Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Our Boss is Still Tougher Than Your Boss - Obama versus Putin


What greater weapons of mass deception are there in the world than the leaders of the United States of America and Russia, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin..  Imagine what it would be like if these two controversial and complicated political foes and leaders were to square off in the first ever people's choice contest for the toughest leader in the world.

Looks like Putin may have the best transportation for the Iron Man competition. 

No offense Mr. Obama but Putin may take this event as well.

We thought you might agree.

Wow - he can be quite charming to the right crowd. 

Maybe Obama is at least the more expressive.

They don't seem to be in to the competition.

Which one is the hyena?

Both are masters of mind control.

Perhaps they should keep their day jobs.

Forget Snowden, listen to this masterpiece.

So much for silly competition.

What else is there to do here in Russia?

Boy I miss the days when George and I got crazy.

Told you the kid never had a chance.


Friday, March 07, 2014

When a President has got the blues you sing Cri-me-a River....


With the Ukraine and Crimea mess adding to the series of foreign ill-affairs for President Obama it is understandable if he has got the blues.  Putin has been puttin' him down now in Iran, Syria, the Olympics and now the Ukraine.

Add to that the Nobel Peace Prize winning efforts with the Arab spring when the rainbow was lost in the storm clouds as Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan are all ending in foreign policy disasters and the pressure must be getting to the president.  Not even Smokin' Joe Biden can divert the world attention from the crumbling status of America in world affairs.

As the people's Pope Francis calls for peace, prays for the people of the Ukraine and Crimea, and releases doves for the children, the world awaits the next move by the American super power.

What is a president to do when nothing seems to be going right?  Well this president long ago learned to turn to the $1.4 billion White House expense account and, you guessed it, throw a party.  When one is down and out bring in the best of American soul and blues to commiserate with you and all your problems will be, if not lifted, at least lost in the music.

Here is American foreign policy Obama style at work Thursday night in the White House.

President Obama honors 'women of soul,' misspells Aretha Franklin's 'Respect'

The pumped-up audience gave a hearty laugh but was more than willing to forgive the president for spelling it "R-S-P-E-C-T."

Some of music's most profound voices came together at the White House Thursday night, honoring legends such as Aretha Franklin and Patti LaBelle and transforming the presidential estate into a melodious church brimming with soulful jubilation.

The 12th program in President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's In Performance at the White House series, Women of Soul brought together Franklin, LaBelle, Melissa Etheridge, Tessanne Chin, Jill Scott, Janelle Monáe and Ariana Grande, each dressed to the nines and delivering stirring performances.

Franklin, who received a standing ovation for her I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You) earlier in the show, closed out the evening with a mesmerizing performance of Amazing Grace. Leaving Scott and Monáe teary-eyed, the performance ended the night on a powerful high note, creating an atmosphere more akin to a gospel-church revival than a black-tie affair.

As the White House rocked it seems the theme song for the Ukraine and Crimea should have been...

Of course ever conscious of the need to plan for his post-retirement years and be as successful as Bill and Hillary Clinton the good old boys took to the stage to promote Obama's new album.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

CPT Twit! Putin Memo to Obama:

Foreign Affairs Update
The Ukraine
The Syria Slaughter
The Iran Nuke Crisis
Edward Snowden NSA Scandal
Foreign Policy in General
How did we get into this mess?

Twit Explanation - See previous article or click