Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The American Two-Party System - The Roots of Polarization - Destroyer of the Independent Movement.

For the first time in our history in the 2016 election there were more Independents voting than either Democrats or Republicans.  Yet Independents remain the victims of the most vicious and discriminatory laws in the nation.  There is no such thing as an Independent party in America, and those who register as an Independent are denied the right to vote in the primary election for federal elected officials in most states.  

Did you ever wonder how a nation as powerful as America could be dependent on only two political parties to the exclusion of anyone who disagrees with them? Well it was not always that way. In fact there were no political parties back when we tossed out the English. Perhaps this history of the two party system will help you understand why it evolved and how it might have failed to meet the needs of today.

Following the publication of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and before the successful resolution of the War for Independence (1783), the American colonies decided it would be best to "confederate," at least for the purposes of entering into strategic alliances with European powers and perhaps waging war again with the mother country. This gave the U.S. the Articles of Confederation (1781), the first constitution of the "United States.” But the Articles were soon deemed inadequate and another Constitutional Convention was called (1787) which resulted in the U.S. Constitution (1789). But not without a fight.

The “Federalists” were of course instrumental in the movement for the new U.S. Constitution and for a stronger Federal role. The so-called Anti-Federalists were concerned that this new Federal government might over-power the states' sovereignties and abridge individual citizens' rights (most states had a long and proud history of individual rights). The passage of the Bill of Rights, as a permanent limit to the powers of the Federal government, answered much of that argument. Nonetheless, the struggle between a strong Federal government and state sovereignties has been an important thread in the play of our two-party system from the very beginning.

From that beginning in 1789, the U.S. didn't have a two-party system; it had George Washington, a President without a party. During his two terms, a rivalry grew between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both Federalists. Jefferson challenged Adams under the banner of the Democratic-Republican party. Interesting that this first real party, alone, should contain the nominal seeds of the present two-party system. The word Democratic implies will of the people, the word Republican implies rule of law (protection from a potential tyranny of the majority). The (mostly aristocratic and Virginian) Democratic-Republicans kept the Presidency from 1800 through 1828.

In 1828, the popular war-hero Andrew Jackson became the first President from a new party, the Democrats, the true party “of the people." With the exception of one term when the Whigs (a party whose name more clearly identified itself as the party of privilege than the Democratic-Republicans whom they replaced) won the Presidency, the Democrats held the White House until 1860.

The Northern Abolitionist Movement gave birth to a new party (1856), the Republicans. Abraham Lincoln was their first successful candidate for President (1860). The Northern, anti-slavery and pro-business Republicans held the White House thru 1912, with the exception of the Democrat Grover Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms. 1864 really marks the beginning of the two-party system of Democrats and Republicans. From the beginning, the Republicans have been Northern and pro-business, the Democrats Southern and more populist. Woodrow Wilson was the only other Democratic President besides Cleveland before the Great Depression. So, for all intents and purposes, the Republicans held Presidential power for 72 years but for 16 Democratic years.

The Great Depression (1929 and forward) changed all that. As business had so completely failed the people, the party of the people, the Democrats, under Franklin Roosevelt, won the support of the majority of the voters. Indeed, they kept power through 1968 except for the two terms of Dwight Eisenhower, who won his elections not for his politics but for his stature as a war-hero. Pretty much the Democrats (FDR, JFK, LBJ) successfully defined themselves as the party of the people, of the poor and middle class, and of the large and growing labor movement.

The Republicans were pretty much forced to redefine themselves, not as the party of privilege but as the party of individual and states’ rights, and of tax cuts and reduced government spending. But this didn't win them elections (nor did it represent their real values). Most Americans since FDR have identified themselves as Democrats, a natural thing as most Americans are not wealthy. Ever since 1932, the Republicans have only won the Presidency when their candidate was more personable and more “Presidential,” not because of his positions on the issues. Poll after poll for the last 70 years show Americans identify with Democratic positions even when they elect a Republican. TV has been a potent force in this phenomenon, as has the increasing role of religion and ignorance in the American political scene.

The nature of the parties' differences has altered dramatically, if not fundamentally, since 1864. The initial differences were over slavery and industrialism and the dominance of the South (poorer and less populous) by the North. The differences in the 1890's, following a Depression, were over a Gold standard and whether debts were to be repaid by cheaper or more dear money. In the 1910's, party differences centered around isolationism and fighting World War I. In the 1930's, again following the start of a Depression, the Democrats became the party of the people and of the Labor Movement while the Republicans were seen as the party of the Wealthy.

Since Franklin D. Roosevelt, then, the parties have divided the electorate, for better or for worse, along economic class lines. How then, you ask, have the Republicans been able to win any national elections at all, as they are the party of the Sheriff of Nottingham, not the party of Robin Hood? The reason is not hard to see. The rise of the Independents, now larger than the registration of either major party, began during the Viet Nam era and has accelerated ever since.

Both parties have lost their identity and lost their commitment to principles long held sacred.  As the voter had a more difficult time distinguishing between the two, neither party could dominate as split power between the parties provided a viable check and balance for the people.

While the more aggressive conservatives in the Republican party, Liberals in the Democratic party, and Libertarians in the loose confederation of the Tea party get all the media attention, in truth all three are fighting it out for control of the middle ground in political philosophy.

Today America can be found where the conservative and liberal philosophies blend in the middle, where fiscal responsibility and limited federal government embrace certain social obligations while rejecting other social issues.  America is not about class separation and philosophical polarization, it is about individual freedom and equal opportunity.  Neither party holds the key to such a goal. 

No Republican wants to starve the poor or cut benefits for the elderly any more than a Democrat wants to wipe out the upper class or take over big business. The very concept of such thought is promulgated by the news media to increase TV ratings, sell advertising or sell newspapers. Oh yeah, and also to help all the news "contributors" and political pundits sell their latest book telling us what is wrong with our country but only from their perspective.

So that is an entirely over-simplification of the history and evolution of the two party system and it will hopefully give you some insight into how we got in our current mess.  Getting out may take a lot more work than we hoped.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Sometimes Humans just need a Good Laugh – Joy Lightens the Heart and Heightens the Hope!

Trump is Trump period.  Nobody ever said rich kids had to be normal.  Oftentimes you can tell who is rich by how many times they get sued and how few times they go to court.  Whatever happens to all those mysterious charges that magically disappear?

Rich people are always surrounded by a herd of wannabes from insiders to press corps to creeps just waiting for their implied access to the president to get cutoff so they can release their best-selling  exposé book about him and get rich themselves.

There must be over a hundred “insider” books on the two-plus years of the Trump presidency.  Not bad for a guy who prefers his own company over others.  How did they ever get so close?

Just think of the television series President Trump can write and produce after what he has been through, sure to be a ratings phenomenon and TV Reality Show smash hit, “Trump Through the Looking Glass!”   You best not be on his “not nice” list.

Conversely, the “Unilluminated” opponents of Trump are a cause for concern as well.  They are prisoners of their own foibles.  Claiming to be the champions of “we the people,” their agenda is quite simple (minded).  They only want what you’ve got, especially if you are very, very rich.

The good thing about America is it always survives, in spite of the people (politicians, press, lobbyists and special interests) polluting our nation’s capital.  They have been there forever, at least in terms of our young and fledgling nation.

Sometimes it seems as if the super-rich send their kids into public service to become presidents, congressmen or women, cabinet leaders and think-tank brains to keep them from screwing up the family business and legacy.

Well, this year the Democrats have amassed twenty-five and counting replacements for President Trump.  Imagine that, twenty-five.  Trouble is they have to survive a demolition derby called a primary where only one can survive.

Remember, this herd of presidential candidates spent the past two and a half years sharpening their fangs on Trump, and he gave them a good dose of practice.  Now they have one year until the National Democratic Convention to devour their own and be the last one standing to face the president.

Seems like those diversified Democrats wanted someone for everyone in the group photo of candidates.  From boy scouts to geriatrics, all colors of the rainbow, all variations of sexes and all pretty much grounded in a hatred of the president.

As for an agenda, how about Everything for Everybody regardless of the cost.  Give them whatever they want or need from cradle to grave.  Let the unborn future generations figure out how to pay for the largess of the political establishment of today. 

As for “we the people,” long ago they were wise to the wayward way of politicians, and the news media.  One day “we the people” will say “enough is enough” and take matters into their own hands.

Political agendas will be thrown on the scrapheap of history where they belong and the real needs of “we the people” will finally be addressed.  A generation of politicians will be replaced by real representatives of the people, elected to serve the people.

Journalists of the future will adhere to the principles of being objective, fair and truthful.  Since many today fail to live by those principles they will suffocate on their own sinking ratings and be dragged down into oblivion.

Yes, America will survive the often-bizarre antics of the politicians by turning you off, or hitting the pause button, then delete.  Poof, you are now relegated to being a constantly modified paragraph on Wikipedia under the category of ancient history.

When you really take time to stop and think about it, the only problems our own planet faces, Mother Earth, are caused by those dastardly hapless humans.  She did quite well until we showed up.

Something to think about…  

Friday, June 14, 2019

Observations from the Swamp #2 – May Wrap up – Mueller musings

Report for May

The month of May ended in a tumultuous avalanche of opinions on the secret meaning of the Mueller report, which was aggravated when Special Prosecutor Mueller came out of his den for the first time in over two years to deliver his own strange public statement on his report.

Yes, there really is a Mueller and we found him indeed alive though a bit worn.
After his nearly ten-minute address in which he said everything he wanted to say was in his original report already released by Attorney General Barr, and everyone should read the 400 plus page document, we were left with our heads spinning.

Seriously, read over 400 pages of legalese that draws no conclusions, no further indictments, and yes, no Russia collusion.  I do not think Americas are that hungry for such an inconclusive document.

Nothing new, so why would we read it?

To those who ignore the report, here is a summary.  There are four competing versions of the report depending on your bias.

Mueller’s version

He said he could not find the president innocent of conspiracy to obstruct justice.  Whoa!  Here I thought our criminal justice system guaranteed we were innocent until proven guilty.  Of course, he did not say the president was guilty either.  Just what is he saying?

So, he then makes the statement that the criminal justice system has no way to solve this conundrum, but there are constitutional means to do this.  This from a prosecutor in the criminal justice system, who works for the criminal enforcement arm of the government, the Justice Department, the heart of the Executive branch of government?

The news media says that means he told the Congress to investigate which is not what he said.  He referred to other Constitutional means.  How in the world could a member of the executive branch make referrals to another independent branch of government, the legislative branch of congress?

It would seem that violates the very principle of the separation and independence of the three branches of government.  Nowhere does any law say the congress has the right to determine guilt or innocence under criminal statutes.  That would be an infringement of the congress, legislative branch, on the executive branch powers.

Democrat version

The second version of the analysis came from the Democrats in the House who are straining to keep from self-destructing.  The leadership, including the six committee chairmen whose committees are investigating the president, seem determined to investigate every single thread mentioning Trump, his kids, his parents, and everything that happened in his life that might reflect on what he is doing as president.

This has the makings of the biggest fishing expedition in the history of our country to find a legitimate cause for impeachment.  Which clearly means after two and a half years and tens of millions of dollars of investigations, they still cannot figure out how to get rid of Trump.
Under the orchestration of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her pit bull chairmen, their intent seems to use every trick in the book to paralyze the president, cripple his presidency, and send him into oblivion in the next election.

Thus, nothing has changed.

Republican version

Not to be left out in the cold, the Republicans have their own version of what the report means.  Most largely remain silent figuring enough politicians are making fools of themselves, why risk a career just to jump on the credibility of the strange report.  That has not stopped President Trump, target of all the investigations, from commenting.
He is a very mad person about what is taking place.  Perhaps he should be since every member of the Democratic leadership has ignored the innocent until proven guilty criminal justice principle.  Before any investigative committee held their first hearings the Democrats already declared him guilty of something and/or everything.

In the meantime…

The Democrats seem to be single-handedly continuing to undermine our criminal justice system which began with the Clinton presidency and his Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, HR 3355. 

The largest crime bill in the history of the United States was originally written by one Senator Joe Biden, consisted of 356 pages, and provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs.  President Bill Clinton signed it into law.

The Center for American Progress says the following about the Clinton/Biden law.
Many consider the crime bill to be one of the cornerstone statutes that accelerated mass incarceration of minorities. But the law’s negative effects did not end there. States and localities were incentivized through a massive infusion of federal funding to build more jails and prisons and to pass so-called truth-in-sentencing laws and other punitive measures that simultaneously increased the number and length of prison sentences while reducing the possibility of early release for those incarcerated.

It has been well-documented that these policies were failures. Their cost to society came not only from the staggering amount of taxpayer dollars that were invested in enforcement, but also from the disproportionate incarceration of a generation of African American men in the name of public safety. Moreover, tough-on-crime measures—specifically longer incarceration sentences—have had at best a marginal effect on improving public safety.

If the presumption of innocence standard and the right to defend oneself against criminal charges are ignore by the Democrats, thus undermining our criminal justice system, we all should be concerned about the future because no one will be safe anymore.

News Media version

Last of the four versions of analysis is the News Media version.  Here the track record of reckless reporting, fake news, intense Trump hatred, and total disregard for professional journalistic principles and ethics were tossed out when Trump first became a threat to the darling of the news media, Hillary Clinton, in the 2016 campaign.

When it comes to Trump, the media long ago tossed out protections like presumption of innocence, right to fair defense, or anything that might leave the impression he is good in any way.  The good news is the media bias is well known to most Americans who know fair, balanced, honest, just or objective reporting is pretty much a thing of the past.

Few people really care what the media says, reports or claims, for their association with the swamp has long ago been established.  As for Trump, Washington insiders, also known as the Establishment, see him as the greatest threat to their power, ability to influence people, and efforts to control people.  When Trump says drain the swamp the media is in his crosshairs.

The Future

Washington, D.C.

Democrat Presidential

Media versus Trump

News Highlights 


North Korea

China - Hong Kong



