Showing posts with label Creator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creator. Show all posts

Monday, November 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Woe is Me! – Do You Feel the Pain?

Do you find yourself surrounded by morons, nut cases, physical train wrecks, intellectually absent, morally bankrupt, precariously perverted, self-centered victims?

Well that makes you the Oddball in our politically polluted prisons of correctness in life.  You lose!

There is some kind of Biblical intervention that takes place when humanity drifts too far into the shadows of the Dark Forces.  Just when it seems we are on the brink of self-extermination, something big happens.

Really, when you stop and think about it, if the Creator, One, Source, God, Allah or The Unknowable One (as Melchizedek says) created all that is in our limited field of awareness, do you really think such an all-knowing Creator would not plan for times like this when humans are making a lot of dumb decisions with their own Free Will?

If you have access to your own intuition, imagination, genetic knowledge, spiritual insights, logic, deductive reasoning and common sense, you would agree with me.  Sadly, too many people ignore the many powerful gifts from the Creator.

In the end, the all-knowing, all everything Creator would be nuts to allow the bad guys to win in the Creator’s own Creation!

Humans, clearly, have their own set of rules, standards, principles and expectations.  I mean surely more is expected out of us, from the Creator’s perspective, than other creations like the cockroach, or a big old rock.

We are the only species we know about that was given unlimited imagination, a supercomputer for a mind, a moral and ethical foundation through the Soul, a Sacred Covenant with God defining our expectations, and the ability to imagine, create and pro-create.

Beyond that, comes the gift of a Free Will to choose our own path to eternal salvation by once again becoming One with the Creator.  Or, the wrong use of Free Will can make more difficult your task of following the Path of Salvation because wrong decisions can screw up everything.

Many are called, few may answer.

One of our jobs, as humans, is to help fellow humans find their own path to redemption and salvation.  It’s not working out too well in the world at this time.

We can make it change.  Our wrong decisions can be corrected and we can find our way back to the Path of Eternal Salvation.  Jesus gave us all the necessary clues in his teaching.

You know humans are pretty complex masterpieces capable of many wonders and often astonishing actions.  Let us just say humans are quite a force in this world and beyond.

Then you add to our capabilities instantaneous access to the Internet, WIFI, Artificial Intelligence, endless libraries and databases of knowledge, and processing speeds millions of times faster than our brain can generate and absorb, and you really have a force to be reckoned with.

With your “potential” you can do good things at warp speed.  It also means the dumb decisions you make with your Free Will could also have instantaneous consequences, at warp speed.  You could be in a whale of trouble before you even realize it.

Misuse of the Free Will truly is serious.  You might call it “unintended consequences” or “collateral damage” that undermines your intended achievements during this lifetime.  You have wobbled off the true Path of Destiny.

If you do not recognize the bad decisions and find your way back to your own Path of Destiny you may break your Sacred Covenant and waste the lifetime.

By breaking the Covenant when you fall off the path you are opening yourself to doubt, distraction, confusion, obsession, addiction, insatiable greed, reckless use of power, bizarre perversions and often despair and depression, all tools of the Dark Side whose sole intent is to corrupt, steal, then destroy your Soul.

The work of Luciferic forces, the Dark Side, could terminate your hope for eternal salvation and exterminate the very existence of your Soul.

Your Soul can become so badly contaminated by evil that it might bring the evil back to Earth in your next incarnation.  For the good of all the other Souls – that will not be allowed to happen.  Such a degree of contamination will be obliterated as if it never existed, in order to protect the billions of other good Souls.

Yet there is Hope no matter how dark the horizon because the Unknowable One loves all of Creation, including you, and will never give up on you finding your way home.

Just don’t give up on yourself!

Support far beyond our imagination is waiting for you to ask for help.  There are Angels, fellow humans in a state of grace, the spirits of Saints, Adepts from the Kingdom and even the power of miracles Created by the Unknowable One awaiting your call.

Pray, pray and pray again as my friend CEM says often to me.  Make your prayer a plea for help to find your way back to the Path of Salvation.  Pray that you use the gifts God gave you and that your expressions of Free Will are aligned with the Will of the Unknowable One, the Creator.

Ask and you shall receive.  Salvation, for all of Eternity remains within your grasp.

Join the God Squad.  Seek Truth.  Live in Love.  Inspire Joy.  Heal the sick and wounded.  Protect the innocent.  Learn from life’s trials.  Share all life’s glories.  Honor the Creator by staying True to your Path of Destiny and follow the teaching of God’s Son, Jesus.

You can do it.  God knows you can do it. 

The Unknowable One awaits the end of your journey and your return to Oneness.

Ps.  Not a bad ending huh!      

Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Who is the mysterious Biblical person Melchizedek? What is his role in God's Plan?

Seven concentric circles - explosion of the Creator's Thought 
Seeking Out Seekers of Truth

The Melchizedek eight pointed star

Who is the mysterious Biblical person?
Never born and never dies?

Melchizedek has been around since the Beginning of Time and serves as the overseer of God's Plan for Creation.  Melchizedek calls God the Unknowable One, since only the Creator can know the Creator, the Oneness responsible for all that is. 

Every person out there should have heard of the name Melchizedek.  A most mysterious person of the Christian Bible, the Jewish Torah, and Islamic Qur’an, Melchizedek is clearly one of the closest people to the Creator, the protector of the Mission of Jesus, the Overseer of all of Creation, and the best friend the Human race will ever find.

The duties of Melchizedek extend to long before the appearance of mankind on Earth.  According to Melchizedek, the Big Bang took place nearly 30 billion years ago.  It took nearly three billion years before Earth formed and became hospitable for humans.

Our record of the past is very, very limited so far.  Melchizedek speaks of a total of seven Human Life Cycles on Earth, of which this is the last.  Our known history dates back a few million years within the current seventh cycle, leaving billions and billions of years of our time on Earth unknown to us.

The point is there is incredible information from our true past we are yet to discover and it will be necessary to discover before we reach the End of Time.

In the course of being around all those billions of years, Melchizedek had to guide humanity through Christian, pagan and other forms of civilization throughout time as all humans are God's children.

In this, the Christian era, our sacred knowledge is limited to a few thousands of years yet it s critical to our understanding of all that took place before.  Since we do not view humanity as a single entity, as God intended it to function, we must rely on those sacred teachings where we find Melchizedek in various religions and this is what you would find.

Melchizedek [N] [E] [H] [S]

Priest of "God Most High" who appeared in patriarchal times, but whose significance was remembered throughout Old Testament times and eventually explained in the Book of Hebrews.
Melchizedek and Abraham.  Melchizedek of Salem came out to pronounce a blessing on Abraham who was on his way back to Hebron after rescuing Lot from Kedorlaomer, king of the East ( Gen 14:18-24 ). Melchizedek provided food and wine for a sacral meal. As they ate, Melchizedek pronounced a blessing on Abraham in the name of God Most High.

The willingness with which Abraham acceded to Melchizedek as a priest of God Most High is a most interesting aspect of this narrative. This name apparently connoted the same meaningful theology to Abraham as the name "God Almighty" ( Exod 6:3 ). Abraham also equated God with "Creator of heaven and earth" ( Gen 14:22 ; cf. v. 19 ) in his ascription-confessional to the king of Sodom.

A Priest Forever. Psalm 110:4 reads: "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.'" This is a royal psalm. Two significant points are made about the One who is to sit at God's right hand. First, the order of Melchizedek is declared to be an eternal order. Second, this announcement is sealed with God's oath. Neither of these affirmations applied to the Aaronic order of priesthood.

Jesus Christ as the Great High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek. The Book of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, as a priest after the order of Melchizedek (4:14-7:28, esp. 5:5-11 ; 6:13-7:28). The author draws directly from Psalm 110:4 several crucial points to explain that the high priesthood of Christ has superseded and is superior to the priesthood of Aaron.

First, the priesthood of Melchizedek is an "order forever" ( 5:10 ). In contrast, the priesthood of Aaron had a history of disruptions and termination.

Second, the references to being "without father or mother" ( 7:3 ) and to being an "order forever" ( Hebrews 7:3 Hebrews 7:16 Hebrews 7:17 Hebrews 7:24 ) are to be understood as referring to the kind of priestly order rather than to the longevity of a particular priest of Abraham's time. Jesus even carries the longevity of his priesthood back to the Godhead (Hebrews 7:15 Hebrews 7:26 ; cf. 1 Peter 1:20 ).

Third, the divine guarantee for the priesthood of Melchizedek rests on God's oath.

For the writer of Hebrews to look at these Old Testament passages about Melchizedek along christological lines is in keeping with the practice of other New Testament writers. Early Christians were convinced that it was they upon whom the end of the ages had come and hence felt that the Old Testament was written in some divinely intended way to point to them.

Melchizedek [N] [B] [H] [S]

King of righteousness, the king of Salem (q.v.). All we know of him is recorded in Genesis 14:18-20 . He is subsequently mentioned only once in the Old Testament, in Psalms 110:4 . The typical significance of his history is set forth in detail in the Epistle to the Hebrews, ch. 7. The apostle there points out the superiority of his priesthood to that of Aaron in these several respects, (1) Even Abraham paid him tithes; (2) he blessed Abraham; (3) he is the type of a Priest who lives for ever; (4) Levi, yet unborn, paid him tithes in the person of Abraham; (5) the permanence of his priesthood in Christ implied the abrogation of the Levitical system; (6) he was made priest not without an oath; and (7) his priesthood can neither be transmitted nor interrupted by death: "this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood."

The question as to who this mysterious personage was has given rise to a great deal of modern speculation. It is an old tradition among the Jews that he was Shem, the son of Noah, who may have survived to this time. Melchizedek was a Canaanitish prince, a worshipper of the true God, and in his peculiar history and character an instructive type of our Lord, the great High Priest ( Hebrews 5:6 Hebrews 5:7 ; 6:20 ). One of the Amarna tablets is from Ebed-Tob, king of Jerusalem, the successor of Melchizedek, in which he claims the very attributes and dignity given to Melchizedek in the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Melchizedek [N] [B] [E] [S]

King of justice

Melchizedek [N] [B] [E] [H]

(King of righteousness ), king of Salem and priest of the most high God, who met Abram in the valley of Shaveh, which is the kings valley, brought out bread and wine, blessed him, and received tithes from him. ( Genesis 14:18-20 ) The other places in which Melchizedek is mentioned are ( Psalms 110:4 ) where Messiah is described as a priest forever, "after the order of Melchizedek," and ( Hebrews 5:1 ; Hebrews 6:1 ; Hebrews 7:1 ) ... where these two passages of the Old Testament are quoted, and the typical relation of Melchizedek to our Lord is stated at great length. There is something surprising and mysterious in the first appearance of Melchizedek, and in the subsequent reference to him. Bearing a title which Jews in after ages would recognize as designating their own sovereign, bearing gifts which recall to Christians the Lords Supper, this Canaanite crosses for a moment the path of Abram, and is unhesitatingly recognized as a person of higher spiritual rank than the friend of God. Disappearing as suddenly as he came, he is lost to the sacred writings for a thousand years. Jewish tradition pronounces Melchizedek to be a survivor of the deluge, the patriarch Shem. The way in which he is mentioned in Genesis would rather lead to the inference that Melchizedek was of one blood with the children of Ham, among whom he lived, chief (like the king of Sodom) of a settled Canaanitish tribe. The "order of Melchizedek," in ( Psalms 110:4 ) is explained to mean "manner" = likeness in official dignity = a king and priest. The relation between Melchizedek and Christ as type and antitype is made in the Epistle to the Hebrews to consist in the following particulars: Each was a priest, (1) not of the Levitical tribe; (2) superior to Abraham; (3) whose beginning and end are unknown; (4) who is not only a priest, but also a king of righteousness and peace. A fruitful source of discussion has been found in the site of Salem. [SALEM]


During Abram's sojourn in Canaan this priest and king met and treated him with hospitality (Genesis 14:18-20 ). Much mystery appears to hang about this distinguished personage. Various theories have been advanced concerning him. Some assert that he was God Almighty. This is not a fact, for he was "the priest of the most high God" ( Genesis 14:18 ). Others assert that he was Jesus Christ. This is not a fact, for he was "made like the Son of God" ( Hebrews 7:3 ). It is asserted in the Scriptures that he was a man ( Hebrews 7:1-4 ). If you will reflect that the Scriptures deal with him in his official capacity, the difficulties and mysteries surrounding him will immediately vanish. Let us take a closer view. The history of the world, from the Biblical standpoint, naturally divides itself into three different periods, which for want of better terms I will designate, the Patriarchal dispensation, the Jewish dispensation, and the Christian dispensation.

Each dispensation is characterized by a priesthood peculiarly its own. There was no regular priestly line from the transgression to the giving of the law of Moses. In a general way, it may be asserted that every man was his own priest ( Genesis 4:1-4 ; Genesis 12:7 Genesis 12:8 ; Genesis 15:8-18 ; Genesis 26:19-25 ; Genesis 31:43-55 Genesis 35:1-15 ; Genesis 46:1 ). During this age Melchizedek appeared. He was king of Salem and priest of the most high God. We know nothing of his duties or prerogatives as priest or king.

We know that he did not belong to any special priestly order. His priestly office was independent of all other men. In the priestly office he was without father, and without mother, and without descent. No record was kept of his installation as priest, his official acts, or his death, hence, so far as the record is concerned, he was without beginning of days or end of life. At the inauguration of the second dispensation an entire family was set apart to the priestly office, and the priestly office remained in that family, and was transmitted from father to son and from generation to generation to the death of Christ ( Exodus 29:1 Exodus 29:29 ; Numbers 17:1-13 ; Numbers 18:1-7 Hebrews 7:11 Hebrews 7:23-28 ). David predicted that a priest should arise after the order of Melchizedek ( Psalms 110:4 ).

This is repeatedly affirmed by the author of Hebrews. The priesthood of the Christian dispensation is after the order of Melchizedek, and not after the order of Aaron. Jesus became a priest when he entered heaven by his own blood ( Hebrews 8:1-4 ; Hebrews 10:11-12 ). His priesthood is independent. He had no predecessor, and he will have no successor. He will remain in heaven and officiate as priest until the work of redemption is done.

Gib Kocherhans wrote an article titled "The Name “Melchizedek”: Some Thoughts on Its Meaning and the Priesthood It Represents."  He wrote this for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, better known as Mormons.  There is a Priesthood of Melchizedek within the Mormon Church.  In these article excerpts he says;

Why, then, does that sacred priesthood, which was titled the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God, bear Melchizedek’s name rather than that of some other prophet and patriarch (see D and C 107:3). After much study, I have concluded that the name Melchizedek is a name of deep significance, and that we can know, at least in part, why the Lord selected this particular name to identify his holy priesthood.

Too often a search to understand such things ends before it begins. Old Testament matters, we often conclude, are so peculiar and unusual that few can expect to understand them. So we give no further thought to any relationship between the name and ourselves.

But what of the name Melchizedek? Here is a term even stranger to our experience than Aaron. Yet the name is so significant that it is used to identify the order of priesthood by which the Savior atoned for the sins of the world (see Heb. 5–8). Why is Melchizedek given the singular honor of having the higher priesthood bear his name when we wish to avoid too frequent use of the Lord’s name (see D and C 107:3–4).

“Melchizedek was a man of faith, … And his people … obtained heaven” (JST, Gen. 14:26, 34). But this criteria would suggest that the priesthood could just as well bear the name of Enoch (see Moses 7:13, 21)—by virtue of the compelling impact of his similar accomplishments.

In fact, this miracle of both Melchizedek and Enoch preparing and then seeing translated an entire city into the presence of God is indeed a feat so powerful upon the imagination that none should misunderstand the allusion to either a Melchizedek or an “Enochian” priesthood as being the priesthood powerful enough to take us to heaven. Perhaps at last we have found the reason.

Yet, why is it that only Melchizedek has his name used to designate the “Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God”?

We turn again to the scriptures and see that they explain that it “is because Melchizedek was such a great high priest” (D and C 107:2), and that “there were many before him, and … many afterwards, but none were greater; therefore, of him they have more particularly made mention” (Alma 13:19; italics added).

In truth, there are many names and responsibilities related to the Creator given to Melchizedek and there is no one else in the sacred texts garnering so much attention and evoking so much mystery.

Clearly, this is a person of high privilege to have direct access to the Creator and Jesus Christ among many others in the world outside of time.

My intention is to let you decide for yourself.


In an article titled THE GREEN MAN AND THE KING OF SALEM, published October 7, 2013 by Philip Jenkins, the following excerpts reflect the Qur’an and Melchizedek.
One very popular Qur’anic hero is al-Khidr, “The Green One,” who appears in Sura 18, al-Kahf, verses 60-82. Seeking Wisdom, Moses travels to meet “One of [God’s] servants”, whom commentators universally identify as al-Khidr (18.65). Moses, in unexpectedly meek mode, begs to follow the Servant as a disciple, despite al-Khidr’s constant warnings that Moses could not stand the pace.

Through Islamic history, al-Khidr has fascinated scholars and ordinary believers alike. They note that Moses treated him so respectfully, suggesting that he was very important, and perhaps a prophet, or at least a saint, a wali, a friend of God. In tradition, also, he never died, placing him in a select category limited to Idris, Ilyas and Isa (Enoch, Elijah and Jesus). In some versions, he owes this immortality to having found and drunk the Water of Life. Sufis rank him very highly as one who attained the highest levels of mystical insight.

The most important thing we know about al-Khidr is who he is not. He cannot be a Biblical figure who is named elsewhere in the Qur’an, or he would have been identified accordingly. That immediately rules out Moses (obviously), Enoch, Elijah, Jesus, and many other obvious names. Subject to that limitation, he must be a figure known in Jewish and Christian memory as a mysterious being of extreme supernatural power, one of mysterious origins, without known circumstances of birth or death.

Unless I am missing something obvious, that really leaves only one candidate, and that is Melchizedek, King of Salem. (I am certainly not the first to make that point). As I wrote in a recent post, “In the canonical Bible, Melchizedek appears briefly as a king and priest who meets Abraham, and blesses him with bread and wine (Gen. 14). Throughout Christian history, Melchizedek has fascinated readers as a forerunner of Christ, and of the priesthood.” He features frequently in European art, usually in a Eucharistic context.

If you have not had the opportunity to meet and communicate with one having the mystical and spiritual status of Melchizedek you should try, because his perspective is with The Creator and Jesus and he has spent since the Beginning of Time trying to help guide us to eternal salvation.

For years I have been influenced by the teaching of Melchizedek and this and the other articles I write under the The Melchizedek Chronicles and previously Conversations with Melchizedek title are my attempt to share with you the enormous wisdom and teachings of this immortal being who has been to Earth many times in many forms working to keep us all on the Road to Kingdom Come.

However, it is up to you, as you travel the Road to Kingdom Come, to discover the remaining truths we must find.  No one can tell you what to think.  You and you alone, must seek out, find the answers to our salvation, and then help lead all others to salvation and reunion with the Creator.  

There is only one frequency of Truth in God's Creation as told by Melchizedek.  It has been consistent since long before humans were placed on Earth by God, and Truth has been unchanged since the Beginning of Time.

Seek it out and you will find eternal salvation.

Friday, August 23, 2019

CPT Twit - Honoring Sophia, the Feminine force of Creation throughout our History and Evolution - Your Time is Now!

What is a CPT Twit?  Our new form of communicating with those who find sending limited character Tweets too challenging and demanding.  The CPT Twit is a photo story, a picture book, or whatever you choose to call it.

In Honor of Sophia, the Feminine force that permeates the universe and the co-creator responsibility of the feminine Creator in the polarity of Creation, here is you!

Sophia - The feminine force of God!!!

Manifested on Earth

