Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Friday, December 02, 2016

Enough whining - the People Spoke - Donald Trump is our President


With almost all votes finally counted for president, the results demonstrate the widespread route by Donald Trump among the 50 states, which will make him our 45th President.

Trump wins Electoral vote by 306-232
Clinton wins popular vote by 2,357,260

Clinton wins California by 4,187,903
Trump wins remaining 49 states by 1,830,643

Clinton wins California and New York by 5,697,409
Trump wins remaining 48 states by 3,340,149

So far, the Trump victory has defied the media projections,

defied the polls,

defied the political pundits,

and left a lot of Hillary supporters in shell shock.

America has not broken out in civil war.

Our economy has not collapsed as the financial experts warned.
In fact, our financial markets have shattered all time records.

Nations around the world have not panicked or been traumatized.

It is about time for a deep breath in our Republic, and let Donald Trump demonstrate what kind of President he intends to be.

For all those who think someone should be president if they win one or two states by a landslide and ignore the rest of the states, you need a crash course on America, our Constitution, and the history you obviously missed.


Monday, November 14, 2016

An Election Analysis by Actual People - Not Politicians, Pollsters, Press, or Pundits - Part 5


One of the pleasures of publishing the Coltons Point Times is the opportunity to share with you the comments of my readers, the everyday persons working to survive and filling their life with everything they love.  A series of post-election analysis will be offered from contributing writers sharing their thoughts on the election.

They are not seasoned journalists but they are dedicated, patriotic Americans.  At times it is refreshing to hear honest observations rather than biased news so do not expect to hear from any professional politicians, pollsters, press, or pundits.

I want to thank the contributing writers and hope we can all learn more about each other if we will just take the time to read.

This Contributing Author post is hosted on the Coltons Point Times.  Contributor authors control their own work and the views do not reflect those of the Coltons Point Times.  If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email in the comment section.

A Report on the Election from the People's Republic of Johnson County Iowa

By Charles Kapp
November 14, 2016

I live in Iowa City, home of the University of Iowa, and a place the rest of the state sneeringly calls "the People's Republic of Johnson County."  I grew up in Southeast Iowa, not in Johnson County, however, and felt I had a reasonable grip on my state's electorate. 

For the last three months I have been telling my Iowa spouse, my Iowa offspring, my Iowa friends, and pretty much any who would listen that the Trump campaign would implode in a debacle that would do harm to the Republican party that would take them decades to undo.  Watching returns the other night on most of the networks it was pretty clear that my wildly mistaken analysis was shared by many.

The Donald made good on his boast.  The upset was "Uge."  Iowans returned their all-Republican-less-one delegation to Congress and supported Trump.  We are a red state.

I can only assume that votes for Donald Trump were of the "at least he isn't one of them" stripe and a vote against a woman whose bad press made that act an easy pleasure.  "He can't screw it up any more than they have" is profoundly naive.  Or is it pure cynicism?  Or just giving up? 

What it is, first and foremost, is sexist.  The question became "Are you going to support that nagging wench that we can't trust because right-wing quasi-news media tell us so or the strong 'broad shoulders' of the man?"

I have spoken with countless Iowans who I now suspect planned to vote Trump from the get-go.  A few were vocal supporters but most breasted their cards.  These are fine, loving people.  They do not want others to suffer.  But they do feel threatened.

A changing world continues to whittle away at our livelihoods.  People of color are encroaching on our white melting pot.  Our nation has actually been successfully attacked.  Violence, while hardly on the scale of so many places in the world, moves ever closer to us all.  And so, we must need more guns to protect ourselves.  We must need a strong, blustery man to protect us. 

An Election Analysis by Actual People - Not Politicians, Pollsters, Press, or Pundits - Part 4


One of the pleasures of publishing the Coltons Point Times is the opportunity to share with you the comments of my readers, the everyday persons working to survive and filling their life with everything they love.  A series of post-election analysis will be offered from contributing writers sharing their thoughts on the election.

They are not seasoned journalists but they are dedicated, patriotic Americans.  At times it is refreshing to hear honest observations rather than biased news so do not expect to hear from any professional politicians, pollsters, press, or pundits.

I want to thank the contributing writers and hope we can all learn more about each other if we will just take the time to read.

This Contributing Author post is hosted on the Coltons Point Times.  Contributor authors control their own work and the views do not reflect those of the Coltons Point Times.  If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email in the comment section.

Just Relax and Feel Good About the Future

By Ed O'Connor
November 14, 2016

I have been thinking about my impressions and thoughts after the election. Today it hit me while smoking a cigar on my back patio. I realized I was no longer worrying about what kind of second amendment attack will the Federal Government unleash tomorrow.

Nor was I worried about what person they try to put on the Supreme Court, what kind of regulations are they try to implement to stop Fracking here in Colorado, or what we do about boarder security.

Perhaps somebody will stand up and tell some of these foreign leaders where to go and not mince words.  Lastly, John Bolton may get the position he truly deserves.

Now it is the progressives turn to worry about all of this stuff.  I finally felt there was peace at last in my mind. Maybe it will not last, but it sure felt good this evening.

I guess this pretty much sums up how I have felt this last few days. I was not looking forward to the future prior to the election as I felt I knew what road Clinton was going to take us down.

Now the road seems wide open like the front range out here in the Colorado foothills. I only pray Donald Trump makes some bold moves and gets us rolling down that open road.

Maybe it is this sense of relief I feel that I can just relax and feel good about the future.

An Election Analysis by Actual People - Not Politicians, Pollsters, Press, or Pundits - Part 3


One of the pleasures of publishing the Coltons Point Times is the opportunity to share with you the comments of my readers, the everyday persons working to survive and filling their life with everything they love.  A series of post-election analysis will be offered from contributing writers sharing their thoughts on the election.

They are not seasoned journalists but they are dedicated, patriotic Americans.  At times it is refreshing to hear honest observations rather than biased news so do not expect to hear from any professional politicians, pollsters, press, or pundits.

I want to thank the contributing writers and hope we can all learn more about each other if we will just take the time to read.

This Contributing Author post is hosted on the Coltons Point Times.  Contributor authors control their own work and the views do not reflect those of the Coltons Point Times.  If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email in the comment section.

Preamble 2016

Michael Wm. Krafka
November 14, 2016

We the People, in order to form a more perfect union, have some serious work to do.  We are not, at this point in history, beset by an occupying external power.  Rather, we are dealing with what the business community calls “disruptive change” because of this presidential election.  The foundational fissures have been opening over the years from the lingering frustration that economic well being remained out of reach for the vast majority of hard working Americans.  They have watched their incomes stagnating and declining in purchasing power while the corporate profits they delivered through their hard work continue to flow to those at the very top of the economic ladder.  These pent up frustrations have vented and found a singular and unusually disruptive voice.  That voice, through the unexpected co-opting of a major political party, was freely elected into power by marginally less than a plurality of “We the People” who cared to exercise their right to vote.  This duly elected voice makes bold promises he guarantees to deliver, apparently through the messianic force of his being.  Those promises are paired with a corresponding and alarming set of threats to re-impose the centuries-old restrictions to freedom that our Constitution explicitly protects against.

Specifically, establishing Justice and insuring domestic Tranquility may once again be made subject to determining if one is of a preferred race or religion, potentially subject to government verification. Our next president has called for racial profiling by law enforcement. His desire to impose these restrictions was regularly in evidence as he loudly incited mob rule at his political rallies.

To provide for the common defense with an all-volunteer military is a bipartisan congressional responsibility of adequate funding and a militarily strategic matter for the commander-in-chief to deploy that military in the most responsible manner with declarations of war approved by congress.  Today, we are taken aback by cavalier talk of nuclear proliferation to our non-nuclear allies, and, compounding this alarm, by his questioning why we should not consider actually using our nuclear arsenal.  This recklessness not only jeopardizes our freedoms but our very being.

This seventy-year-old has already lived on the nuclear precipice in 1962 during the Cuban missile crises as a high school student in a military academy, certainly not oblivious to that national existential threat. The entire nation was transfixed on its black and white televisions at that time to watch President Kennedy’s address on the developing situation as he cautioned against initiating nuclear war, where the “fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth..”  In the White House, the president was counseling with his Joint Chiefs, some of whom were favoring a strike as they opposed the option of a naval blockade.  I would refer the new presidential advisers to Robert Kennedy’s memoir, Thirteen Days, where he recalled:

“One member of the Joint Chiefs, for example, argued that we could use our nuclear weapons, on the basis that our adversaries would use theirs against us in an attack.”

Apparently, our president-elect has been contemplating this dangerous logic based upon the questions he has raised.  Robert Kennedy continues his observation:

 “I thought, as I listened, of the many times that I had heard the military take positions which, if wrong, had the advantage that no one would be around in the end to know.” 

As they say, elections have consequences – God forbid.

The political divide on how we should promote the general Welfare is foremost in the minds of those who voted for this celebrity business mogul, trusting that he will help them reach a level of prosperity they know they deserve but are unable to achieve in the current political-economic climate.  Unfortunately, for them, his aligned party has consistently stacked the deck against the average wage earner.

He and his party continue to champion financial deregulation, which was at the core of the 2008 financial crisis, allowing predatory lending to run unchecked.  The poster-child of entrenched income inequality is how the bailed out Wall Street banks paid millions in employee bonuses while accepting taxpayer-provided TARP funds to cover their losses.  Citigroup reportedly rewarded over 700 employees with at least $1 million in bonuses while losing nearly $19 billion during that year.

However, by 2008 the middle class and the poor had already found themselves dealt out of the game for some time.  In the forward to his fortieth anniversary edition of The Affluent Society, economist John Kenneth Galbraith discussed what might have changed from his 1958 observations with a perspective of forty years later.  On the attitudes of achieving affluence, he notes:

“Forty years ago I did not fully foresee the extent to which affluence would come to be perceived as a matter of deserved personal reward and thus fully available to the poor, were they only committed to the requisite effort.”

Galbraith’s 1998 observation was just taking root.  Fourteen years later the 2012 GOP convention championed the attitude of affluence equating to personal and moral worth.  Then VP-nominee Paul Ryan coined the term “hammock of dependency” to demean the initiative of those still struggling to recover from the Wall Street catastrophe, or who looked to find a leg up in life.

He insinuated those who were down and out lacked the dreams for themselves and their children, favoring to live out their lives in government-subsidized poverty.  He would divide the worthiness of Americans into two classes, “the makers, and the takers.” 

Presidential nominee Mitt Romney put the nail in his electoral coffin with his infamous “47%” address to wealthy donors, charging that the lower income group would never accept livelihoods out of poverty, apart from government aid.  Those nominees that year found new ways to shrink the Republican tent that resulted in their defeat. 

Yet, this “47%” now makes up some of the electorate throwing their support behind this new outsider and his party, and they may ultimately find that they have voted against their own best interests.  The GOP, again in the Oval Office after eight years and with continued control of congress, will primarily pursue tax cuts first before programs to drive growth.  This will continue to put the middle class at the bottom of the heap.

Speaker Ryan’s Medicare and Medicaid restructuring will first and foremost directly impact senior citizens “by raising out-of-pocket costs for some and shifting others from traditional Medicare coverage to commercial insurance”, according to a Forbes magazine article.  There has been no disclosure on the amount of offsetting tax credits seniors might receive, along with ambiguity on many other details, which is typical for Ryan-authored proposals.

Then will come the promised large tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations which could spike the national debt by $1HYPERLINK ""1.5HYPERLINK "" trillionHYPERLINK "" over ten years according to the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.  Once again, we find the middle class voters who elected this upcoming government left holding the bag to pay the debt.  Par for the course, the net gains from these tax reductions will likely find their way through the loopholes and to the offshore havens that keep the tax rate percentages of the wealthiest lower than 90% of the country.

We have yet to see anything from this next president or his congress that would un-rig this game for the people who put them into office.

Now the election is over and the vote count completed.  The voters constitutionally handed the presidency to Trump, the rogue Washington outsider, widely seen as an ethically and morally challenged demagogue.  The numbers, data, and evidence matters as the results are in and we are required to accept them.

Just as climate science confirms the trend of global warming, we, in the global community, largely accept those results.  If a doctor were to diagnose you with a serious illness, not accepting the result would be foolish.  We must accept the results in each of these cases.  However, accepting the results is not the same as saying these results are acceptable.  Illness, climate change, and this election present long-term outcomes that can trend toward the unacceptable and potentially on to cataclysmic unless corrective intervention is applied.  

So how do we now secure the Blessings of Liberty for us and our Posterity, with the promised threats and observed recklessness this election has delivered?  Fortunately, our Constitution has inherent remedies.  Elections are transient events and no single person or party can fail outrageously and then continue in power perpetually.  However, this election’s outcome also conclusively indicates a need to address symptoms of national fracturing.

First, the tribalization of our country has been exacerbated primarily due to the middle class losing out economically.  People are becoming less and less comfortable, not to mention less tolerant, of those not sharing their ethnic heritage. Cable and Internet “news” media outlets have been the primary accelerant to tribalization, seeing an opportunity to drive racial animus as a political tactic against the first African American president.

This was in full force in 2012 with the current president-elect serving as propagandist-in-chief until Obama was re-elected.  The results of the ensuing “autopsy” prescribed by the GOP party chairman recommended more outreach to minorities and more tolerance of the progressive social views of millennials in order to expand the Republican base.  That recommendation lasted up until the 2016 nomination process where the nominee, with his characteristic unreserved vitriol, carved up America into the racial, ethnic, and religious groups to be demonized, monitored, and otherwise dealt with as his supporters cheered his new xenophobia platform

In the end, the GOP did win the Electoral College but has now lost the popular vote in six of the last seven elections, 2004 being the lone exception. This election has been characterized as a “white wash”.  Eventually, the concept of a whites-only firewall to protect Republican candidates is a losing strategy, especially given the outcome of this latest popular vote. (Yes, maybe Bernie would have won it all.)

But this tribalization is of no benefit to any group politically or economically. The entire middle class and those economically below that line need to unite to challenge the policies that will continue to be passed by this new president and his party that, as history has shown, will continue to undercut their well being.      

Secondly, civil discourse has devolved into one-hundred-forty-character road rage.  (Need I point out who champions this method as his favorite form of retribution? Leadership, anyone?). The cure to our divisions will not occur via text, or Facebook, or impulsive, angry and anonymous comments on a newspaper opinion writer’s column. Offering opposing and constructive views without personal insults might be an approach one would typically use if not separated from another by the Cloud. We rarely see this in practice, especially in the political context.

Finally, elections are cyclical, and in two years will come another opportunity for adjustments. The separation of powers defined in our constitution might supply sufficient safeguards in the interim to constrain someone familiar only with unconstrained authority from acting irresponsibly, but this would not be something we should take on faith.

This nation has been said to be an ongoing experiment.  Had the election results been as all the polls mistakenly forecast with Hillary emerging as the winner, then the outcome of that experiment could be easily predicted; we would have potentially endured four more years of congressional gridlock and ongoing investigations of the new president in order to render her ineffective and, perhaps, impeachable.

However, those were not the results and we have cast ourselves into an unforeseen period of disruption. Now, our current experiment can potentially result in resetting many of the controls on which we have historically relied to sustain our national identity as the model of freedom and democracy, and as the world’s most responsible superpower.  By nature, experiments frequently deliver unexpected outcomes.

If we’re fortunate we may get penicillin. NASA crashed several unmanned launches before putting Alan Shepard atop a Redstone rocket.  In this case we have neither a laboratory nor a test launch pad.  This experiment will be done live and in real time.  It requires close monitoring and the readiness for an immediate response if and when things begin to trend toward the detrimental.

About the author:

Mike Krafka is a native of Ottumwa, Iowa and currently resides in the Providence, Rhode Island area.  Mike has a degree in composition from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, and a graduate certificate in Business Analytics from Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island.  He has a career over the past thirty years working primarily in the financial industry as a technology executive with a speciality in systems capacity management. Mike is the father of three sons who are musicians and educators in the New York City and Boston areas.

An Election Analysis by Actual People - Not Politicians, Pollsters, Press, or Pundits - Part 2


One of the pleasures of publishing the Coltons Point Times is the opportunity to share with you the comments of my readers, the everyday persons working to survive and filling their life with everything they love.  A series of post-election analysis will be offered from contributing writers sharing their thoughts on the election.

They are not seasoned journalists but they are dedicated, patriotic Americans.  At times it is refreshing to hear honest observations rather than biased news so do not expect to hear from any professional politicians, pollsters, press, or pundits.

I want to thank the contributing writers and hope we can all learn more about each other if we will just take the time to read.

This Contributing Author post is hosted on the Coltons Point Times.  Contributor authors control their own work and the views do not reflect those of the Coltons Point Times.  If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email in the comment section.

A Personal Analysis of Donald J Trump, 45th President Elect of the United States of America

By Mary Patricia Jones
(Walsh High School Class of ’63)

Many months ago, an unlikely businessperson announced his candidacy for President.  After leaving 15 other candidates in the dust, he became the nominee of his party.  Pitted against a seasoned female politician, after months of campaigning and three debates, Donald J. Trump emerged to become the 45th President-Elect of the United States of America.
He has a vision; something every real leader possesses.  His platform involved the people.  A platform, which focused on the economy, security of the people, jobs for the people, and an improved infrastructure for the country, among other things.  After 7 ½ years of burdensome rules and regulations that took our faith in the government to its lowest point, Trump gave us a sliver of hope that his platform might work.

He brought the people into his campaign; he supported the people because he cares for the future of the people.  He wants the people to have the same chances he had; the chances that gave him the opportunities to become the person he is today – a very successful executive, a businessperson who owns his own company. a man, who, when he failed, picked himself up and continued trying.
His style, while not politically correct and disliked by many, involved telling the people the truth. And he will continue to tell “we the people” the truth. Truth can be blunt; it can be hurtful. But with truth comes solutions. Donald Trump will help the country find the right solutions so the country can continue to succeed. We will pick ourselves up from past mistakes and try again. We can do this. We are Americans and we will continue our “can-do” attitude.
He will work with everyone even those he disagrees with.  He did write “The Art of the Deal”!  He knows how to work with others because he wants the best for the people so we can grow and make our future better, just as he did with his business and employees.  Trump’s win is like opening a door.  You are not sure what is on the other side, but you open it anyway.  You take a chance.  For only by taking a chance will things ever have an opportunity to change.  This was an election of change, and change it will.  From a Democratic President in 2008 with a Democratic congress for his first 2 years, to a Republican President with a Republican Congress, America is in for “one hell of a ride” come January 20, 2017.

About the Author: A self-employed, small businessperson for 27 years, ready for retirement but cannot due to current rules and regulations.  Educated in the 50’s and 60’s when life was not as complicated or politically correct, living when it was safe to walk a mile to school, or be out after dark with no fear of harm.  She wants everything for her children and grandchildren, she had as a child - safety, and prosperity.