Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sarah Palin Again Sends MSNBC into a Tailspin with New TV Series


When MSNBC has everything to talk about what with Obama and the health care approval they still cannot resist interrupting the news to take a shot at Sarah Palin. There is nothing more entertaining than watching a media enterprise like left leaning MSNBC working up a dither over the moose hunter from Alaska.

NBC refuses to believe Palin has a strong and loyal backing no matter what she does and every time she has a little success the reporters at MSNBC line up to trash her achievement. Why don't they just shut up and leave Palin alone?

Since MSNBC seems to promote books over everything else, especially those written by MSNBC staff, they must still be fuming since Palin ignored them on her book tour and took the rest of the country by storm. In the end Palin sold over 2.4 million copies, having one of the highest selling political biographies in history.

The elitists at MSNBC just cannot accept that a backwoods, rifle toting soccer mom could do that. The fact she snubbed the cable network and still was a nationwide best seller is too much for them to take.

The same was true when Palin landed the job with Fox News. And now, when Palin has landed a TV series with the Discovery Network to show the world the wonders of the State of Alaska at a reported price of over $1 million per episode they are flabbergasted.

How could the hick from the wilderness have become a multi-millionaire TV star just months after giving up the governorship of Alaska? It would never occur to the media elitists that Sarah Palin paid her dues under a barrage of false charges and innuendo and incessant efforts by the media to smear her reputation and ruin her career.

Palin, smiling through the deluge of negativity and brushing off the media as if they were gnats on a moose in Alaska, just did her thing and kept getting stronger in popularity. Now if it was jealously on the part of the liberals I could understand. Every time Sarah appears on television her ratings bury the meager ratings of the MSNBC elite. Millions of Americans watch Palin while a much smaller number watch MSNBC.

Maybe they are in shock because Sarah managed to negotiate her own TV studio in Alaska so she would not be just another voice in Washington or New York. Maybe it is because her new series will bring attention to the state she clearly loves. Or maybe it is because she earns a salary that dwarfs the normal TV reporter's salary.

It would never occur to the media pundits that Palin commands such a high salary because she brings millions of viewers to the show when she appears. Ad revenue is everything and Palin is a gold mine on television. Just ask Oprah, who went out of her way to get Sarah on her show after Palin lost the election and resigned as governor, and still she significantly boosted Oprah's ratings. The same happened with Jay Leno and helped propel him back into first place in the Late Night ratings race.

Wake up MSNBC! Jealously is not good for your image. Bashing Sarah Palin does not help your ratings. If you really want to do something to help your network and give you some degree of credibility, then get Palin on the show like Oprah and Leno. Or do you prefer the Letterman approach of trashing Palin and watch your ratings sink into last place?

Just get over it MSNBC. The election is over. Obama is president. Palin is not in public office and there is nothing you can do about it. You should be happy she is making so much money in private business that she can't afford to take time off to run for president. You had your chance to destroy her and you blew it.

HOLD THE PRESSES: Very quietly today and very early this morning before it was even light out MSNBC admitted they had misrepresented the facts about the Palin story. Today they acknowledged their assault on Palin yesterday had two things wrong. First, it wasn't Discovery Channel but the TLC Network that is owned by Discovery.

Second they admitted she was not receiving over a million dollars for each show but the total production budget of each show was over a million dollars. Discovery said the show is called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" and is a documentary series on the wonders of Alaska.

Do you think all the MSNBC shows will air the retraction during daylight hours? Don't count on it. Maybe they should fact check themselves before shooting off at the mouth.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sarah Palin's Triple Whammy Leaves Liberal Leftists Gasping for Oxygen


Yesterday was a glorious day for America's most famous cheerleader as she made her stunning debut on Late Night Television joining Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, left her political imprint all over the race for governor in Texas, and set her old nemesis David Letterman back in the ratings, all after being written off for dead by the liberal media. Sarah brought her message of hope for America and of compassion for Americans to the national spotlight.

It was a day the White House and Washington political fat cats should remember because she proved once and for all that Sarah Palin is here to stay and she keeps getting better and stronger all the time. Kudos to Jay Leno for landing her as it was her first appearance in the ratings war for late night television and if her record continues she will help Jay bury Letterman in the ratings.

It was not long ago when Oprah Winfrey, whose ratings were stagnant, was visited by Palin and saw her ratings double in some markets and increased her viewers by several million people. All because of the hockey mom from Alaska who survived one-sided vicious attacks from the liberal media and White House for over a year.

But that was just one aspect of what happened yesterday. Do you remember how the media made such a big deal of how the Republican winners in the New Jersey and Virginia did not want her help and barely got elected? Well in Texas they know something others don't.

Rick Perry was running for re-election against an established politician from Washington, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Perry was the first major candidate in a nationally watched race to ask Sarah Palin for help and she went in and campaigned with him, drawing over 6,000 to a political rally in Houston. As a result his standing in the polls shot from being behind by nearly 20 points to an astounding 20 point victory over the Washington establishment.

Palin Power is alive and well in America and look for a lot of other candidates to ask for her help in campaigning and fund raising. It's a role she has mastered. By the way, to show her independence she not only opposed the Washington establishment candidate in Texas but opposed another Tea Party candidate.

Perry crushed Hutchinson. This morning the liberal media were silent on the results and ignored the pivotal role Palin played in helping Perry to his amazing victory. What else could they do? I mean her ratings impact on television are 10 to 20 times the morning ratings for liberal TV shows and bury the prime time mouthpieces of the liberal leftists on MSNBC whenever she makes an appearance.

On the Leno show Jay let her be Sarah and the results were spectacular. In fact Luisita Lopez Torregrosa from Inside Politics Daily said it best in her article this morning. This is what she had to say.

And heeeeeeeere's Sarah!Posted:

At long last, what the world has been waiting for, Sarah Palin at night.

Those long legs, in blue jeans, stride with strong purpose across the polished floors of the stage of Jay Leno's new and shiny studio in Burbank, Calif.

Sarah Palin, she who must be mocked and adored, is making her first-ever appearance on a late-night show. The crowd howls, the band twangs, and Jay Leno, on the second night of his comeback to "Tonight," the show that is his by rights and ratings, shakes her hand and takes his seat behind his new stage desk. He knows -- look at that grin -- he has won the night.

It starts slowly. He asks her about the usual things she's heard over and over and she shoots back answers she knows by rote yet sounds spontaneous somehow. Does she mind being controversial? She smiles. "I'm not one to sit down and shut up...I'm not desiring to hunker down." She slings darts at the mainstream media without drawing blood. She talks about her wish to clarify many of her comments, but doesn't specify which comments, and to large applause, she says that the Tea Party movement is beautiful. Most of this is warmed-over stuff. She sticks to her guns, bless her.

Then, surprise! She gets up, slim as an athlete, takes center stage and does a stand-up routine, all by herself, confident and light, liking that spotlight. "I picked up a gig in Las Vegas at the Legends show...playing Tina Fey." The audience howls. She's got no stage fright, not that she would let it show. But comedy is not something she would want to pursue, but then, many would say, neither is politics. Her two-minute gig will be catnip this week for "Saturday Night Live" and the merciless blogosphere.

Here in New York, meantime, David Letterman, Jay's longtime thorn in the side, is on the run. He's got nowhere to go to flee the Palin tsunami. Dashing David, who made a big splash in the fall with his acknowledged serial affairs with female subordinates, had offended Palin months back, when he sort of insulted one of her daughters. What can he do now but book Mitt Romney, a seriously boring but legitimate contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012? Dave is too smart not to know that Mitt is going to put the audience to sleep out there in America while jazzy Sarah is keeping them awake and ogling.

On Monday night, when Leno ushered his first "Tonight" apres the firing of Conan O'Brien, he won hands down: 6.6 million viewers, according to early Nielsen's ratings, against Letterman's 3.8 million on CBS. But it was last night, with Palin, that Leno found his old familiar stride, letting her move easily in the spotlight.

Her sit-and-chat with Jay Leno was not her only appearance last night on prime time. A framed picture of her in a trademark red top and a copy of her book, "Going Rogue," were used as props and tease at the end of the hit CBS program "The Good Wife." There she was, Sarah Barracuda, doing a cameo without ever having to step in front of a camera. That is, like it or not, true fame.

For those of you who missed it,

Even The Guardian from England featured a story on Sarah and Jay showing her international appeal as well. They reported the following.

In a life lived in the public eye Sarah Palin has been a beauty queen, Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate. But last night, she basked in a new kind of media spotlight: the late-night talkshow interview.

It is a rite of passage for many American celebrities who endure gentle barbs and satirical proddings to tout their latest film, book or TV show.

Palin had only her own brand to sell as she made her late-night debut in California on Jay Leno's's Tonight Show. She passed the test with flying colours, delivering a now familiar folksy performance strong on self-deprecating humour and light on meaningful content. She even did a mock impression of Leno's famous opening monologues, delivering a confident stand-up routine at the end of her interview.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Todd Palin, The First Dude, Sarah Palin's Soul Mate and Advisor


I just love it when the media gets so carried away with Palin bashing that they go brain dead trying to find the newest way to stop her. Recently thanks to the unrelenting liberal obsession with smearing all things Palin they got hundreds of emails from Sarah's time as governor publicly released and surprise, surprise they discovered that Todd Palin actually helped his wife in the office.

Of course they forgot to mention that Todd was listed as an unpaid advisor to the governor and had taken a leave of absence from his job on the North Slopes and that all that help did not cost the public a single cent but then the leftists never let facts get in the way of a good Palin story.

So what is the story? It was a question posed to me by someone insinuating they were Glenn Beck so Glenn or your imposter here is my report on Todd. The First Dude is an Independent union member from the United Steelworkers. Sarah's high school sweetheart, something that I'm certain irks the liberals and their distain for family values, they eloped to save money and have been happily married ever since.

A steelworker, jock, commercial fisherman, championship snowmobile racer, motorcycle rider, father, family man and pilots his own private plane, by any definition Todd is truly a Dude. Being Sarah Palin's husband also makes him the target of outrageous media attacks and liberal charges. It is a good thing he ignores the vicious attacks because the First Dude could whup any ten liberal elitists with one hand tied behind his back.

As for Todd helping out in the governor's office, well let's explore that charge of a spouse of an elected politician helping out. Hummm. I guess we could start with Hillary Clinton. She not only helped her husband in the governor's office but in the White House as well with her own staff and office. Did anyone hear the liberal media squawking?

When President Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke in office his wife ran the presidency and she wasn't elected. Franklin Roosevelt had Eleanor and she riled a lot of feathers interfering in office affairs. People said Nancy Reagan was the best access to Ronald Reagan if you wanted to get something to his attention.

So maybe the response to what Todd was doing should be, his job as a husband, helping his wife and trying to protect her from the sharks. The same thing Hillary and many other spouses have done over the years. In fact if more politicians would put their spouses beside them in the office there might be a lot less affairs and hanky panky by our elected officials.

If I were Sarah Palin I would have anyone who wanted to see me arm wrestle the First Dude before letting them in and she might save herself from a lot of wasted time being nice to those who want to see her career come to a crashing end.

By the way, in the 30 some campaigns I was involved in at the local, state and national levels you always knew that the spouse was the most important person in the campaign next to the candidate and the more the spouse knew about the office the better the candidates chances of winning and serving successfully. Sarah you keep that First Dude between you and the cold, cruel world you want to help and your chances of success increase exponentially.

Speaking of Sarah Palin, she is one person I have written about who always gets significant attention from the public so I thought you might enjoy seeing the articles I have written about her since she stepped into the national limelight about 18 months ago. You can copy and paste the following links to see how she evolved nationally and in the eyes of the Coltons Point Times. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sarah Palin - America's Valentine's Day Gift to Liberals

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Obama Hijacks Palin Agenda for Born Again Populist Pitch

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sarah Palin Guaranteed Ongoing National Spotlight - Becomes Fox News Commentator

Monday, December 14, 2009
Sarah Palin Ends Tour on Tonight Show

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Al Gore versus Sarah Palin - The Great Hot Air Debate

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Sarah Palin Crashes National Gridiron Club - Five Blocks from White House

Monday, November 23, 2009
SNL 2012 Predicts Sarah Palin to Save America from Barack's Armageddon

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sarah Palin Didn't Resign - She Just Reloaded

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Palin Boosts Oprah Ratings - Blows Nielsen Lights Out

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sarah's Back and the Liberals are Wailin' as Palin tears down the Wall of Silence

Friday, October 30, 2009
CBS Promotes Smut to Smear Palin in desperate News Ratings Grab

Friday, October 02, 2009
Letterman - Liberal's Palin Basher Gets Bashed

Tuesday, September 01, 2009
The People's Palin is Back Barack -To Slay the Liberal Dragons

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Polls - Palin Drops 14% and gets Impaled - Obama Drops 16% Media Ignore It

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sarah Palin Free at Last

Friday, March 06, 2009
The Palin Proposal

Monday, October 20, 2008
Obama's Got the Wailin' Palin Blues

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Obama President - Palin Vice President - What if the electoral vote is tied?

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Could Palin Invasion of Privacy be Obama's Watergate?

Friday, September 12, 2008
ABC News Continues Media Efforts to Distort Palin Message

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama Says Governor Palin Not Experienced to Lead Nation

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Palin Stops Obama's Bridge to Nowhere

Monday, September 08, 2008
Something About Sarah - Our Radical Elitist Liberal Socialist Media Don't Understand

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Sarah Palin New Media Star

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Sarah Palin, Governor


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sarah Palin - America's Valentine's Day Gift to Liberals


Why is it the elite liberals of America have such an obsessive attraction to Sarah Palin, the people's voice from the wilderness whose determination to rid the establishment of old time politicians drives a stake into the heart of liberals leaving them frothing at the mouth when she speaks or Twitters?

Of all people it is the intellectual wing of the liberal cause that is first and most furious to react to virtually any act, words or appearances of Palin from the writing on her hand to the words from her mouth. You would think after all these years in politics they would understand when it comes to Palin, it is the far left that empowers her, keeps her in the limelight, and makes her bigger than life.

Now I have been involved in politics a long time working for Democrats, Republicans and Independents over the years and with the exception of Ross Perot, whose Independent movement brought down a Republican president 18 years ago, there has never been a phenomena quite like Sarah. It seems that all those in opposition to Palin have gone brain dead in trying to deal with her.

First take a look at the polls. Palin's claim to fame before the vice presidential race was being governor of Alaska, a state few know anything about. Her meteoric rise as vice president candidate was fueled by the most vicious attacks in politics ever seen bringing truth to the old adage that the more you attack the more sympathy the public is likely to give that person. American's like underdogs and never was the media and liberal community more guilty of creating the very underdog they came to fear and loath.

But you would have thought the election of Obama would have ended that. When she resigned as Alaska governor six months later and two years before the end of her term, a sure sign of political fatigue, it should have been the last we heard from the moose hunter from Alaska. But it was only the beginning of her rise to standard bearer for all who are fed up with politics as usual.

Palin has defied the odds over and over again in spite of the increasing outcry by the White House, liberals, the media and special interests who keep her in the spotlight and have brought her to the consciousness of every voter in America. The vicious nature of attacks and incredible manipulation of the truth about her make her bigger than life and her opponents are to blame.

In politics, the first truism is people have got to know who you are, the infamous name recognition argument that rings true every election cycle. To keep people out of the news you ignore them. To keep people in the news you attack them. Those who do the latter lose and no one is more responsible for the astonishing name recognition of Sarah Palin than the liberal media and leftist intellectuals, with the sole exception of the White House staff and VP Joe Biden who remains somewhat detached from the elitist intellectuals running the White House.

In Biden's case his role is stalking horse for the president, a role he fulfills with blinders and quite well. Yet even Obama says Biden is deeply involved in everything done by the president so we must take Obama at his word, when Biden speaks about Palin it is the president who is speaking through him. The same with the Chicago gang in the White House who never miss a chance to discredit Palin no matter how far they have to stray from the truth. Their words are those of Obama.

Now acknowledging that the Obama campaign machine and the liberal media machine both blew it by failing to ignore her and in turn making Palin bigger than life, what is going on? I believe the hatred of Palin is so deeply entrenched that the liberals, especially media and intellectuals, and the White House elitists are so consumed they will never see the light and leave Sarah alone.

Palin does everything they expected to control and she has trampled on their perception of the role of the elite in society today. The liberals champion causes yet Palin can take on any cause and threaten their goals. For example take energy. She knows how to get energy independence with existing energy. They only believe their green society, Wall Street alignments and new energy are the future. Just when they expected Obama to implement all their untried and untested theories along comes Palin and stops them dead in their tracks.

They paint her as a fool yet she stops cap and trade legislation by telling the people the truth about it. A defeated candidate who resigned from her own office has the power to stop the special interests with no office, no base, not even support from her own political party. The same is true with the Obama secret deals with Wall Street, the ineffectiveness of stimulus and bailouts, the sheer idiocy of the health care potpourri and by raising questions about the sanctity of life.

No outsider with no political base has ever dominated the agenda of our Washington politicians and national media like Sarah and no outsider has generated the response, the attacks, the fear as Sarah has on the liberals and those trying to preserve the status quo.

Oh the incessant attacks have swayed some voters, mostly those members of the very special interests trying to steal America. But as Palin conquers one step at a time in capturing the consciousness of America her base grows as people don't have to believe she is qualified to be president, they just have to believe that she is honest, has family values, common sense and a desire to bring the government under control. She is the heart of the public and the voice of the silent Americans just as she is the only national figure who seems to listen and genuinely want to hear what the public has to say.

When Palin released a book, Going Rogue, that outsold all other political books in history, now surpassing two million copies, far more than any liberal or media person ever dreamed of selling, it was the last straw for the elite. How dare this half-baked grandmother from Alaska, a former beauty queen who dared marry her local sweetheart, who raised five kids and loved one with down syndrome, who hunted with real guns and even fished, who flew her own plane and dared speak for the people. It was just not right that the intellectuals could not sell books like Sarah.

So here we are, a year after her election defeat, six months after she resigned as governor, and what is Sarah doing? Well, this best selling author is leading the charge to throw the Democrats out of office, and the outsiders are three for three to date. She is now a Fox News commentator no longer needing the media for exposure. She is one of the highest paid speakers in America and has a powerful campaign committee helping out new politicians around the nation.

In this past week when the entire Northeast was buried under a snowstorm and the politicians were silent, it was the Beauty Queen from Alaska who dominated the media, stole the agenda of America, and simply refuses to go away. In response she has been blasted on every liberal media outlet every single day over stupid things while she was busy addressing issues and demonstrating that she has indeed changed since the elections.

Larry King had Vice President Biden on television talking about Palin. The White House resorted to their juvenile smear tactics to make fun of her notes on her hand. Liberal polls bombarded the media showing Palin was bad in a dozen different ways though Palin is not running for anything. The frenzy of attacks on Sarah was as great as any time during the last campaign and what happened during the campaign was one of the darker moments of our political history.

Still, if you ignored the political babbling there were stories and op-ed pieces about Palin by those who once upon a time were out to destroy her and suddenly a different tone was starting to be heard about the beast from the northwest. Both The New York Times and Washington Post ran articles warning the liberals that Sarah Palin deserved to be heard. She had a connection to Americans that should not be ignored.

The shock of Sarah in the media was suddenly overwhelmed by the far worse shock that some liberal media were saying maybe she did deserve to be heard

Love her or hate her, Sarah Palin is a political force that defies the odds and breaks the mold. She came from the backwoods and dominates the realm of the elite, the Internet, with her incessant Face Book barrages and multi-million book sales. Sarah makes life interesting, makes politicians accountable and brings family values and honesty to politics. Everyone, friend and foe, benefits from her crusade.

Clearly Sarah Palin is our Valentine's Day gift to liberals because if they accept the gift rather than reject it maybe Sarah will get a break, the media will leave her alone, and the liberals will stop making her bigger than life. We kind of like her being a moose hunter from Alaska with a bulls eye on the Wall Street and Washington establishments. You know you cannot stop her. Why don't you just leave our voice in the wilderness alone? Oh did I mention she just turned a young 46? Sarah may be around for quite a while.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Obama Prima Ballerina Blasted by Sarah Palin - Rahm Emanuel Regrets Remark


In a rare episode in American politics the leader of the Chicago gang in the White House got caught using the F___ word and a derogatory characterization of America's special needs children, "retarded", and was immediately called on the carpet by Sarah Palin.

Damage control by the White House was swift as they already had practice at covering up such derogatory blasphemy since President Obama had earlier stepped on his tongue when making fun of the Special Olympics.

Why is it that the liberal community remained silent on the Emanuel lip slip when special needs is a cause of concern to liberals? There is a hypocritical silence by the liberals when anyone in the Obama administration mocks liberal causes but Sarah Palin came to their rescue blasting Emanuel and calling for his firing as a leader of the American government.

Emanuel was quoted in the Wall Street Journal last week making the comment in an August meeting with some liberal activists who were threatening to run TV ads against conservative Democrats hesitant to embrace President Obama's approach to health care reform.

After the Journal story was published, Emanuel called Special Olympics Chairman and CEO Timothy Shriver to apologize. The Special Olympics announced Tuesday evening that members of the disabilities rights community will meet Wednesday afternoon with White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, after the fiery Chicagoan admitted to having referred to some liberal activists as "f---ing retarded."

The Special Olympics said in a statement: "The meeting will be a face-to-face discussion with Rahm Emanuel about the suffering and pain of people with intellectual disabilities that is perpetuated by the use of the terms 'retard' and 'retarded' as well as the damage that can be done by the casual use of the R-word – even if it is not directed toward people with intellectual disabilities."

This was a well rehearsed performance of damage control at the White House since Shriver seems to be the designated Democratic cover for big mouths. His father started the Special Olympics program and Timothy continues the family commitment. A relative of the Kennedys, his father was once vice presidential candidate for the Democrats. Oh yes, and Special Olympics CEO Shriver is a contributor to the Obama campaign.

Last March Obama got in hot water when he appeared on the Jay Leno show and when asked about the bowling alley in the White House, Obama joked to Jay that his average score of 129 "was like the Special Olympics or something."

Special Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver, who said Obama called him that time from Air Force One to apologize for the comment, talked about it on ABC's "Good Morning America" March 20.

"He expressed his disappointment and he apologized in a way that was very moving. He expressed that he did not intend to humiliate this population," Shriver said, adding that Obama said he would like to have some Special Olympic athletes visit the White House to bowl or play basketball.

Shriver added that despite the apology, "I think it's important to see that words hurt and words do matter. And these words that in some respect can be seem as humiliating or a put-down to people with special needs do cause pain and they do result in stereotypes."

Perhaps the incidents would be a little more sincere if a Democratic campaign contributor had not been the first and only call by the President and Chief of Staff. There are a lot of special needs children, 40 million families are affected, and there are a lot of good organizations besides the Special Olympics.

However, managing damage control for the tasteless jokes and stinging rebukes by White House staff, not to mention the periodic blunders by Vice President Biden, is about the only sign of leadership and taking responsibility by this White House. If only they applied the same leadership to running the government.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Barack Obama and Roger Ailes - Great Political Peacemakers


In a stunning turn of events Roger Ailes, the genius behind Fox News network and the Godfather of the conservative movement in America journeyed to the ABC This Week news round table Sunday, a program hosted by Barbara Walters of The View fame and keeper of the faith for liberals in America.

As you may recall, President Obama journeyed to the Lion's den just last week to meet with Republican lawmakers without Nancy Pelosi or the White House gang and his appearance caused quite a stir. We ran a story on the meeting last week.

This time it was Ailes who journeyed to the bowels of liberaldom to confront the enemies of reality, the masters of deception, the pyramids of the pariah and the fountain of negativity and nitpicking. Well, maybe that gives Barbara Wawa a bit too much credit since she seems to be shying away from awful controversy she began hosting the View with the wall of liberal defenders.

Still, she was able to draw the Big Bear Ailes from his mountaintop, she describes him as a friend, one of her millions I guess, and it was still a memorable experience. It was the Sunday after the President's State of the Union and the Ailes interview dominated the media Sunday which is just what Roger expects Fox to do. I'm sure the White House staff were disappointed that Ailes knocked the president out of the lead stories but Fox seems to make a habit of doing that.

Waiting for him at the table was The Huffington Post's Arianna Huffington, a more worthy protector of the liberal line could not be found. A few fireworks began to ignite when she interrogated Ailes but his legendary wit and brutal honesty were no match for the leftists.

She challenged him on having an extremist like Glenn Beck on Fox and Roger simply responded we are after the ratings and we are number one.

When she asked how he could possibly have someone like, ugh, Sarah Palin as a network news commentator he replied I was the only network to have the only Democratic VP candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, on TV for ten years and now I am the only network to have the only Republican VP candidate on the air. We are Fair and Balanced.

Huffington huffed a few times but got none of the adoration she gets from all the liberal shows where she normally appears and the series of exchanges finally gave us a break from all the politicians polluting the airways.

I must say when she was challenging the Fox efforts to polarize the public Ailes calmly mentioned that her very own blog has used equally inflammatory language about him, she promptly claimed it was a comment from a reader, but a fact check showed it was in a Huffington story. Chalk another one up to Roger. Perhaps that is why Fox buries the liberal media in popularity.

Now if these peacekeeping efforts by Obama meeting the Republicans and Ailes meeting the liberals are a sign of things to come then there is an outside chance civility may return to the political scene. However, it is not something I would count on as it takes more than words to mend fences.

Besides, we have a long ways to go before we have thrown out all the rascals in politics and since they have no guilt over stretching the truth to defend their horrid records then tough talk may be the only way to get them out of office where they belong.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama Hijacks Palin Agenda for Born Again Populist Pitch


Obama talks for 70 minutes, people are still not sure what he said. But he did smile a lot, tell a few jokes, lecture the public, scold the Supreme Court, castigate an inept Congress and hijacked a bunch of Sarah Palin's agenda that he condemned so viciously last year.

So now, will the liberal elite who buried Palin in insults and smears claiming she was too inexperienced to be babysitter let alone president when she was really running for vice president, now apologize to her since the Chosen One has now seen the light and co-opted her platform and that of the Tea Party? Why he didn't even credit the source of the ideas.

Off shore oil drilling, business tax credits, eliminate capital gains taxes, hiring credits, more nuclear plants, coal and natural gas production, he used a whole lot of the Palin platform to try and win back the independents and people who expect government to be competent. You don't think it has anything to do with the polls do you?

Just so you know he was not completely out of form, as the original Obama was quite the entertaining speaker, he did point out that recent letters he has received from people tell him of the suffering and pain Americans feel about jobs, housing, healthcare and education. You would think after campaigning for president for two years and being president for one year he would have known how bad people were suffering but at least he reads the mail.

Did he hear anything the people told him? Guess not as he said the anti-Washington feeling sweeping across the nation and sweeping politicians out of office was the same wave he rode on his surfboard. I don't think so Mr. Obama. How in the world could someone with all the experience you had as United States Senator and community organizer make you an outsider? Anyone mistaking Obama for anything but a Washington insider would be the same people who mistake Bambi for a serial killer.

Anyway his long and often used "outsider" pivot is another area where he ripped off Sarah Palin who really was an outsider and did fight the political establishment. Heck, Obama even made reference to the bank bailout being like a root canal. Does that mean he ripped off Palin once again with her "drill baby drill" mantra during the campaign? After all the flip flops and absconding of Palin's agenda and platform he would have been a lot better off to have had Palin as VP and kept Biden in the doghouse.

Okay, then there were the 66 references to the almighty "I", another consistent Obama trait that leaves one wondering if the virtue of humility has any place in our young president's worldview. I'm beginning to think he has no foundation to his worldview but snatches the last argument he heard about what to think, whether it came from Sarah Palin or South Park. Then he throws out all he stood for in the campaign which seems to upset those liberal groups expecting socialism to already be here.

Did Obama pivot on his policies like he did his Palinesque rhetoric? Let's see. He still wants his health care bill, cap and trade legislation, pending jobs bill, maybe another similar stimulus since the first one did not do what he wanted, and he now has better ideas for the Tarp funds repaid by the big, bad banks. One might have thought the bank payments would go to reduce the deficit but not our president.

Overall there is one difference between what Obama proposes and what Palin, the Republicans or the Tea Party people would want. I'm sorry Mr. President but you are not the poster boy for the Tea Party and you are most certainly not the Washington outsider you claim. You made the deals to bailout out the banks, insurance companies, auto companies and save the unions and Goldman Sachs from huge losses for irresponsible investing.

You along with most of the politicians in Washington take the money from the lobbyists, banks, insurance companies and every other group like trial lawyers and pharmaceuticals and stick it in your campaign coffers. Some outsider. If you could just tell us the truth and say you will stop being a politician we might believe you. But you act as if you are disgusted by the very practices you encourage behind the scenes and behind closed doors. Where I come from that is being a hypocrite.

Beyond the rhetoric and entertainment there were a couple of ominous signs that would scare the hell out of any God fearing, patriotic American but our adoring media seemed to not notice, and they all too often seem to not notice when Obama makes no sense. This time he made sense.

First he threatened Congress when he said if they didn't give him a bill he wanted he would just sign an executive order and eliminate the need for Congress to act. So the Executive branch can eliminate the need for the Legislative branch to perform their duty. It has already happened under Obama with the cap and trade fiasco demonstrating a distain for such Constitutional principles like the separation of powers and checks and balances between the Executive and Legislative branches.

The House passed the Al Gore/Goldman Sachs cap and trade carbon emissions retirement bill but the Senate wants to think about it, so it spins in the wind doing nothing while others investigate it. Obama's Environmental Protection Agency then decides it knows how to cut Congress out of the decision by declaring carbon dioxide a toxic gas thus making it subject to federal regulation with no action by Congress. One again the Administration has demonstrated a disregard for the Constitutional separation of powers between the Executive and Legislative branches.

My advice to EPA is to go out and arrest all the trees of the world because they emit carbon dioxide when they are cut down. Forget about the fact they also absorb nearly 40% of all carbon dioxide through their natural photosynthesis process. Arrest all the people burning wood for heat because they are directly polluting our atmosphere. And arrest the oceans while they are at it because the sea both generates carbon dioxide and absorbs it to the tune of 60% of all emissions.

The Obama Administration disregard for our Constitutional protections, ones which our forefathers warned us about, is quite disturbing. Why do they think they can ignore elements of the Constitution that guarantee the separation of powers and assure the checks and balances between each division of our republic? Not content with ignoring the separation of powers with the Legislature, he then took aim at the third division of government, the Judiciary.

He scolded the Supreme Court, condemning their decision on corporate free speech, and seemed to try and embarrass them as they sat in the front row watching his speech. One was visibly upset, not by the criticism but by the fact Obama did not even tell the truth about the decision. Obama said the court action will allow corporations, including foreign corporations, to own the US election process. Well foreign corporations are prohibited from contributing to our campaigns and the Supreme Court decision had nothing to do with that.

Obama also forgot to mention he and the Democrats already have taken millions of dollars from corporate executives while the political parties take money directly. He also forgot to mention that anytime Obama and Congress want to fix the system of campaign financing they can do it if they have the guts. However, corporations are betting millions that Obama and our political leaders in the capitol will do nothing.

The thought that a president thinks he can ignore the Constitution if the Legislature and the Judiciary fail to do his bidding is very scary. Finally, his criticism of both parties for not doing what he wanted is a joke as he was the one who refused to work with both parties choosing to work directly with the lobbyists of the special interests. His approach resulted in a new meaning for pork barrel as he gave away $60 billion to the unions without Congressional approval, tens of millions of dollars to the people of Nebraska and Louisiana to bribe their Senators, and billions in protection to the pharmaceutical companies.

Well, he can say what he wants but it sure seems to me as if politics as usual is alive and well in the back rooms of our nation's capitol from the White House to the Halls of Congress. Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. Don't be fooled by the pivots. Don't be fooled by the new found or born again populism. No one in Washington, including our Ivy League educated president, is a friend of the people over special interests or Wall Street.