Showing posts with label Rahm Emanuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rahm Emanuel. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Howard Dean - The only Democratic Patriot for Americans


Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and architect of the Democratic takeover of the White House and Congress, is the only Democrat to stand up and say the Obama health care bill will hurt America for generations to come.

What caused this leading Democrat to throw himself in front of the train in order to avoid a more devastating train wreck of epic proportions is a concern for people and principles.

While Obama used the most ominous words possible to scare the public when he said failing to pass the bill would bankrupt the USA, a wild and reckless claim using the scare tactics of a petulant and immature wannabe leader, Howard Dean stood on a foundation of knowledge, experience and principle.

When Dean uttered the fateful words, "kill the bill" a withering attack was launched by the White House against him, an attack that continued this morning when White House political advisor David Axelrod called MSNBC right after Dean was on TV and again attacked him. Dean is standing his ground on principle saying the bill would be a disaster for the American people.

How can the White House pillory one of their own for speaking the truth? It is the strategy of Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to aggressively annihilate opposition, a strategy that has backfired around the world as Obama has developed a reputation as a paper tiger while collapsing in the polls and credibility.

Howard Dean is a physician, a physician who puts America first even if the Democrats have to suffer as a result. Unlike the partisan hacks who dominate Washington Dean stands alone in defending the people over politics. For that the Obama gang smears him? What is wrong with the people from Chicago?

I have written over and over that Congress and the White House have sold their souls to the Devil in the form of insurance companies (AIG), Wall Street, pharmaceutical conglomerates ,special interests, lobbyists and partisan politics. Thank God someone is trying to protect the people.

Perhaps it has more to do with the fact Dean was a governor, not a member of the elite Washington establishment. Something happens when one gets elected to Washington. Suddenly they get caught up in the lure of money flowing from the way business is done in our nation's capitol. Enough is enough!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

White House Gate Crashers - National Security Failure or Assassination Attempt


While the White House continues to stonewall Congress in their efforts to get to the bottom of the dangerous gate crashing at the White House State dinner for India by Tareq and Michaele Salahi. The intense resistance by the Office of the Chief of Staff seems far beyond that justified by the simple request from Congress.

Congress wants the White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers to appear and explain what happened from her perspective. What happened seems to be too sensitive for the White House to allow her to testify. They refused to let her speak to congress investigating the national security breach that allowed perfect strangers to personally meet the president and be draped all over the vice president.

According to sources Desiree, a pal of Michelle Obama and Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, was far more interested in her own social climbing than controlling the White House traffic. Now she is a card carrying regular of the Chicago mafia in the White House with Emanuel, Axelrod and Jarrett. Once she joined the White House staff she fired all her staff she considered insignificant because they did no more than check papers at events, meaning check credentials.

As a result, Miss Social Secretary had the first event in the last 20 years at the White House where no White House staff was involved in checking credentials at all the entrance points. Desiree was too involved in her own social agenda hobnobbing with the elite. The first event in 20 years with no White House involvement in checking credentials. Imagine that.

Well one thing is certain about the White House, they all know how to run for cover and point the finger elsewhere. First they blamed the security breach on the Secret Service. Well the Secret Service is not responsible for deciding who should go to events, if they got there, and if they were properly taken care of while there, that is the White House social secretary responsibility.

However, Desiree is the first social secretary to appear on magazine covers, to have her own table at White House events, and to get rid of all the staff necessary to manage the office. She was simply not qualified.

Then her boss, Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina put out a report saying the White House screwed up. That's it. The biggest security breach in years and all they reported was they screwed up. Congress was not satisfied and asked for Desiree and the White House claimed Executive Privilege, a claim only used on critical issues involving the policy and staff conversations of the president.

No lawyer in their right mind would consider Desiree a policy or national security threat and if Obama is discussing presidential policy with an unqualified social secretary he needs his head examined. What secrets could she be hiding worth claiming the rare Executive Privilege. By the way, many previous White House staff have routinely testified before Congress when asked.

Okay, who is really responsible for Desiree? Well, Messina reports to Rahm Emanuel and it would seem the Chief of Staff is the one responsible for what happens in the White House. No one in the media has even mentioned Rahm Emanuel as if he didn't exist. He does exist and he was there since the crashers appeared in photos with him at the State Dinner.

It would appear that Emanuel might be the one having something to hide from Congress and that Desiree and Messina are covering up for him. That leads to all kinds of interesting speculation. Why did the Chief of Staff allow the White House to be unattended by White House staff at a major affair for the first time in 20 years? Why refuse to allow her to testify to Congress? Why can't the truth be allowed to come out?

Better yet, who WAS supposed to get in the White House during this security lapse? Tom Clancy could not have a better plot for a murder mystery than what happened. Of course there is also the interesting dynamics regarding the pro-Jewish and pro-Muslim factions in the White House with Emanuel leading the Zionist side and maybe Jarrett, who was born in Iran, at least being fair to the Muslim side.

Right now the most dangerous site in the world is Iran and the most likely expectation is that Israel is about to wipe out the Iranian nuclear facilities and Iran may try and escalate such an event to world war status. It would be right out of the Osama Bin Laden playbook and he has been pretty darn successful.

If either side in that battle thought the president was taking the side of the other our president's life would be in danger and right now both sides can question who Obama is favoring. Far fetched? Assassination in the Middle East by both sides is a viable and reliable tool of war.

The security breach in the White House would have enabled assassins from either side to take out the president. So the question remains, what does the White House staff have to hide by refusing to talk to Congress about the security breach? How high does it go? What are the implications?

Truth, which seems harder and harder for this White House to provide, may show a much deeper and darker story than what has been told so far.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is Hillary about to Pillory Obama?


As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton goes more and more rogue from the policies of the Obama Administration is there a danger that she might just resign and decide to make one more run for the presidency?

Certainly the signs of dissatisfaction are becoming obvious as Obama and his White House palace guard seem to drift from issue to issue while never resolving anything when it comes to foreign policy. At the same time Hillary has been running stronger and stronger in the polls while our rudderless president continues to crash reaching new lows day by day.

The Obama gang, and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in particular, demand blind loyalty to the president and to the agenda they give the president regardless of the reality of their policies or concerns of the public. Such a detachment from the American political process and people is suicidal as one can see from the collapsing poll numbers.

While the palace guard have worked out some sort of relationship with Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer at the House and Harry Reid at the Senate, strong arming Congress is not a way to win support or loyalty in the log run and Democrats have started abandoning the policies of the president at an alarming rate. Even the liberal elitists have stopped singing the blind praises of Obama and started questioning the strange way policy is determined and implemented.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, was never one of the adoring followers of Obama. Thanks to the antics of her husband, she has just about seen it all at the White House and knows the mess the staff can create for the president. Because of that she didn't complain when Emanuel, err Obama, appointed foreign policy watchdogs to the White House staff to keep an eye on her.

The spies didn't seem to realize that Hillary didn't need Obama to introduce her to foreign leaders, she already had a pretty deep portfolio without the new kid on the block. For six months she maintained a low profile as the White House staff quickly over-extended its reach, played too many games in the interest of the country, and got bogged down in it's own quagmire of inertia and inconsistency.

Even a prolific ballet dancer like Emanuel is having a hard time pirouetting out of the mess they have created with the sluggish decision-making process, conflicting direction and lack of leadership. Still the palace guard refuses to abandon it's social agenda and deal with jobs and deficits like the public demands.

The result, quite predictable, was the loss of the governorship in two key battleground states, New Jersey and Virginia this year. Of far more ominous concern is the fact many Democrats in the House and Senate can see their own political self-survival threatened in next years' elections if they continue to back the rather bizarre agenda of the Obama gang.

The failure to address the jobs and deficit while padding the pockets of Obama contributors to the tune of billions of dollars could already be fatal to the president as his chances for reelection in 2012 become dimmer by the day. Already his own favorable rating is below half and his unfavorable is above half while his policies across the board are backed by just 15-30% of the public. Independents are having no trouble making up their mind as they flee the Obama train wreck.

Does anyone believe Hillary is willing to allow her popularity and future go up in flames because of blind loyalty to the Obama bunglers? No Hillary always spoke her beliefs and her decisive leadership is a stark contrast to the waffling president. So she has started distancing herself from him.

Several times she has ignored the Obama gang policy book and said what she believed to the press and public, a far cry from the absolutely controlled press in the White House. Most certainly it infuriated Little Napoleon and the rest of the White House gang.

She actually had the audacity to wonder to the media about the succession of the presidency of North Korea, one of the main Obama thorns in the side. You see Kim Jong-il, the mysterious leader who loves American movies and nuclear missiles, may also be quite ill. Such a breach of protocol by the Secretary of State was frowned upon by the Obama boys.

Hillary also double-crossed the liberal elitists being kept on a short chain by the White House when she said forget about human rights in China and focus on the economy as China pretty much already owns the USA. She also said Israel had to make unprecedented concessions regarding the settlements or there could be no Mid East peace,

She backed the generals in Afghanistan while Biden has led the inside charge against her within the Administration. Finally, she has been rather silent about the bank bailout, economic stimulus and other odd efforts by the Administration to half-heartedly address the public concerns as if she knew they were a sham from the first place.

One might expect the Obama gang to start a media leak campaign to get her out since they know they cannot control her. Circulating rumors about her spats with the White House is normally a good first indicator that someone is being made a scapegoat for the president's failed foreign agenda.

However, this might truly backfire. If they force out Clinton she becomes the only Democrat who could take him on in the 2012 primary and beat him. One would think the conniving White House staff would already be making their moves. So is she.

Now, if she resigns without White House interference then it is a much darker signal to the White House that Hillary intends to lay claim to the title that should have been hers were it not for the nearly one billion dollars spent against her before in the race for the presidency of the White House.

Stay tuned as this is about to get real interesting.


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The President's Palace Guard - Nixon had Haldeman, Obama has Emanuel - the Elite Puppet Masters


When a new administration comes to office, especially one in which the leader, Barack Obama, has had no comparable executive experience, key staff often form a wall around the president that in time serves as a Palace Guard. In Obama's case his operation is controlled by his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, the only insider with previous experience in the White House from the Clinton years.

Because Emmanuel also has had experience as a congressman, a board member of a major housing mortgage firm, an investment banker with extensive Wall Street contacts, a major political fund raiser and a liaison with special interest groups he pretty much serves as the de facto president where policy, press, congressional relations and political affairs are consolidated under his ironclad control.

It is an extraordinary concentration of power in one individual who is not the president. One must reach back to the Nixon presidency to find a comparable concentration of power under Nixon Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman though Emanuel exercises much more control over Treasury and foreign affairs than Haldeman was ever able to acquire.

No one gets to Obama without getting through Emmanuel and nothing gets done by the White House without his personal approval. The Obama White House is centered around Emanuel and the many Chicago cronies surrounding him on the president's staff. The Nixon White House was controlled by the California cronies of Haldeman.

Masters of remote power such as Emanuel use the power and resources of the White House to control the agenda of the president. Politically, he calls all the shots. From fund raising to political appearances of the president Obama does what Emanuel tells him to do. The reform of Wall Street, perhaps the largest single issue that could impact on the Wall Street mess, is the responsibility of Emanuel, not the Treasury or Commerce secretaries.

Health care reform is controlled by Emanuel, not experts in health and insurance. If a deal is to be made with the large pharmaceutical companies it is made by Emanuel, not Obama. Any negotiations with Wall Street flow through Emanuel because of his long association with Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street powerbrokers.

Middle east foreign policy flows through Emanuel because of his background as a Zionist and experience as a volunteer in the Israeli army, not through traditional channels such as the Secretary of State.

No where is the control more pronounced than in the political arena where all contact with special interests including Wall Street, health care, banks and unions all come calling to Emanuel to get their favors from Obama. White House records indicated that SEIU leader Andy Stern was in the White House 22 times since Obama took office. That might explain who coordinated the SEUI involvement in trying to control health care town hall meetings or how SEIU will get their payback for sinking $60.7 million into the Obama campaign. Watch for SEIU to have a clear field to organize the health care industry.

Even the resignation in the 23rd Congressional District seat in NY currently being contested is supposed to be the handiwork of Emanuel where he got Obama to appoint GOP Congressman John McHugh to the Secretary of the Army position in September, thus resigning the seat, then tried to get a Democrat elected to the seat in a clever manipulation of the New York election laws.

When Sarah Palin blew a giant hole in his plan by endorsing a third party conservative and leading a charge that forced out the weak GOP candidate, it is rumored the White House (Emanuel) got the GOP candidate who dropped out to endorse the Democratic candidate for the seat. The election Tuesday will decide whether Emanuel or Palin had the most power influencing the NY election.

As Emanuel continues to use the White House as his political playground and Obama continues to do his bidding it remains to be seen if Emanuel can avoid the temptation to increase control like proved to be Haldeman's undoing when he ordered the break in at Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate, a staff power grab that brought down the Nixon presidency.

Emanuel nearly made a similar error when he tried to get the Decennial Census put under the control of the White House thus giving him the power to control the reapportionment of the nation's congressional seats by controlling the census results. It was a move stopped by Congress. The Democrats in control of Congress may be unwilling to give up any more control to the Emanuel White House gang.

Still, his current control on behalf of the president of the Wall Street reforms and the health care reform makes the Democratic leadership in Congress pawns in Emanuel's master plans. His personnel decisions to load up the White House staff with czars tainted by radical backgrounds and his pit bull approach to managing the president will not make friends in Washington and can only hurt the young and beholden president who pledged transparency and openness, a far cry from what we got.

In the end the economy will be his undoing as he tries to protect the Wall Street executives with their bailouts and bonuses while trying to make it look like the president cares for "Main Street" and the traditional Democratic special interests. We have seen how that works. Emanuel slams through the auto bailout for the Michigan unions and the first new plant by the government owned auto companies is in Delaware, the home of VP Joe Biden, not Michigan or Ohio. Playing such political games will one day get exposed.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama's Sputtering Foreign Policy - Israel and Iran - Is Tactical Nuclear War Next?


With the spotlight finally off the perpetual health care debate and attention focused on the opening of the United Nations at last we can talk about some of our foreign activity. Then again, the way things are going perhaps Obama doesn't want to address foreign affairs.

So far after taking the world by storm in the election Obama has gotten pretty much nothing from our friends and enemies around the world as they are so deeply engrossed in their own problems they have neither the time nor the desire to be concerned with ours.

Don't forget, they still blame us and our capitalist greed for the world economic meltdown and it is most likely deserved. Still the world remains interlocked and what happens here does impact everyone around the world so what are the concerns?

Israel & Iran

Iran continues to stir the pot in the Middle East. With their flawed elections, persecution of Iranians, and nuclear threats it is as if they are baiting Israel to do something. They better watch out. Recent events could indicate the way is being cleared for Israel to attack Iran and there is a real chance it will happen before the end of the year if not sooner. First Obama asked Israel to stop building settlements and defiantly they kept on building. In fact there is nothing he asked them to do to help pave the way for peace talks that got done.

It is a strange sequence of events that has surrounded this peace effort as at first Obama was suspected of being much too supportive of the Muslim positions. Of course he did receive strong Jewish support in the election so his relationship to the Muslim world was a concern to the Jewish community. Until recently he seemed to be taking a much more neutral position on the Israeli - Palestinian issues.

However, one should never underestimate the impact or ability of his two closest and most influential advisors, Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff and David Axelrod, White House Senior Advisor as both are Jewish and have strongly supported Israel. In fact Emanuel even volunteered to fight for Israel during the first Desert Storm war.

As you may recall, in the campaign Obama promised to reach out to the Muslim world and all our enemies and nothing has come of it. His campaign promises to lead the way in building a better world have been locked in the vault of things I never should have said as reality sat in.

Russia and the Missile Defense Shield

One recent event seemed unrelated to the Israel - Iran issue but makes some sense in the larger picture. When Obama stunned the world last week and unilaterally cancelled the missile defense shield the US had promised Poland and Eastern Europe, it might well have been an action meant to appease the Russians. Now Russia was justifiably upset by the prospect of the shield, but to give away something like that without getting anything in return seems to be a strange way to conduct foreign policy.

It was almost as if Obama was saying Eastern Europe doesn't count. The fact he cancelled the agreement on the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Poland by the Soviet Union only added insult to injury. Before Stalin and Hitler were done with Poland nearly six million Poles died (civilian and military) during World War II, ranking Poland third behind the Soviet Union and Germany for the most deaths in the European sector of World War II. This represented nearly 22% of the entire Polish population before the war.

So what did the move by Obama mean? Well Russia was Iran's strongest ally. Would the action by Obama open the door to an attack by Israel on Iran nuclear facilities? Russian support for Iran was a factor in Israel not attacking. As for Israel, while never admitting they have a nuclear weapons capability intelligence estimates say the Israeli's have between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads, at a minimum. They also have a multitude of ways to launch them including missiles and jets.

Then there is the oil situation. Russia is a growing economy and oil reserves make Russia #7 in the world in proven oil reserves. With oil prices being kept high by firms like Goldman Sachs, expanding the oil sales would go a long ways toward financing the Russian economic recovery. But five of the top six nations with oil reserves all are in the Middle East while the last is Venezuela in South America, whose government makes it an unreliable provider to the markets.

Iran happens to rank #2 in the world in oil reserves behind Saudi Arabia and just ahead of Iraq though in spite of American occupation Iraq still cannot get oil production to a decent level. Should Israel attack Iran and happen to disrupt the Iranian oil production in the course of destroying the Iran nuclear sites it would be a financial windfall for Russia and might keep them from retaliating for the attack on their ally.

Such an attack would be consistent with previous attacks by Israel to protect their homeland and would be consistent with the worldwide Zionist movement, of which Emanuel, according to his parents, is aligned. It would no doubt result in some kind of retaliation by other Muslim nations but the prospects of becoming a major war would seem unlikely. However, it would certainly strain USA military resources as we would be the only nation to come to Israel's defense.

One can only hope diplomatic efforts, unsuccessful in terms of Iran's nuclear capability and stymied in terms of the Israeli - Palestinian peace process could progress and eliminate the need for such an Israeli attack but time is rapidly running out.