Showing posts with label St. Clement's Island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Clement's Island. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Who reads the Coltons Point Times?


Every few months I take time to review the readership stats of the CPT to try and learn who is interested in our reporting.  Of course the most glaring stat may be who is not reading it.

No residents of Coltons Point read the Coltons Point Times.  What does that tell me about having found a home?  This village has been settled for 380 years, the oldest chartered community to be continuously occupied in the original thirteen colonies.

There are actually families here today that date back to the boat people.  If you want some fascinating history check out the articles highlighted at the end of this story.

Basically no one from Southern Maryland reads the Coltons Point Times even though there is some degree of evidence that people reside in this area with the ability to read and even a casual interest in what happens outside this area.

Be that as it may, even the State of Maryland has always been far down the list of readers by state usually showing up in the bottom 25 states.  New York, California, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Ohio and Virginia have always dominated the USA readers.

But the real story to me is that citizens of the United States only represent 48% of my readers, meaning the rest of the world is more interested in what is happening in America, at least from my perspective, than Americans.

Over the past couple of months Germany at 26% has remained a strong second.  Canada continues at #3 with 6% but the most surprising new member of the top ten is China at #4, with the combined China and Hong Kong readers over 5%.  Rounding out the top ten are Poland and France at 4% each, Sweden 3%, Ukraine 2%, United Kingdom and Iraq at 2%.

Depending on the hot topics of the week other counties like Russia, Brazil, Romania, Ireland, Australia, India and the Netherlands have popped in and out of the top ten.  I urge all of you to encourage people to check out the Coltons Point Times and especially those people in China as I will be doing a series of articles on the Chinese history, culture and future in the near future.

Of course what happens in America continues to be the main draw of readers and the international dominance of readers indicates how the events in America can influence the rest of the world.  I thank you for wanting to be informed and ask you to please tell others about us.

As we celebrate our 8th anniversary publishing the Coltons Point Times we are proud to remain the only news service on the Internet with no advertising allowed.

St. Clements Island Maryland Colonial History - The Rest of the Story

Maryland and the nation owe a great deal to the brave colonists who ventured across the Atlantic in 1633 and landed on St. Clements Island in early 1634. St. Clements Manor, established within a couple of years, remains the oldest continually settled chartered community in colonial America.

The following series of articles gives the latest research and solves the enduring mysteries about the colonial days in England and Southern Maryland giving a fascinating glimpse into the lives and politics of the colonial era.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Histories Mysteries - The Landing at St. Clement's Island in 1634


In the past five years I have heard and seen many different versions of what happened when the colonists to Maryland arrived in 1634 and it is time that historical societies and historians finally get the record straight. With the arrival of Lord Baltimore's colonists in the new world and the unique grant that gave him unprecedented powers to colonize America including the power to establish religious freedom, it was one of the most significant colonies in our history.

First of all, in 1628 George Calvert, the 1st Lord Baltimore, traveled the Potomac River on a trip to Virginia to scout locations for his Mary Land settlement as soon as King Charles approved his grant. The grant was approved by the King shortly after George died in 1632 and his son, the 2nd Lord Baltimore was determined to complete his father's dream of a colony grounded in religious freedom.

The expedition left England in late 1633 and arrived at St. Clement's Island in the Potomac River just a few miles from the Chesapeake Bay about March 3-5, 1634. The approximately 315 passengers and crew used a barge or skiff they brought with them to move supplies to the island and immediately began building a fort. It was to serve as a fortress to prohibit foreigners from illegal trade on the river for it was the narrowest point for crossing the Potomac River.

On March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, a ceremony with all members of the expedition was held on the Island to read the official grant, celebrate the first Roman Catholic Mass in English speaking America, and conduct the first Eucharist ceremony in the colonies. A huge cross was made from downed trees and carried by the Catholics to the site of the Mass where it was erected. The Stations of the Cross were also part of the ceremony. Also the new colony was first dedicated to the Holy Mother Mary.

A couple of days later the Ark and Dove took many of the colonists to the future site of St. Mary's City. St. Clement's Island and the Manor that evolved under the guidance of the Gerard family remained a settlement and to this day remains the oldest continuously occupied chartered settlement in America.

By the end of March some of the colonists moved to the present site of St. Mary's City to establish permanent quarters while others remained at St. Clements and White Neck Creek. Soon additional settlements were at Inigoes downriver from St. Mary's City, and at a site along the Patuxent River. By 1637 another settlement was underway across St. Clements Bay in Newtown.

Also in 1637 the population of the Maryland colony was recorded as about 350 in Maryland with 90 in St. Mary's City, 60 in St. Clements Manor, and the balance throughout other Maryland plantations. The Manor grant to the Gerard family was promised before the expedition left England and was formally made in 1638 with the survey completed in 1639.

In terms of historical accuracy, the following should be used.

While the 1st Lord Baltimore died before the first expedition, he did visit Maryland in 1628 and traveled the Potomac River following the Captain John Smith explorations documented earlier by the Governor of Virginia.

The Ark and the Dove carried about 322 passengers and crew on the voyage including the loyalists who left from Gravesend, England and the Catholics who boarded at the Isle of Wight. Twelve people died crossing the ocean.

The expedition first landed at St. Clement's Island about March 5, 1634, not at St. Mary's City as often mentioned in speeches.

While Governor Leonard Calvert traveled the Potomac to meet with Indian leaders the remaining colonists built a fort on St. Clement's Island and on March 25 a ceremony on the Island, now celebrated as Maryland Day, was held.

During the ceremony the charter to the Calvert family was read and made Maryland the first colony in the world to guarantee religious freedom to all residents.

Around March 27, 1634 some of the colonists remained at St. Clements while others went to establish St. Mary's City.

While St. Clement's Manor was chartered in 1638 and the Manor House finished the same year St. Mary's City was not chartered until 1668 and ceased to exist in 1699. Both English settlements in Jamestown, VA and Plymouth, MA ceased to exist in the 1690's as well.

The St. Clement's Manor House under Lord Thomas Gerard was completed in 1638 on the mainland overlooking St. Clement's Island (currently Coltons Point).

If we just correct these errors in historical records we can begin the process of accurately documenting all the historical records of this most sacred and significant time in American history.

Other articles about the history of Maryland can be found at the following links.

Histories Mysteries - Next King of England (Prince William) Shares St. Clements Manor, Maryland bloodline

Histories Mysteries - The Voyage of the Ark and the Dove

St. Clements Pre-history Part 2

St. Clements Pre-history Part 1

St. Clements Island and Manor - Four Centuries of Interrupted History

Summer Comes To Coltons Point

Scenes from Coltons Point

The Miracle of St. Clements Island

The Pilgrim's Progress


Monday, January 25, 2010

Questions and Comments about the Coltons Point Times


There are at least nine Bald Eagles living in Coltons Point and that is just one reason why the Coltons Point Times is published from the banks of the Potomac River. Another is because we are just 60 miles downriver from the source of all comedy, tragedy and fantasy in America, Washington, DC.

Sometimes as new readers discover the Coltons Point Times, CPT, they ask about the distribution and extent of our readership along with what makes the CPT unique. Periodically I will update the stories with the latest information.

As of January 21 we were able to determine that 125,000 people have read the newspaper in the last 12 months with readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 100 foreign nations. We believe this is indicative of the worldwide interest in America as well as in the birthplace of religious freedom in the world and the oldest continuously settled chartered community in colonial America.

The top ten nations in readership of the CPT are United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Netherlands, Italy, India and Spain. In terms of states our top ten readers are in Maryland, Florida, California, Virginia, Texas, Washington, New Jersey, Georgia, Arkansas, New York and Colorado tied for tenth.

It is an honor to have people from every state and over 100 nations as readers. From New York to California, Washington to Florida, North to South America, Europe to Russia, Africa to Asia and down under in Australia and New Zealand we are delighted to share our view of America and the world.

We also believe it is a statement of approval regarding our policies of not allowing any type of advertising, no banners, videos, pop ups or any other form of advertising like you find on all other news sites. It is also an indication of approval of our policy of asking no personal information from our readers and no email information through registration or other technique used by most sites to capture and sell mailing lists.

In addition we allow anonymous comments rather than personal emails to further protect your right to privacy. We will continue to resist all attempts by web sites and search engines to get us to carry their ads. This has cost us readership because big sites will not distribute and promote us if they cannot make money on us through internet ads.

We also maintain on line a full archive of all our stories so you can see if our predictions were true, watch a story develop over time or get all the background on an important issue. There are no restrictions on printing, forwarding or sending copies of our articles and we only ask that you credit the CPT when quoting our material.

Numerous reporters and news sites monitor the CPT and you may notice stories by other media that sound somewhat familiar to what we reported. We are happy to be a source of the truth for them and if stealing our information without crediting the CPT is how they view journalism, at least we are encouraging them to report the truth.

You can help us remain the only news site that does not violate your privacy, require you to register or inundate you with ads. The one site that solicits comments anonymously. You can help by telling people about us and encouraging people to follow the CPT. You can even give them direct access through the following link: and you can get automatic feeds of our stories, again without registration.

Finally we encourage you to submit comments and story ideas or tell us which stories appeal to you the most so we can keep addressing the needs and interests of our readers. Your comments and encouragement is our most direct tie to you, our readers.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to better serving you as we continue.

Jim Putnam


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Histories Mysteries - Next King of England (Prince William) Shares St. Clements Manor, Maryland bloodline


When the late Princess Diana's son Prince William of Wales, heir apparent to the British throne and grandson to Queen Elizabeth II, becomes King, it will be the first time in history that an English monarch is 1/16th American. Ancestors of Prince William and his brother Harry, sons of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, are from Coltons Point, also know as St. Clements Manor, settled 375 years ago near the mouth of the Potomac River.

How could this be you might ask? Good question. Because we thought we had run the British out of America a couple of centuries ago. But alas, one of the enduring mysteries of St. Clements Island and Coltons Point is the very strange history that abounds in this quiet little place lost in time yet just an hour from our nation's capitol. The first colony in the world to guarantee religious freedom, at a time when Catholics were being persecuted in England, everything about this place is mysterious.

And nothing is more mysterious than the first proprietors of the original St. Clements Manor, the Gerard family of England. Two of the Gerards, a brother and sister, were on the Ark and Dove in 1634 listed on the manifest as investors and gentlemen or women.

Some history books indicate that in 1633 when the Charter was first granted for Mary Land by King Charles II to the Calverts, well before the ships left for America, the King and Calvert gave a grant to the Gerard family for any land they wanted in the New World north of the Potomac River. If they did it would be indicative of the power and respect for the family.

You see, according to English Heraldry the Gerards trace their English heritage back to the 1100's to William Fitzgerald, (the Gerard family name was shortened from Fitzgerald to Gerard and also spelled Gerrard and Girard). William traveled with Richard Strongbow and was part of the force that took control of Ireland for the King of England. After that there were a lot of Sirs in the family over the years.

By the time of King Henry VIII the Gerard family was one of the most powerful Catholic families in England and never seemed to be prosecuted for being Catholic under the reins of Henry and Elizabeth I. During the later years of Elizabeth Sir Thomas Gerard began making plans to set up a colony in America where Catholics would be free of persecution.

Thus with George Calvert, an investor in Queen Elizabeth's efforts to colonize foreign lands, he helped finance the Calvert Maryland colony. George Calvert had also become a Catholic just when England was banning Catholics. Whatever the agreement between Gerard, Calvert and King Charles, two of the Gerard family members were dispatched on the first ships.

But the real Gerard claim was the charter for St. Clements Manor because the Gerard family was entrusted with the most sacred site of the expedition to establish religious freedom in America, St. Clements Island. History conscious England would normally protect National Treasurers like the first landing site in the New World guaranteeing religious freedom. It was another sign of the trust of the British crown in the Gerard family. Though the area was finally certified by surveys in 1639, since the 1634 landing it had been occupied by those in the first expedition.

In Father Andrew White's historic journal of the colonization it talks of St. Clements Island, the first landing site in the New World. It was here the first fort was built, the first Catholic Mass performed and the first peaceful encounter with Native Americans established the long term peaceful relationship. It was also in the St. Clements Manor area that Father White, thanks to the Indians, set up the first Catholic chapel in the New World.

For the first five years after the landing the St. Clements Manor area was one of just five settlement sites in all of the Maryland area where the Jesuit priests could go and meet with the Native Americans. It was considered safe enough for such interaction with the Native Americans. The site of the St. Clements Manor House complex became Coltons Point and has been lived in ever since.

Historians know that places like Jamestown, Plymouth and St. Mary's City all ceased to exist in their original sites by the 1690's. Thus Coltons Point was settled in 1634, chartered in 1638 and surveyed in 1639. Because of these reasons the St. Clements Manor area, now Coltons Point, is the oldest continuously lived in chartered settlement in all of colonial America.

Dr. Thomas Gerard, whose brother and sister were on the first ships, was the family member designated to settle and develop the New World holdings and he arrived with his family in 1638, immediately settling at Coltons Point (St. Clements Manor). In time his manor grew to one of the largest in all of America including over 20,000 acres. He also owned land in Virginia and he was a partner owning Capitol Hill, the land where the US Congress, Supreme Court and much of our federal government was build.

Gerard was an unusual person, exactly what King Charles would prefer. While Charles was a Protestant King with a Catholic Queen, Henrietta Maria from the powerful Medici family of France no less, Gerard was a Catholic from a powerful English family with a Protestant wife. When he reached America he built the first chapel for Catholics and Protestants on the Manor.

His Manor House in Coltons Point sat on the riverbank and faced the little Island where the landing took place. St. Clements Manor House was burnt down by the Protestants around 1645, rebuilt, burnt down by the English in 1713 and rebuilt, and finally destroyed by a hurricane in 1933. One day maybe it will be rebuilt on it's original site.

Gerard was the first doctor in Maryland, a gentleman and successful businessman. He was often at odds with the Calverts, the Lords from England, over the rights of the people versus the rights of the crown. After the protestant revolt in England his lands were seized for a time and he moved to his Virginia land. He was the neighbor and friend of John Washington, George Washington's great grandfather. In time two of his daughters married John Washington thus were step great grandmothers of our first President.

For those of you who find it odd that two sisters would marry the same person, regardless of the fact it was George Washington's great grandfather, a note on the Colonial ways. Way back then women were a rather rare feature in the early colonial days. Also death came early for many of the men. So to protect those women who choose to help settle the New World the families would often have the next available male or female marry the widows.

This was an extension of the rules of the English monarchy, the same rules that proved to be King Henry VIII's undoing. You see, his brother was King and died at age 15 in 1502 when Henry was just 10. Henry was thus required to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of Queen Isabella I of Spain (the same Isabella who sent Columbus to discover America). Catherine was much older and Henry had to wait until he was 17 before the marriage took place.

Well Henry had difficulty adjusting to the older woman and was enamored by younger women like the Boleyn sisters, having an affair with one and marrying the second, Anne. Anne forced him to divorce Catherine. Thus began the religious wars that tore Britain apart for the next 150 years. For her part Anne got beheaded but her daughter with Henry, Elizabeth, became Elizabeth I, one of the most beloved Queens of England. She never married. Hummm.

Back in the colonies when he died Dr. Thomas Gerard was buried alongside his first wife at the St. Clements manor House overlooking St. Clements Island. We believe both grave sites have been located three centuries later and along with St. Clements Island they should become one of the most historical sites in Southern Maryland. Meanwhile, numerous smaller manors within St. Clements Manor were given as gifts or sold. Frances Scott Key, composer of our National Anthem, was even born on St. Clements Manor.

In England where the rest of the Gerard family remained their royal bloodlines continued and both Prince Charles of Wales and Princess Diana are blood relatives of the Gerards. When Prince William becomes King he will be the first British Monarch who is 1/16th American. He is also 1/16th German, 1/16th Hungarian, 1/32nd Irish and 1/64th French.

That means our Coltons Point bloodline (Gerards) will have a son of Princess Diana, Prince William, who becomes King of England who is related to King Henry VIII, a new King whose ancestors were step great grandmothers to George Washington who defeated the English, and who is the first British King who is 1/16 American. No wonder we always liked Princess Diana.

Prince William of Wales, heir to the English throne, can trace his family to St. Clements Island and Coltons Point. We even know the gravesite of his ancestors here in Coltons Point who first arrived 375 years ago. We really must celebrate when Prince William becomes King. Better yet, why not start now in honor of the future King of England whose ancestors were our founders.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Coltons Point in Winter - Still a Sportsman Paradise


Chris Gass, the Marlboro Man from Coltons Point and the prodigal son of a long Gass line here in Southern Maryland, the infamous Gass family who trace their local roots back to the beginning of time, demonstrated why he came home to Southern Maryland a few years back when he moved his industrial sheet stuff business from Texas back home to Maryland.

First, it gave him an excuse to travel to China where he just spent three weeks touring Asia, mostly China, and was given a very warm reception.

Maybe the fact he was a football star in college and at 6'5" he towered over his Chinese hosts, or the fact he kept being mistaken for Clint Eastwood helped but it was quite a trip for a local boy.

Back here in the Point, Chris was trolling for Rock Fish in 35 feet of water just off shore at St. Clement's Island, the place where colonists landed 375 years ago and never left here, as the big Christmas snow storm was moving in to the Point.

Typical for the Point, he was using 30 pound test line and caught one of the biggest Striped Bass of the year.

After battling the elements and the fish for an exhausting half hour or more he went to net the monster fish only to have his net shatter from the weight. Not a problem for a football star. He manhandled the monster fish into the boat. It was over 40 inches long and over 40 pounds and he got enough fillets off that fish to feed the entire county.

Rumor has it that only Robert Kopel, distinguished grand marshal of all parades in the Point since the turn of the last century, has ever caught a bigger bass but there are a lot of unsubstantiated rumors regarding the mysterious Kopel family. Down here seeing is believing, and the photo produced by Mr. Kopel left more than a few people skeptical.

PS. Only Maryland has the audacity to change the name of sports fish, in this case calling a Striped Bass a Rock Fish.

Now that Chris has captured the biggest bass in the tidewaters of the Potomac as far as we are concerned, we are hoping he can use his sportsman skills to eliminate a bunch of the politicians polluting our nation's capitol just upriver. It is time for a change...
