Showing posts with label Melchizedek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melchizedek. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Art of Mediation - Melchizedek Style

Melchizedek Style

Find a space offering a safe haven, harmony, Oneness and peace with minimal electronic devices, minimal noise, and minimal distractions (no cell phone).

Create a unique environment within your safe haven with books, quotes, objects, sacred stones or artifacts, photos or other items that trigger your joy, peace and tranquility.

Begin transitional breathing exercises to reduce your anxieties, fears, blood pressure and pace of breathing.

One exercise I was taught requires you to inhale deeply through your nose four (4) counts (seconds), hold your breath for twelve (12) counts, and exhale deeply through your mouth for eight (8) counts.

The point is to rapidly expand your lungs to full capacity by intensely breathing through your nose, then empty your lungs by intensely exhaling.

Repeat this cycle rapidly ten times without stopping.  Then rest and try to feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth that binds you to her.  Obviously, it works best when undertaken in nature but it can be felt inside as well with practice.

Should you feel as if your mind is distracted, or you are not at ease, repeat the breathing exercise after allowing a few minutes between cycles.  If you ever feel overcome by fear, anxiety or foreboding, this breathing sequence can have a great calming effect on you.

[If you are in nature you should be sitting and barefoot to magnify your experience.]

Allow yourself to relax, deeper and deeper, and imagine becoming one with the life force and soul of nature, and see all of the intrinsic parts, from earth to water, land to sky, and everything occupying them.

Then recognize, witness or imagine the infinite multitude of miracles it took to create you, and to create all of Creation.

Marvel at the explosion of creative thought it took to create you and your beautiful world through these miracles.  Acknowledge the Perfect Love of the Creator when generating the explosion of thought resulting in you, and in all of creation, by returning your deepest expression of Love to our Creator.

With your acknowledgement of the Creator’s love, and your thanks by returning your love, you seek to unlock doors to open yourself to the higher frequencies of the Earth’s plane of existence.

Then talk to God, pray through words, thoughts, images, or conversation.  Ask the Father and Holy Spirit to help you find the path to Jesus who waits to show us the way to achieve Oneness with Father Creator.  Jesus lights the path, the Holy Spirit illuminates the soul, and Father Creator waits for our return.

You should try to meditate every day, just as you should use conversational prayer every day.  If you combine this discipline with the Melchizedek method to maximize your body balance while eating, it will ease your digestive system, and strengthen your immune system, allowing you to make far more effective use of the natural tools God gave us to survive.

Food - Fast - and Prayer

To achieve maximum value in your food consumption Melchizedek says you must combine Food, Fast and Prayer.  Many of us were taught to thank God for the food we eat every meal, which most of us stopped doing long ago.

In truth, you have the power to transmute food from the state it is served to the state your body requires for nourishment, for body the body and the soul.  We achieve this through food, fat and prayer.

Before you begin, you should bless the food in the name of God and Jesus, thank God for providing it, and pray it be transposed from whatever it is to whatever your body needs to heal.

For those worried about making a spectacle in front of those around you, do it quietly if you must.  However, Melchizedek cannot imagine how you could be making a spectacle when you are praying to God.  That sounds much more like a human vanity issue.

After blessing and transmuting the food, there are two other issues you must deal with to be successful.  Your body is the temple God gave you while on earth.  If you do not consider it such, and you ignore or refuse to make an effort to keep it as a temple to God, it is an affront to the Creator.

Every week you must work to purify your body.  Melchizedek says we must fast one day every week in which you should be on a liquid diet for the day.  It is a natural way to help detox your body.  You can never detox enough in this age of toxins and electromagnetic waves bombarding you.  

Ask and you will be heard.
Seek and you will find.
Follow and you will be One again.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia destined to serve the will of Allah - God?

As the holy celebration of Eid al-Adha, "feast of the sacrifice" comes to an end, it might be an appropriate time to consider the fate of the world for people of all religions.  Destiny is something we cannot escape.

Harun Yahya wrote in the Arab News:

“A very important secret underlies the testing that takes place in this world.  Believers who possess this secret, confront everything that befalls them with great patience, joy and enthusiasm.  The fact of “destiny” lies at the heart of this secret.

Muslims know that Allah has created all things within destiny and that what befalls them does so solely because He so wishes.  It is Allah Who creates people’s lives, right down to the finest detail.

The Qur’an in its chapter Sura Al-An’am describes how everything, great or small that happens on Earth occurs because Allah wishes it to:

The keys of the Unseen are in His possession.  No one knows them but Him.  He knows everything in the land and sea.  No leaf falls without His knowing it.  There is no seed in the darkness of the earth, and nothing moist or dry which is not in a Clear Book.  (Qur’an, 6:59)" 

Melchizedek, a righteous servant of Allah, says before the world can be at peace there must be peace in the Middle East, the cradle of civilization.  It is a microcosm of the diversity and interdependence of Creation.

It is home in our world to most prominent people, religions and races whose influence and actions foreshadow what happens throughout the Earth.  Jews, Caucasians and Muslims, and their religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can all trace their very roots to the Middle East and to a history dating back thousands of years.

Arabs and Persians created powerful empires that became world famous for religion, education, science, politics and philosophy rivalling even the great empire of Ancient Greece.  Other aspects included protection of the sovereign rights of the states, religions and cultures within the empires, peace, coexistence among races and honor in ruling.

Today we seem far removed from the era of wonder, learning, peace and joy.  Today we see conflicts between races, even within religions and philosophies, that dishonor whomever we choose to call our God or Allah, “The One who deserves all worship,” and “The One True God.”

God cannot be pleased with our progress, for in the eyes of the Creator we are all God’s creations, all God’s children.

What can we do to overcome our difficulties?

First, we must recognize we all share the One God.  Melchizedek refers to the Supreme God as the “Unknowable One” for no one in creation can know all except the Source.

There is no doubt that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus, peace be upon him. The Holy Books of the Jewish Torah, the Christian Bible, and the Islamic Qu’ran are classified as monotheistic and Abrahamic doctrines in honor of the One True God.

لا شك أن اليهود والمسيحيين والمسلمين يعبدون إله نوح وإبراهيم وموسى وداود ويسوع عليه السلام. تُصنَّف الكتب المقدسة لكل من التوراة اليهودية ، والكتاب المقدس ، والقرآن الإسلامي ، باعتبارها عقائد توحيدية وإبراهيمية ، تكريماً للإله الواحد الحقيقي.

Such is the nature of the relationship between these people’s that even the original languages of the Middle East are related, as Aramaic is the ancestral language to both 
Arabic and Hebrew. Both languages developed from Aramaic.

In Creation humans are but one type of being in the cosmos and God’s Creation.  All that exists in our physical world, and the spiritual, magical and mysterious world beyond, what we call Heaven or the Kingdom of God, that is the scope of Creation.

We can hardly be alone, even within the confines of our physical world, for what is the point of creating billions of galaxies and trillions of suns, stars and planets throughout the cosmos only to leave them abandoned of all life forms?

There are most certainly alien races throughout the wonders of the cosmos.  Based on the scientific knowledge we have accumulated over the centuries there are vast differences in the many planets and moons throughout the infinite galaxies such as temperature, atmosphere, density, gravity, oxygen, even land, sea and air.  Lifeforms on such places most likely will bear little resemblance to humans.

Melchizedek says they are coming to Earth soon to help humans overcome their problems.  Why, because the Earth is as important to the life force of the cosmos as the heart is to the life force of humans.  All of God’s creation contains the soul and spirit of the Creator.  All of Creation is interdependent, bound by the need to serve God’s will.

Great insights will soon be available to us as more and more secrets of the past are revealed or discovered.  One will result when the aliens reveal themselves to us.  We will realize if they were able to travel between planets and even galaxies, their technology far exceeds what we can even imagine.

In other words, our weapons of war are useless in a global existence.  We must recognize the waste of trillions and trillions of dollars creating such weapons and the use of them to kill millions and millions of people throughout our history.  The power of these weapons and the senseless testing and use over the years nearly destroyed our very planet and atmosphere we are dependent upon for life.

Today we stand on the threshold of twin paths, one of annihilation of humanity, the planet and probably the cosmos, the other of illumination to the light of God that leads to salvation and everlasting life for all souls.

Melchizedek says the “Unknowable One” will never give up on or abandon what was created.  In times of need there will be Divine Intervention to awaken us from our wayward path and help us return to God’s path.

Divine intervention can take many forms from dispatching angels and saints to Earth, making available to certain people access to the ancient ones in the Heavens to help guide their path, providing miracles or sending adepts to Earth to help speed up the change in our thinking.

Most humans have lost their direct connection to God.  The darkness of chaos, confusion, fear and anxiety surrounding us reflects it.  Yet the Unknowable One never gives up on us.  In this time of need there are those walking the Earth who have been sent to help lead us out of the darkness and into the light of God.

These people receive Divine inspiration and act on it.  In their prayers, dreams and meditation they have opened channels to the higher beings in the spiritual world and can communicate with the Unknowable One through the spiritual entities like Melchizedek.

Often, they have been severely challenged in life, to prepare them for what lies ahead.

One such person he identified is Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, colloquially known as MbS, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.  Most certainly he has survived intense tests the past two years.  Ironically, the height of his problems came last year, 2018, when he was thirty-three years of age, the very same age the Son of God, Jesus, faced his greatest challenges.

Melchizedek says the Crown Prince has reincarnated many, many times throughout the history of the Middle East including during the Persian and Arab empires.  Because of that he has access to the ancient ones, those who built the empires and guided the people through a difficult period of history.

Can you imagine what the Crown Prince might accomplish with the guidance of such revered ancient ones like Saladin.

Saladin (1137/1138–1193) was a Muslim military and political leader who as sultan (or leader) led Islamic forces during the Crusades.

In my opinion, the best summary of his life is:

Warrior-King, Muslim hero of the Middle Ages, consummate military tactician, compassionate conqueror, international peacemaker and humble servant of Allah, the One who deserves all worship.

Saladin and many other ancients will show the Crown Prince the path for all humanity to redemption, salvation and eternal Oneness with God.  Through the Kingdom on Earth awaiting the Crown Prince, he can help guide all to the path.

Uniquely, among all people, the Crown Prince will have the resources, power and time because of his youth to help heal the divisions within the Islamic world, show us the path to peace in the Middle East, and enlighten all people to the true path of Oneness with the Unknowable One.

It is a difficult task he faces in serving Allah’s will as God’s work requires him to change history.  To succeed he must overcome all the mistakes over time that have led to where we are today.

Already he has started fulfilling his destiny in his efforts to change the Saudi Arabian culture challenging tenets, dogma and perceptions that deny equality and diminish individuality.  In the process he has built alliances and opened the doors of communication necessary to protect the future of all people.

Now he must turn his attention to healing the schisms within the Islamic world, break down the barriers between all races, religions and cultures, and finally, help bring together all nations and governments of the world in a manner that protects the sovereignty of each in terms of religion, government, culture and ethnicity, in recognition of the fact we are all children of Allah, creations of God.

It is no coincidence that the first to welcome the Son of God, Jesus, when he was born in a stable in Bethlehem, were the wise men and kings of the Arabian and Persian world.  Many came according to Melchizedek, and Jesus remained in touch with many through the rest of his life.

As for the rest of us, there can be no purpose greater than serving the will of the Creator.  If the Crown Prince can serve that will we must all stop judging how the will is fulfilled for only God knows the truth.

If that is his mission and destiny, it is fraught with trials and tribulations and he needs our respect, he needs our prayers.  Muslims, Jews and Christians alike should pray for him.  No culture, no religion, no government and no monarchy are without sin but no sin should stand in the way of salvation for all.  Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven.

We all know in the end God’s – Allah’s will must be done.  If the Crown Prince can help us get there, then give him a chance to succeed, to be an instrument of Divine intervention.

Praise be to Allah!
 الحمد لله!

Praise be to the One God!
الحمد لله الواحد!

May the will of the One True God be done!   
نرجو أن تتحقق إرادة الله الواحد الحقيقي!

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Big Bang Part 1 – Appreciating the Perfect Love of God and the Sacrifices of the Son Jesus!

Or, what they didn’t tell us in Genesis!

So, let me review how we got here, I mean in this story, not life.  This is about the precise moment of Creation as we know it today.  Science refers to it as, “The Big Bang.”  It is their subtle way of acknowledging they do not know everything, sort of a deflection strategy to keep us off track.

My hope is to be able to give you enough information so that you can decide for yourself what happened in that brief moment called, “The Beginning of Time.”

In order to begin to understand the Creation story we need to come to an understanding of terms.  Before time began the Creator was the "I am."  You might also say the Source or Supreme Being.    

The Creator, back in the pre-creation era, was everything and all that existed.  Appropriately called the "Unknowable One" by Melchizedek, the Creator wanted to share Perfect Love.  If you were the Creator then what would you do?

There are some inherent advantages to being the Creator.  You cannot be wrong, no one can judge you, and you know everything.  You are the personification of perfection, all knowing, all powerful, almighty, and supreme.

What rules exist are yours because there is nobody else.  Finally, whatever you create should be easier to accept since it is your Creation.

The Creator wanted to share perfection, wanted someone or something to experience perfect love, and to learn the goodness of the purpose of Creation.  The scope of Creation was seemingly vast beyond human comprehension but then no one existed back then.

Most certainly the Creator wanted Creation to be a manifestation of the creation process, meaning whatever was created had to contain the ability to keep repeating the act of creating throughout its existence.

Since the Creator created all that we have, and a lot we do not even know we have, in order to share the perfect love of the Creator, there had to be a path for Creation, our world, to achieve Oneness again with the Creator.  Whatever is a creation of the Creator, must return to the source of its Creation, thus returning to Oneness with the Creator, in order to complete the creation cycle.

That Oneness is eternal.

Humans were one of the many creations within Creation.  All of Creation came from certain building blocks like hydrogen, atoms, etc.  Melchizedek refers to this as frequency entities defined by a combination of energy sources such as the sound spectrum, light spectrum, and the Periodic Table of Elements of which many remain to be discovered.

Beyond the physical structure of Creation as we know it, our three dimensional world of time and space, there also was a need for a spiritual world.  Why, because in addition to the physical body and mind of humans needed to function in Earth time, there would be a soul and spirit to function when not on Earth.  The soul is what gives humans the ability to remain immortal in order to return to Oneness with the Creator.

In order for Creation to work there had to be a physical dimension and spiritual dimension.  There also had to be a God as overseer since we did not have the capacity to understand the Unknowable One.  So when I say God I mean the Unknowable One.  All God's lead to the same source.

All of Creation is based on polarity, the collision of opposites, and the creation of a new entity as a result of the merging of opposites.  The complex physics of this will be discussed in later articles.  Just know that all of Creation creates as man and woman create a child, galaxies are forever spawning new galaxies with suns, stars and planets, planets evolve from gas to solid, then water, land, air, and atmosphere to house the intended creations, and even gravity to keep us from falling off the planet.

Our soul is most complicated because it is the link back to the Creator, must transition between our physical dimension and spiritual dimension, must function in cooperation with the body and mind while on Earth, yet use the time while not on Earth in the spiritual dimension to learn the will of the Creator.

The soul is our memory, of Oneness with the Creator, of past reincarnations, of the current life we lead, and of our sacred covenant with the Creator from the beginning of time.  That covenant defined all that was expected of us in our times on Earth. 

God wanted us to have choices, between right and wrong, so he gave us a free will.  He reckoned humans would most likely make a lot of mistakes if left on their own, so He gave us a memory, of a time when we were One with the Creator.

Free will is another story but just know that until we use our own free will and it reflects exactly the same actions consistent with the will of the Creator, we cannot achieve Oneness with God.

At any rate, Melchizedek refers to our physical world as being "in time," and our spiritual world as being "outside of time."  It helps understand the difference between our two levels of existence.  When you are on Earth you are in physical form, when in the Kingdom of Heaven or whatever you want to call where you go after death your soul is a spiritual entity.

Now I am sorry to say but humans were but a tiny blip in Creation, inhabiting just one planet of the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars and planets.  At least that was what we were led to believe.

The memory I mentioned within the soul can be accessed when we are in human form on Earth.  When we touch that stream of memory, we can bring it from our super-subconscious to our consciousness.  It reminds us of the sense of loss of being separated from being One with the Creator.  Our mission in life on Earth is to find our path back to the Garden, the kingdom of God, and ultimately to Oneness with our Creator once again.

We needed a free will to make choices, like I said, so we could experience all aspects of our Creation world.  Unfortunately, humans  are inclined to live by their own rules rather than the rules of the Creator.  Just look at the evidence.

We could fill a freight train with the multitude, magnitude and layers of rules, laws, statutes, regulations, standards, and guidelines we seem to relish and need to be good citizens.  By the way, you do remember what a freight train might be I presume?

Now God, He created you and everything else in Creation from people, to planets, to solar systems, to universes, to galaxies, to the ends of Creation.  Beyond that was Heaven which encompasses everything else in the spiritual realm.

Creation was instantaneous, all powerful, all encompassing, and consisted of all that is in our world of time and space and outside of time.  The act of creation by God was an explosion of imagination and creative thought generating seven concentric circles of thought to guide creation.

The circles were interconnected and each was to continue expanding (recreating) for as long as time should exist.  The core of Creation is the ability to continually recreate and expand.  This guiding principle applies to all that is within Creation from humans to animals, earth to water, air to galaxies.

So many miracles from our perspective are incorporated into the Big Bang that it is well beyond our ability to comprehend in our present physical state.  Just the complexity of the human body and mind is a miraculous mystery, let alone everything else.

This all happened instantaneously about 13.7 billion years ago according to science, closer to 30 billion years ago according to Melchizedek.  Included in the first concentric circle of creative thought of the Creator, were all kinds of interesting things like the Son of God, Melchizedek as sort of an overseer of Creation for God, the Holy Spirit as a means of enlightenment for humans, and entities destined for major roles in spiritual evolution like the Holy Mother Mary.

We share God's domain in Heaven and Earth, consisting of all that is, was, and will be.  The Kingdom of God was created as the domain of God's Son, Jesus.  It is the bridge between the limitless realm of the Unknowable One and the time and space in which Earth and the galaxies must function, what we call our physical dimension.

As noted, there are two major parts of Creation, that which is in time (our own existence), and that which is out of time, where Jesus rules his Kingdom from beyond the physical state.  Everything we know, can imagine, and can create is within one of these two distinct parts of Creation.

Melchizedek is a partner or mentor type to Jesus to help assure the will of God is fulfilled through creation. Spiritual entities exist in the Kingdom such as the Holy Mother Mary, Magdalene, and persons mirroring Jesus whose manifestation among humans is essential to the spiritual evolution of humans and all other elements of creation.

Most important to us humans is the existence in the Kingdom of the soul, which is the central core of the network of souls infused into humans at the moment of birth in the physical world.  Imagine the core of the soul in the Kingdom free of the constraints of our physical world as a giant golden sphere pulsating with love and energy.

Melchizedek describes the moment of birth of the new infant as the moment the fetus leaves the safety and harmony of the mother’s womb and enters the atmosphere of gravity, one of the polarizing forces intended to test the mind and will of humans.  At this moment of re-entry into the gravity of the Earth the soul from the Kingdom is fused with the infant child being born and the complete human now exists.

That soul entering the newborn always remains connected to the orb in the Kingdom through a golden filament.  When physical death occurs, the soul returns through the filament to Heaven to await the next reincarnation.

While waiting it can visit other planets and galaxies, can rest, research in the libraries, share experiences with other earth souls, and even try to help those left behind on Earth.  In fact, according to Jesus and Melchizedek, the soul out of time can also create a vision and send itself back to earth to try and influence love ones left behind.

Spiritual evolution of the soul, and in turn the earth, and all of creation however, is not judged by going back but by moving forward toward fulfillment of the sacred covenant between the Soul and God the Creator.

Of course, in addition to the Soul, God created Angels to help us spiritually, and Alien races to provide timely help within our time space existence.  Within the Kingdom there are immortals and adepts whose purpose is to materialize on Earth at pivotal times in history to help keep our spiritual evolution on track.

Now multiply these activities by a few billion galaxies and you start to see the task facing Melchizedek and Jesus and their cast of billions needed to make things in and out of time work.

Many, many information gaps and things difficult for the physical mind to comprehend will be presented as we progress with the Creation story but this gives you a decent overview of the situation in and out of time where we live.