him a buffoon and an idiot just a few weeks ago.

Keep it up Donald because at last we are getting some honesty in politics.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

George Washington and Coltons Point - George and his Great Great Grandfather Slept here!!!



Happy 283rd Birthday President Washington

I was sitting here on my front porch last February 22 in Coltons PointMaryland looking out on the vast Potomac River flowing past on it's way to the Chesapeake Bay.  Imagine that right here 381 years ago a couple of ships full of English pilgrims arrived to settle the area.

It is late February and the temperature is 60 degrees.

Within eyesight across the river in Virginia you can see the birthplace of our most beloved President and Father of the Country, George Washington.  He was born there 283 years ago today.

Perhaps our most least understood president, against all odds he led the nation into declaring freedom in 1776 and fighting the powerful English during the Revolution.  Then this advocate of freedom and commander in chief of our military promptly retired.  He fought for the creation of a republic, not a parliament and a king like many wanted.

So he quit the military.  Then the people drafted him to be president and he presided over the birth of the strongest democracy in history.  After serving two terms, he again retired. There was no term limit and with his popularity George could have been president until his death but that wasn't the republic he sought.

One final act by the mysterious Founding Father was in his will of 1799 when he died.  It freed all the slaves on his plantation.  This was 64 years before our next most beloved President Abraham Lincoln enforced the Emancipation Proclamation and freed all slaves.

Long before George was born two of the daughters of Dr. Thomas Gerrard, the patriarch of St. Clements Manor (located in what is now Coltons Point), the original territory given by King Charles I to Lord Baltimore, were married to George Washington's great grandfather, John Washington, who lived just across the river.

In the old days if a married woman died and she had an unmarried sister, the sister married the widower.  Thus when George's great grandpa's first wife, Anne Pope died, he married Anne Gerrard. The second Anne also died before him so he married her unmarried sister Frances Gerrard.

Because George grew up across the river and the Washington and Gerrard families were on both sides of the river it is only logical to say George Washington Slept Here and mean it.

Happy birthday Mr.President.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

God Bless the People of the Ukraine for Taking Care of Themselves


Friday, February 28, 2014

Maybe it's time to leave the Ukraine to the Ukrainians

Three months ago I wrote the above story and there has been nothing but chaos in the Ukraine since as Russia, the European Union, NATO and the USA have undertaken a battle of wits, sanctions, threats, land grabs and political posturing that left the people of the Ukraine in dire straights.

Sunday, May 25, the people of the Ukraine finally took control of their own destiny by holding an election under very difficult circumstances and may just have taught all those trying to tell them what to do that the people of the Ukraine can take care of themselves if we just leave them alone.

I salute the people of the Ukraine and the rest of the world should learn more about them and their long battle for independence that included invasions by Hitler and Stalin, millions of deaths, survival within the Soviet Union and from outside terrorists, anarchists or whatever you want to call them.  All the while the Ukraine remains the breadbasket for the world and the conduit for Russia natural gas to fuel Europe.

Here is a report on the election from the CBC (Canadian) News Network and the results, well stock markets throughout Europe are up today.  When the people with money are happy that means things may be good for awhile and when people can speak for themselves that is even better.

CBC News Canada

Exit polls suggested candy tycoon Petro Poroshenko won Ukraine's presidential election in the first round Sunday, a ballot that took place amid weeks of fighting in eastern regions where pro-Russia separatists have seized government buildings and battled government troops.

The rebels had vowed to block the ballot in the east and less than 20 per cent of the polling stations were open there. But nationwide, about 60 per cent of the electorate turned out, the central elections commission said.

Poroshenko, viewing the exit polls as definitive evidence of victory, said his first steps as president would be to visit the eastern industrial region of Donbass — home to Ukraine's coal mines — and "put an end to war, chaos, crime and bring peace to the Ukrainian land."

Long lines of voters snaked around polling stations in Kyiv, the pro-Western capital, but heavily armed pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine intimidated locals by smashing ballot boxes, shutting down polling centres and issuing threats.

Putin vowed to recognize new leader
The exit poll for Sunday's election, conducted by three respected Ukrainian survey agencies, found the 48-year-old candy tycoon Poroshenko getting 55.9 per cent of the vote.

After the polls closed, Poroshenko appeared on a stage beside former boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, who at one point last year was leading in national polls for president. He later decided to support Poroshenko and run for Kyiv mayor instead. Results of that race were not available Sunday, but Poroshenko told journalists that their own private survey showed Klitschko winning the race.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Obama should appoint Sarah Palin Secretary of State - The Ivy League has done enough & Putin would like her!


By now it should be getting obvious that President Putin of Russia has no love for the Ivy League Secretaries of State Obama has appointed to keep him under control.  I mean did Obama really think Hillary Clinton or John Kerry could intimidate the Russian Bear?

So Yale has now had their chance at Secretary of State with both Hillary and Kerry graduates just like Harvard and Yale will have had their run on the presidency for 28 straight years when Obama finally leaves office.

As much as I like the Ivy League perhaps someone else should have a chance to run things both as secretary of state and as president.  At least for a few years everything that goes wrong could not be rightfully blamed on the Ivy League.

Sarah, now she might just be the only American capable of standing up to the macho man from Russia.  At best Kerry was good at sailing and Putin would consider that a sissy sport.  Hillary does not seem like the athletic type with a cheeseburger for a hubby so she could never get respect.

But Sarah, she just sits up there in Alaska watching Putin across the water and few are tougher than our own Momma Grizzly.  She hunts with real guns, catches fish in the ocean, has weathered blizzards on dog sleds, flies planes into the Alaska mountains and picks her teeth with liberals.

She could hold her own arm wrestling and when it comes to heavy artillery, look out Comrade.  Palin thinks a recreational vehicle is an army tank.  Back in high school and college she was a super star jock.

I think it might just be the future of international relations and negotiations, where the winner is whoever can down the most shots of vodka or tequila depending on who wins the coin toss.

Putin also knows Palin was the only politician in 2008 to demand we "drill baby drill" so we could become energy independent, something Putin really knows as well.


My money is on Sarah because "there's something about Sarah" that could tip the balance in foreign relations in our favor for the first time in many, many years.
