Showing posts with label Creator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creator. Show all posts

Friday, August 09, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – What do the One God, the Father, and the Mystifying Sophia all share – perhaps the Holiest of Holy Trinities!

Today we solve one of the Greatest Mysteries of our Lives!
From our perspective as creations of the Creator, it would seem impossible to solve.  So, what about looking at it from the perspective of the Divine Beings or spirits, who are also creations like us but without our body and mind.  Divine Beings beyond the reaches of our physical existence.

Melchizedek seems to be a special Divine entity, because so little is known about him yet so much power is attributed to him in Heaven and on Earth.  When he talks about God, he never refers to him by that name.  He calls God the “Unknowable One” because all that exists is God, and only the Supreme Being, the “Unknowable One,” knows all.  As God’s creations we only know what the “Unknowable One” created us to know.

However, Melchizedek says the “Unknowable One” anticipated that humankind would try to attach a gender to the “Unknowable One” since we need to humanize our God to attempt comprehend him.

With our tendency to see things simply, in our limited world of definitions, and in recognition of the fact we would evolve first into a patriarchal society, we would be inclined to identify the “Unknowable One” our God, as a male.  Yet the “Unknowable One” is not just a male, but everything, to a degree we cannot even imagine.  Still, we view it as God or the Father.

Haga Sophia Church, Istanbul, Turkey

In time, and when humans reached a point where they might spiritually evolve to a higher understanding, the truth would be made known to us.  That time is now.

All of Creation consists of polarity from the sub-atomic structure to the human mind to the choices of free will to morality.  Chief among these is the miracle of procreation, between woman and man, where their Oneness results in a new creation, a baby child.

There is a counterpart to God the Father, sort of a mirror reflection according to Melchizedek, the Goddess Sophia.

Sophia, yet another entity of the Divine World who is the mystery of all mysteries, along with the Father, are not creations of the “Unknowable One” but are both the Godhead so to speak.  It is as if they are mirror images of the “Unknowable One,” equal yet offering different aspects of the Creator.

Sophia is identified through sacred scripture, inspired thought, and cultural evolution in many, many ways.  She has been called the Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Heaven, Mother of the Stars, an aeon, Angel of Manifested Thought who created all things, Spirit of God, His mother, bride of Christ and much more.

In truth, she is all of those things and everything else because she, along with the Father, are the “Unknowable One!”  The “Unknowable One,” Sophia, and the Father are all One and the same, the holiest of all Trinities!

Melchizedek says Sophia is immortal as a Divine entity, beyond incarnating on Earth as a human, just as God and the Father.  However, she can connect to Earth through others when her presence is needed to bring about change.

This was achieved through the Magdalen (Mary Magdalen), also a Divine entity but allowed to be born to Earth just like Jesus.  A thousand years later it was also allowed through Hildegard von Bingen, the incredible mystic, nun, artist, teacher, doctor, theologian, composer, saint, etc., etc. of the twelfth century again as a wake-up call for humankind.

Sophia has returned again in spirit in this lifetime to bring back into balance the polarity between male and female, to show neither must be allowed to dominate but they must work in harmony, compassion, and love to help awaken all humans to the Oneness of the “Unknowable One.”

The Wisdom, Compassion, Love, Imagination and Truth of the “Unknowable One” can only be experienced when man and woman think, act, pray and govern as One.  There can be only One dominant force in creation, the Oneness of the “Unknowable One.”

We must embrace the teaching and the miracles of God’s son Jesus.  We should pray to Sophia, the Father, Jesus, the Mother Mary, and the Magdalen to enlighten us to the Divine Will of the “Unknowable One,” our Creator.  When we do our potential in the service to the Creator will have no boundaries.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – “Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”

The environmental management of Earth is driven by Divine Law and Natural law, not Man’s law!

Like it or not, public policy in America is a hostage to politics.  When you acknowledge that political partisanship has effectively stymied any hope for bi-partisanship, for consensus building, or compromise, it is no wonder the American political system is broken as are all initiatives and institutions, good or bad, who are dependent on our political system.

The protection of the planet Earth, and the quality of life for the inhabitants of the Earth, must be free of the political bickering and free of the political turmoil of polarization that dominates the cultural, health care and economic security issues battled out in Congress.

For example, responsible environmental management must be approached as an essential priority to our survival and not get caught up in partisan politics of the moment.  Today, the cause of climate change and management is caught up in the partisan polarization of politics.  That is wrong and it will fail.

Melchizedek says climate change is a mechanism of Earth management.  When it is dominated by man, it is more appropriately a mechanism of mismanagement.  In truth, climate change is a divinely inspired natural process of the evolution of the Earth and purification of the planet.

Consider that scientists have recorded five significant Ice Ages throughout the Earth’s history: the Huronian (2.4 - 2.1 billion years ago), Cryogenian (850 - 635 million years ago), Andean-Saharan (460 - 430 million years ago), Karoo (360 - 260 million years ago) and Quaternary (2.6 million years ago - present).

Each Ice Age was preceded by global warming in response to natural issues faced by our Earth.  There is no evidence mankind was even on the Earth when they happened, and surely not in a way that could influence the survival of earth. So, there is scientific proof of five previous Ice Age cycles of global warming or climate change and no mankind to blame it on.

The Hopi native Americans call these the cycles of civilization and each time the Earth had to go through a process of purification in order to continue its mission in God’s plan.  Melchizedek calls it the Human Life Cycles on Earth, times in our long forgotten past when humans used their free will in a way that ignored the Creator’s will, thus violating our purpose for being.

Melchizedek says six times we violated our mission and we are now well into the seventh and final Human Life Cycle in the Creator’s Plan.  In each previous Human Life Cycle, we failed to embrace our true relationship with the Creator and allowed the abuse of Mother Earth.

In order to protect the Earth, the purification cycle was instituted consisting of the combination of divine and natural laws resulting in reducing the number of souls occupying the earth to the point they could no longer influence the natural function of the Earth.  This was achieved through meteor strikes, droughts, floods, polar warming, comets, perhaps even radiation accidents in past lifetimes.

The impact on humans, it was just like starting over.

Make no mistake, without a healthy and vibrant Earth we would not exist.  It is our home.  We are the custodians of the Earth.  Yet the protection of Mother Earth cannot be left to just humans.  Earth is essential to all of Creation as well thus falling under the protection of Natural and Divine Law as well.

Melchizedek says everything in Creation plays an essential role, and everything in Creation is inter-connected to everything else in Creation.  If we do not recognize and honor this integrated co-existence and accept our responsibility as co-creators, we disrupt the balance and threaten the very existence of all of Creation.

With or without humans Earth must go through the purification cycles of heating, then cooling, in order to preserve the integrity of our planet.  Of course, humans can contribute to the problem of global warming by our technology, policies and bad habits.  This can intensify the speed of climate change but the purification function will take place, with or without the cooperation of humans.

Our Earth is protected by the purification process which consists of natural and divine law combining to preserve the integrity of the planet and the ability of the Earth, just one of the many tremendous miracles in our lives, to continue to regenerate, purify and renew our home.

The real question we should ask is what is our contribution to making the environmental management of the Earth more difficult.  Here we again fall short.  We blame it on the opposing political party, the carbon emissions from cars and trucks, toxic fumes from fossil fuel generating plants, but we never take responsibility for the greatest sins against Earth by man, the poisoning of the Earth with over 2,000 nuclear bombs that were tested, 1,500 below ground and 500 in the air in just the past 75 years.

In spite of our ignorance, stupidity, lack of respect for God’s plan and refusal to take responsibility for the massive radiation poisoning of Mother Earth, God still loves us and will never give up on us.  That is why Melchizedek says fear not, the Earth will take care of itself, with or without ourselves, and it is a very good thing she can.  Our record as custodian of the Earth is rather dismal.

Chernobyl disaster
Our science tries to disengage the connection between God and the protection of Earth.  It cannot be done.  Our politicians and news media view it as a political hot button issue, and that throws it to the politicians whose own survival comes before the survival of Mother Earth.  That is wrong.

Fukushima disaster
Yet it is understandable, according to Melchizedek, because “we the people,” after all these billions of years on Earth, have forgotten and lost our connection to the Creator.  In fact, there are those walking among us so inspired by the dark forces they are obsessed with pushing all things God farther and farther out of our everyday life and consciousness.
Yet we cannot blame them, or judge them, or we become them.

Nor can we ignore our spiritual compass gnawing at our conscious whispering in our ears the words, what did Jesus say in his hour of greatest physical pain and suffering, while he was dying on the cross?

“Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”

Forgive them? Just as he was about to take His last breath because of them?  Really?  No finger pointing, accusations, condemnations or anger toward his murderers!

Jesus knew in order for Him to fulfill his Sacred Covenant with his Father Creator, to demonstrate the power of the love of the Father in creating all of us, then Jesus must die.  Ancient and sacred prophecy demanded it as the price for salvation for all of humanity.

Through his own free will he accepted his destiny.  You know what, that act by Jesus was the mirror image of the Father’s will.  For you, for all of us the only way we can become one again with the Creator, which is our true destiny, is when our free will of expression reflects the Creator’s will.  By achieving this Jesus was able to resurrect from the dead and ascend to the right hand of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, thus showing us the path to eternal salvation.

So, as we stand here today, with fear, hatred and animosity swirling all around us, we surely must know this is not how God wants us to be.  The Luciferic force of evil had an advantage over us because they were thrown to the Earth by Michael in the spiritual war of the heavens long before humans were sent to the Earth.  Those dark forces expect to be standing last as well.

We would do well not to underestimate evil, nor the power of evil to compromise our minds and possess our souls.  When that happens, our free will is gone.  Without free will we can never be in harmony with the will of the Father.

Just as Jesus resurrected from the dead and was ascended into Heaven so must we.  It is God’s final gift to us, through his Son Jesus, to provide a pathway to Oneness in the eternal love of the Creator.

Jesus showed us the path to grace in life and the gateway to salvation in Heaven as we transcend from our physical to spiritual home.  We all have a role to play.  Deep down inside you must know our world is in need of purification.  There is much we can do to help bring it about.  Many are called but few are chosen, unless we change destiny so all are called.  In time, we must.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Clarion Call for Clarity - Time for the New Council of Nicaea - Twenty-first century Religion

Creation creates and recreates, why not the Bible?

Perhaps it is time the Roman Catholic Church sponsor the “New Council of Nicaea” to provide the “Twenty-first Century Living Bible of God,” for use by all religions.  Ever since the “inspired word of God” as exemplified by the Holy Bible was adopted by man in 325 AD, it has never been reinterpreted for today’s changing world.

We have entered an era when knowledge in archeology, science, technology, health and many other fields of discipline, is changing and being recreated, at lightning speed.  All change must be incorporated into the Bible if it is to remain a vibrant and inspirational tool to salvation for modern society.

Discoveries, solving mysteries, inspired teachings, even the evolution of science and technology of today’s world must be incorporated into a new body of understanding and teaching of the precepts of God and guidelines for the path to redemption and salvation through Jesus.

The Holy Bible is nearly 2,000 years old, the history it incorporates goes back a few thousand more years.  Life as we know it has changed.  The tools of life have been revolutionized and tools unknown at the time of the Bible adoption now rule our lives.  Every aspect of our existence has changed.

Diseases once described as punishment or the wrath of God in the Old Testament of the Bible have been cured by man.  Marvelous, even miraculous advances in health care, environmental understanding, science and technology changed everything, shedding light on the power of nature and the consequences of abusing God’s Creation.

Contributions toward the fulfillment of God’s Plan by ancient civilizations preceding the time when Jesus walked the Earth should be recognized, as the pre-Christian era encompasses millions of years of spiritual evolution.

All civilizations, all cultures, all people and all spiritual practices played significant roles in our history and made contributions to our knowledge and understanding of the Laws of God and Natural Law.

Sacred sites and artifacts of the pre-Christian civilizations along with those of the Christian years should be preserved, protected and honored as all contributed to our heritage and advancement and they may still carry secrets or powers we are yet to discover.

Concerning temptation, sin, redemption, the force and face of evil, the illusions of the Anti-Christ, it seems much of the Dark Side of today has meta-morphed and now uses tools, techniques and technologies for their evil doing that did not exist in Biblical times and were well beyond the prophecy of the Bible.

Today tiny machines called “drones” have the power and intelligence, artificial that is, to fly undetected and obliterate all the armies of good and evil from Biblical times throughout recorded history without human causalities.

Too much in our world today is not reflected nor addressed in the Bible.  Like everything else in Creation, it is time for change, regeneration, revitalization and renewal of our foundation.  A New Living Bible is needed and should incorporate all the common elements of sacred and inspired text discovered throughout our history.  It should incorporate all that is missing from the original Bible.

Truth demands that it identify how pre-Christian civilizations and cultures like the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Celtics, Druids, Persians and other cultures throughout the ancient world as well as a large body of them plus Buddhists, Taoists, ancient Greeks and others were ignored during the time of the Old Testament.

Yet these same cultures preserved the memory of the Creator and the bounty of the earth by contributing to the maturing of civilization and our understanding of the magical, mystical, mysterious and magnificent world of Creation.

We must revitalize our Faith to get back on the path, and we start by recognizing the miracle of Creation resulting from the Oneness of the Creator.

In order to find Oneness, we must understand humans are but one aspect of God’s Creation.

To know Creation is to see the Life Force and integral purpose served by all of God’s Creation.

All are part of God’s Plan and contribute by working in harmony and Oneness to serve God’s will.

Know that mankind is not God’s only creation, and humankind is not the sole beneficiary of Creation.

We are the custodians of Creation, and we must accept our responsibility to the God who created us.  Our Oneness with God makes us co-Creators, and therefore responsible for all that was, is and will be.

We must discover the Perfect Love of God as manifested between Father and Son and is responsible for Creation, identify the Dark Side working to destroy Creation, find the good in adversity as a function of Creation, and help Seekers find the Path of Jesus to lead us through Creation in order to find Oneness with God the Creator.

In order for Creation to be all that was, is and will be, it must accommodate all that was, is, and will be.  It is time to stop glorifying the Dark Side by embracing hate and evil - instead glorify the light.  Our final destiny awaits our awakening.  Only then Faith will be restored.

Pope Francis, working with other leaders of religions, institutions, disciplines, cultures and inspired thinkers could provide the forum necessary to build the bridge to eventual Oneness and fulfillment of the Creator’s Plan for all that is Creation.