Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Obamaville Thursday, February 19 - The Deep Freeze



Here I sit, 65 miles from downtown Washington, D.C., waiting for the coldest temperature on this date in 40 years, maybe since records started in the 1800's, or maybe since the last Ice Age.  Ever since the weather stations went digital, the weather reports have made a shambles of the truth.

I do not know what a meteorologist has for breakfast, but lately the bizarre forecasts might indicate something comparable to LSD.  If they say we will get two feet of snow, we might get five inches.  When they say it will be around 20 degrees tonight, and then they revise it to a wind chill of 25 below, we know it is not just cream in their coffee.

Did I mention that the forecast for just 48 hours later is over 50 degrees?  The good news is no one really puts much faith in the weather reports, I mean it is still a government agency so accuracy and efficiency are distant dreams.


Nothing has changed.  Obama trashes the Republicans and the Republicans trash the President and the Democrats watch and strategically trash both the President and Republicans.

On the presidential scene, the apparent front runners are a Bush for the Republicans and a Clinton for the Democrats.  My how things have changed since 1988 and 1992.

It has been 28 years since a Bush was first elected president, in 1988.  During the 28 years, from 1988 until the next election in 2016, a Bush will be president 12 years, a Clinton for 8 years, and everyone else in America the remaining 8 years.

Pot Smoking Ivy League Presidents - Harvard & Yale

What do you think about the dominance of the Ivy League?  A graduate of Yale will be president for 20 of the 28 years, and a graduate of Harvard for 16 of the 28 years.  I think the Ivy League invented the term "Fuzzy Math" which might explain why Yale's 20 years and Harvard's 16 years add up to 36 years, not to 28 years.

Do not worry there is an answer for all deviations and this time a legitimate one.  One president graduated from both Yale and Harvard.  In fact, he is the only president in history with that intellectual distinction, his name, George W. Bush, as in junior.

Is it not ironic that one candidate for president in 2016 with a legitimate chance to win is also the first person in 28 years to NOT graduate from Harvard or Yale.  It is not Hillary Clinton (Yale), or Mitt Romney (Harvard), or Ted Cruz (Harvard).

Yet another twist in logic and reason, one of the top picks to break the Ivy League stranglehold on the presidency is Jeb Bush, whose father and brother are Yale and Harvard alumni.

Other legitimate candidates like Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, and Martin O'Malley are among others who are not Harvard or Yale graduates.

Health, Energy & Education...

Every month brings new super viruses, mutating bacteria, other drug resistant diseases, and fewer and fewer cures to an unsuspecting public.  UCLA Medical Center is the latest breakout of a dramatic new virus, which has already killed 2 and exposed about 180 people in the first reports.

America celebrated becoming energy independent with the third major derailment and explosion of train cars filled with crude oil.  Not even napalm bombing in Vietnam could match the spectacular explosions from the West Virginia fireworks this week.

The North Dakota crude oil apparently burns better than other production here in the west.  With thousands of oil tankers using train tracks through about every major city in America, look for Keystone Pipeline approval as a "safe" alternative to urban trains.


ISIS terrorists seem to be popping up in country after country with their unique theology and evil ways.  With Obama still in a scolding mood, so far Jordan and Egypt are the only nations taking a lead in armed resistance and dedication to destroying the terrorists.

Our paper tiger approach to foreign affairs has also been a great aid to Vladimir Putin, who used American indecision to carve a land mass to connect Crimea to the Russian border, as predicted a long time ago by the Coltons Point Times.


Stock Markets are pushing against their highest levels in history in the midst of a mediocre, at best, recovery that has left most Americans with less cash, less equity, less choices, and a lousy selection of cheap made consumer products.

In my opinion, the markets have nowhere to go but down and they will take all the 401K money with them since most 401K funds have stock based investments.  Market players should have the ability to sit on investments for 5-10 years before needing the funds, in order to come out ahead.  As for the rest of us, forget it.


The Super Bowl was rocked by scandal, the deflate gate conspiracy, while the Patriots took home the money.

College football crowned the first playoff king, as Ohio State beat number one Alabama in the semi-finals, and number two Oregon in the finals.

In college basketball, the mighty University of Kentucky have five games left in the season in their historic effort to become the first undefeated national champion since Indiana in 1976.  It promises to be a magnificent March Madness if we survive the Arctic deep freeze.

More later...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Obamaville - August 27, 2014 - Secret Obama "End of Days" Strategy Leaked


In yet another example of the porous condition of the Obama sinking Ship of State,  there has been another breach of security with the discovery of a top secret strategy for the remainder of the Obama presidency to divert the attention of the public, continue the intellectual constipation of the congress and hoodwink the lethargic news media while pursuing a new set of objectives before Obama's forced retirement in 2016.

Highlights of this top secret document by Obama Minister of Propaganda David Puff were found this morning on Twitter and include some of the following stunning revelations and a whole lot more unstunning things.  Ironically the Tweet was sent from the Twit Harry Reid website, Harry's Harangues, under the secret coding "End of Days".

In recognition of the fact Obama can never regain his popularity with the American public because you "can't fool all the people all the time", the Puff Master has concocted a new set of strategies to get what you want before it's too late, sort of a "bleed the beast" game plan.

The new Obama foreign policy doctrine - American Dwindlism - shall be pursued with vigor as it is the only policy initiative that worked in the eyes of the public.  Polling has shown that the gullible public will buy anything cloaked in the "more for less" strategy in which the less we do around the world the more we have to spend on our own special interests.

No one cares that millions are dying in Africa from wars and Ebola.  No one cares if women are slaves in terrorist states.  No one cares if Moslems kill Christians, Jews kill Moslems, Moslems kill Moslems, Jews are killed by Moslems, Russians kill Ukrainians, Ukrainians kill Russians, hip hoppers kill rappers, and cell phone radiation kills kids.

In fact, American funding of all our foreign enemies will end and Obama will no longer accept speaking engagements from any nation that has the audacity to ask us for handouts, and that does not have modern golf courses, although not necessarily in that order.

As for the home front here in the colonies, the Puffball has that all figured out as well.  The new Obama domestic policy is Selective Socialism Works Best, a new call to arms for all the Liberals who are bent out of shape by the bizarre Obama style of socialism.

Puffy encourages disenchanted liberals to pull up their skirts and focus on the possible like keep the news media attention on Gay Marriage so they don't look too close at failed health care.  Keep the attention on voting rights for illegal immigrants so the news media won't look too close at the collapsing education system.

There will be a new two-tiered wealth redistribution program 1.) from the Middle Class to the poor, 2.) from the Middle Class to the rich.

The new left motto is to be - Deconstruction rather than Resurrection - meaning I guess you have to die before you can be saved.

Other gems from the new Obama strategy include the Timothy Leary waiver of liability to any drug (pharmaceutical) corporation, selling legal or illegal drugs that are guaranteed to make people feel happy for as long as they remain under doctor's care, or induce forgetfulness on the addict that can be diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease thus making it eligible for lifetime medical assistance from Medicare.

Of course corrupt bankers, financial managers, home mortgage executives, auto industry executives, union bosses, lobbyists, politicians, Wall Streeters, MSNBC mouthpieces and Ivy League teachers and graduates still in good standing with the Obama Campaign Committee retain their shield of immunity until the end of the End of Days.

Finally, priority for White House party bookings will be given to any musical acts on the endangered species list that are threatened by bar fights, night club shoot outs, inflammatory lyrics, immoral actions or friendship with Justin Beiber or Miley Cyrus.  I mean if Obama saves all those billions in foreign policy flops some should go to the personal enjoyment and gratification of those card carrying members of the White House hood.                  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ross Perot - Prairie Prophet & Presidential King Maker

Exactly 22 years ago George Bush, Sr.,  was running for re-election as president of the United States and being challenged by a young, upstart Democrat and Governor of Arkansas named Bill Clinton.  And then there was that shrill talking, billionaire from Texas named Ross Perot who was trying to launch the first successful third party campaign since Teddy Roosevelt just after the turn of the last century.

For historians let me set the record straight.  Yes Teddy was elected vice president in 1900 and became president when President William McKinley was shot September 6 and died September 14 of 1901, his first year in office.  Teddy was then elected by a landslide in 1904.
In 1908 he supported his secretary of war, William Howard Taft for president and Taft won.  By the end of Taft's first term Roosevelt felt Taft no longer served the people and when he failed to beat Taft at the GOP convention he started a third party, the Bull Moose (progressive) party to oppose the president.
This is where the parallels between Ross Perot and Teddy Roosevelt become intertwined as if history was simply repeating itself about 100 years later.
In the election of 1912 Republican President Taft got 23% of the vote, Independent Roosevelt got 27% of the vote, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson became president with just 42% of the vote.  Thus Roosevelt blocked Taft from being re-elected and made Wilson President.
After his first term in office in 1992 President Bush was running for re-election riding the popularity of Desert Storm when Ross Perot, a former Republican like Teddy Roosevelt, came out of nowhere with his Independent campaign.
In the election of 1992 Republican President Bush got 38% of the vote, Independent Ross Perot got 19% of the vote, and Democrat Bill Clinton became president with just 43% of the vote.  Thus Perot blocked Bush from being re-elected and made Clinton President.
During Clinton's first term Ross Perot sought to influence the national agenda focusing on three issues, the NAFTA economic treaty, Health Care Reform and rebuilding our educational system.
He opposed NAFTA, an issue Clinton co-opted from the GOP because he was in danger of losing his re-election campaign.  Perot warned passage of NAFTA would lead to the destruction of our manufacturing industries and we would lose millions of jobs to Mexico and other countries.  Clinton got it passed and the final nail was driven into the coffin of America's once dominate manufacturing base.
On health care Perot warned the lack of cost controls would bankrupt America, and any government entitlement programs regarding health care like Medicare and Medicaid would drive the American deficit beyond our capacity to pay.  In 1996 the US national debt was $107.4 billion under Clinton and by 1998 would become a surplus through Bush in 2001.
Today the National debt stands at a record $17 trillion, thanks in large part to runaway entitlement costs as predicted by Perot.  In fact America spends more per capita than any other nation on health care yet ranks just 37th in the world in terms of quality of health care.
Finally, Perot was so disgusted with the deficiencies in our education system that he started his own high school in Dallas and was to set records for educational achievement and college attendance by urban youth.  Today our educational system continues to spend more per pupil than any other nation and we still are failing in terms of the quality of educational care.
Sooo, Ross Perot, the caricature from Texas who dared challenge the American two-party system was a figment of historical déjà vu showing up 100 years after Teddy Roosevelt played the same role for America.
Both were prophets in terms of warning of the dangers faced by America and both greatly influenced the national agenda and debate.  A couple of obscure Democrats owe their fortune and fame (Wilson and Clinton) to these political rebels.  At the same time, the failure of our government to heed the warnings of these two left us floundering in the winds of indecision as our judicial system seemed to collapse, our health care costs spiraled out of control, our manufacturing base vanished away, our educational system continued to flounder and our national debt reached epic proportions.

More on the Prairie Prophet from Texas later as the story of Ross Perot and his unbending care for the nation, commitment to veterans, exceptional patriotism and whose incredible rescue of his employees from the prison of Iran after the failure of President Carter to protect our own embassy in the fall of Iran to the Ayatollah is one of the greatest stories of courage to ever take place in our nation.

US hostages in Iran 1979