Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Clarion Call for Clarity - Time for the New Council of Nicaea - Twenty-first century Religion

Creation creates and recreates, why not the Bible?

Perhaps it is time the Roman Catholic Church sponsor the “New Council of Nicaea” to provide the “Twenty-first Century Living Bible of God,” for use by all religions.  Ever since the “inspired word of God” as exemplified by the Holy Bible was adopted by man in 325 AD, it has never been reinterpreted for today’s changing world.

We have entered an era when knowledge in archeology, science, technology, health and many other fields of discipline, is changing and being recreated, at lightning speed.  All change must be incorporated into the Bible if it is to remain a vibrant and inspirational tool to salvation for modern society.

Discoveries, solving mysteries, inspired teachings, even the evolution of science and technology of today’s world must be incorporated into a new body of understanding and teaching of the precepts of God and guidelines for the path to redemption and salvation through Jesus.

The Holy Bible is nearly 2,000 years old, the history it incorporates goes back a few thousand more years.  Life as we know it has changed.  The tools of life have been revolutionized and tools unknown at the time of the Bible adoption now rule our lives.  Every aspect of our existence has changed.

Diseases once described as punishment or the wrath of God in the Old Testament of the Bible have been cured by man.  Marvelous, even miraculous advances in health care, environmental understanding, science and technology changed everything, shedding light on the power of nature and the consequences of abusing God’s Creation.

Contributions toward the fulfillment of God’s Plan by ancient civilizations preceding the time when Jesus walked the Earth should be recognized, as the pre-Christian era encompasses millions of years of spiritual evolution.

All civilizations, all cultures, all people and all spiritual practices played significant roles in our history and made contributions to our knowledge and understanding of the Laws of God and Natural Law.

Sacred sites and artifacts of the pre-Christian civilizations along with those of the Christian years should be preserved, protected and honored as all contributed to our heritage and advancement and they may still carry secrets or powers we are yet to discover.

Concerning temptation, sin, redemption, the force and face of evil, the illusions of the Anti-Christ, it seems much of the Dark Side of today has meta-morphed and now uses tools, techniques and technologies for their evil doing that did not exist in Biblical times and were well beyond the prophecy of the Bible.

Today tiny machines called “drones” have the power and intelligence, artificial that is, to fly undetected and obliterate all the armies of good and evil from Biblical times throughout recorded history without human causalities.

Too much in our world today is not reflected nor addressed in the Bible.  Like everything else in Creation, it is time for change, regeneration, revitalization and renewal of our foundation.  A New Living Bible is needed and should incorporate all the common elements of sacred and inspired text discovered throughout our history.  It should incorporate all that is missing from the original Bible.

Truth demands that it identify how pre-Christian civilizations and cultures like the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Celtics, Druids, Persians and other cultures throughout the ancient world as well as a large body of them plus Buddhists, Taoists, ancient Greeks and others were ignored during the time of the Old Testament.

Yet these same cultures preserved the memory of the Creator and the bounty of the earth by contributing to the maturing of civilization and our understanding of the magical, mystical, mysterious and magnificent world of Creation.

We must revitalize our Faith to get back on the path, and we start by recognizing the miracle of Creation resulting from the Oneness of the Creator.

In order to find Oneness, we must understand humans are but one aspect of God’s Creation.

To know Creation is to see the Life Force and integral purpose served by all of God’s Creation.

All are part of God’s Plan and contribute by working in harmony and Oneness to serve God’s will.

Know that mankind is not God’s only creation, and humankind is not the sole beneficiary of Creation.

We are the custodians of Creation, and we must accept our responsibility to the God who created us.  Our Oneness with God makes us co-Creators, and therefore responsible for all that was, is and will be.

We must discover the Perfect Love of God as manifested between Father and Son and is responsible for Creation, identify the Dark Side working to destroy Creation, find the good in adversity as a function of Creation, and help Seekers find the Path of Jesus to lead us through Creation in order to find Oneness with God the Creator.

In order for Creation to be all that was, is and will be, it must accommodate all that was, is, and will be.  It is time to stop glorifying the Dark Side by embracing hate and evil - instead glorify the light.  Our final destiny awaits our awakening.  Only then Faith will be restored.

Pope Francis, working with other leaders of religions, institutions, disciplines, cultures and inspired thinkers could provide the forum necessary to build the bridge to eventual Oneness and fulfillment of the Creator’s Plan for all that is Creation.

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Who are You? Where did You come from? Why are you here?

  Do You really want to know the answers?

The highly hailed philosopher, Popeye the Sailor Man, summed it up best when he blurted out, “I y'am what I y'am, that’s all that I ya'am, and that’s all that I ever can be!”

Quite an acute observation regarding the first question for a cartoon character.  In truth he probably said it to impress the love of his life, Olive Oil, but it will work for our answer as well.

So, we am what we am, that’s all that we am and that’s all that we ever can be.

Maybe, but not quite.  It depends on the answer to the second and third questions and they make things a lot more interesting.

You see mankind, humankind, or people-kind have spent billions of years trying to answer the question where did we come from.  We used science, logic, theology, physics, astronomy and magic and still have no clue.

Rather than spend time debating the merits of the various theories and conspiracies about our origin or creation, we can all agree that we are yet to prove how we came to be.  In fact, for many in the human race, you are yet to even ask the question.

For all of us who do not know the answer, let me share what Melchizedek said in his Chronicles about the subject.  He does not suffer the limitations of a physical body and mind.  Existing beyond the time and space of our little world, and the limits of our dimension, he knows what we are yet to discover.

Some of the brightest minds in human history have discovered the Truth, that there is a Supreme Being, a Creator, Source of all that is and will be.  You can call it God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord, or whatever, it is still the Supreme Being.

Abraham, father of mankind, knew it and so did Moses.  The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Celtics, Druids, Persians and Chinese Taoists knew it along with the founders of Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islamism.  They all recognized some kind of Supreme Being we call the Creator.

That is what we concluded over our billions of years of existence.  Melchizedek, from his perspective of being in the company of the Creator, says we are right.  He knows what we have never been able to prove to our own satisfaction.

Since science, technology, theology and philosophy can prove nothing about Creation, then let them prove Melchizedek is wrong.

Melchizedek always refers to the Creator as The Unknowable One.  For purposes of this discussion,  I will use the term God.  So Melchizedek says God, at the beginning of time as we know it, created all that is in our world in a gigantic, instantaneous explosion of seven concentric circles of creative thought.  All of God’s creation has the ability to recreate itself forever improving, adapting, evolving and regenerating until the end of time.  Everything, including us humans, are the creations of God along with the angels, spirits, and whatever else we are yet to discover.

Considering humans, we are a bit more complex than many other creations.  At the beginning of time our homo sapiens DNA was created along with everything else but it took a few billion years for earth, our destined home, to evolve from a gaseous state at the moment of creation to a solid planet with natural resources, gravity, and the appropriate atmosphere to support human life.

As for the human creation, there are four unique components to all human life – the Body and Mind from the physical realm - and the Soul and Spirit from the spiritual realm.  Add to that the Free Will, another gift from our Creator, and we have the whole human.

God created us out of his Perfect Love, God loves all of his creations, and God will never give up on us no matter what we do with our Free Will.  As a result, redemption and salvation are essential elements to the human creation.

God made us, each and every one of us.  He created us with the power to procreate, to give God new sons and daughters, in order to assure our continuous existence.  At the same time, he created a Soul and Spirit in the spiritual realm to match with the Body and Mind in the physical realm.

Life begins at conception, and the baby becomes complete when the fetus leaves the safety of the womb and enters the world of gravity.  At that precise moment the Soul and Spirit from the spiritual realm fuse with the Body and Mind in the physical realm.

We are all children of God.  We are all equal in the eyes of God.  We all carry the male and female chromosomes for procreation that can produce either gender.

The first generation of humans on earth were seeded throughout the planet once it achieved the right land mass, resources, gravity and atmosphere to support human life.

Every subsequent generation since the beginning of time was born on earth through procreation.  Today we are the direct descendants of the original fusing of the Soul and DNA and seeding of the planet Earth billions of years ago.

As I mentioned earlier, there are four distinct components to each human life, each the result of countless miracles of creation.  Our DNA carries the physical characteristics of the Body and Mind while the spiritual characteristics come from the Soul and Spirit.

  Physical                 Spiritual
Mind                           Soul
  Body                         Spirit

That is you, each of you, as God created you.  Unlike most of creation, you also possess the gift of a Free Will, the power to make choices.  There are times when your Free Will is stymied by the circumstances of the civilization and culture you might be born into which is part of God’s plan for you.

You see, God wants you to succeed.  Yet he also knows there are times you cannot succeed through no fault of your own.  To accommodate these deviations of life on Earth, it was necessary to give you gifts from both the physical and spiritual realms since the physical gifts are temporary to that particular lifetime while the spiritual gifts are immortal for all of time.

Your Body and Mind are physical manifestations on Earth, limited to the years you remain alive and the opportunities you may discover during that one lifetime in human form.

Your Soul and Spirit are from the Kingdom, outside of time, and they remain immortal through time and space.  They are your permanent (lifeline) connection to God.

God knew your spiritual evolution would be difficult.  He knew your Free Will was capable of making tragic decisions within a lifetime.  He also knew the collective consciousness of mankind, when misled, could capture Souls and lead them on the wrong path on Earth.

Which is why God always considered “slavery” as the most despicable and heinous of all sins of man.  Those who would practice, advocate, impose or ignore slavery have deluded themselves into believing they can play God and take control of the lives and freedoms of God’s creations, fellow human beings.

God knew this would happen, and thus allows the Soul to continually return to Earth in human form through reincarnation, in order to complete the Soul’s spiritual awakening to your mission on Earth.

When your Soul manifests in human form on Earth your primary focus is your actions in physical form, subject to the political, cultural, geographic and slavery conditions prevalent at the time.

When you die in physical form your Soul returns to the safety and security of the Kingdom of Heaven where the primary focus of the Soul is preparing for the next physical manifestation on Earth in hopes of finding more favorable conditions amenable to doing God’s work in the Earth plane.

Remember, your Soul is immortal, transcends the limitations of life and death on Earth, preserves memories of your physical lives on Earth when you are back in the Kingdom, and preserves memories of God and the Kingdom when you are incarnated on Earth.

When you are in physical form your innate desire is to fulfill your higher purpose on Earth using all the resources available to you in terms of remembering your spiritual memories of the glory of the Kingdom, and remembering your previous memories of incarnations on Earth.

This includes the reservoirs of knowledge left for us to discover, enlightenment from the (Holy) Spirit within us, access to the angels and many spiritual entities prepared to help us if we call on them, and other gifts we are yet to discover.

God created you.  God will never abandon you.  And God will never give up on you.  Think about it.  Thanks to God’s gift of Free Will you can either embrace the Truth of God’s grace or pursue a path to try and disprove the Truth.  Ignoring the Truth is not an alternative.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – We have forgotten the creative power of Magick – It must be recovered to help save humanity!

Magick – the pathway to miracles, creation, and Sacred Truth

We need to re-examine the role of magic in our creation and life.  Our centuries-long efforts to destroy it have failed and for good reason.  In fact, there are those ancient practitioners of Magick who are held in the highest regard by the Holy Ones in the Kingdom.

There are several crucial aspects to magick. First, the difference between “Magick” and “Magic.”  With Magick being the ancient term, it is magick based on the occult, while magic is performance based, as in an illusionist on stage.

Aleister Crowley, perhaps the greatest and most terrifying Black Magick practitioner in history, defines occult magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with will.” 

Crowley saw Magick as the essential method for a person to reach true understanding of the self and to act according to one's true will, which he saw as the reconciliation "between freewill and destiny."

According to Melchizedek, Magick is a frequency created by the Creator and like many such frequencies, it is the free will of the human using it that determines whether to embrace White Magic or Black Magic.

The Celtic Connection website defines the ancient Magick as follows.

Magick is finding your connection to the Earth and all that is natural, alive and moving in the universe! It binds all that exists together. 

Magick is living in balance with the flow of life and knowing that you are a vital force within that flow.

Magick is everywhere! In the trees, rain, stars, and in the sea. It is the spark that quickens a seed to rise up from the soil. 

Magick is laughter, joy, wonder and truth of the world around us! 

It is the subtle enchantment that reminds us not to waste a single moment of this gift that we call life!

Magick is not greed, or power, or pretense...It is real. It exists. And it works. 

Magick is the mystery that lies in the secret soul of the world. It is the essence of creation. What we imagine, we have the power to create! 


With it you can create your dreams, heal your world, love your life and find the peace that lives in every human heart. 

Author Unknown

Certainly, Magick was far more prominent in ancient times than at present and the loss of the occult Magick has left a serious setback in the use of Magick to help our spiritual evolution.

Melchizedek describes Magick as an essential part of the process of Creation.  Magic is an energy frequency, like most things in Creation.  Truth has a specified and unique frequency as well.

Magick provides a pathway to many critical events in our lives.  It can help us in comprehending the Creator and Creation to understanding miracles and how they happen.  When used properly, it stimulates the creative energy of people.

The frequency of Magick was indeed a creation of Father Creator.  It was a necessary bridge between dimensions such as the Earth dimension verses that of the Kingdom.  In time it became a preferred way of telling prophecy and working miracles.

In our physical form on Earth we have a great deal of difficulty understanding things such as miracles, ancient prophecy, or the concept of prayer in terms of directly talking to the Father or Jesus.

Thousands of years ago all responsible rulers, kings, emperors, or war lords had various forms of occult magicians in their innermost circles of power.  Wizards, Oracles, Fortune Tellers, Mystics, Mediums, Star Gazers, Astrologers and others often had the last words of wisdom for their leaders over the generals and admirals.

Ever since Christianity came to Earth two thousand years ago the new form of religion needed a scapegoat, someone to blame for anything that went wrong.  In the process of forming this new religious movement, a decision was made to condemn magic as evil, and the source of magic was the Devil, Satan, or the Demons of Hell.

Father Creator did not create evil, only human action in denying a human connection to the Creator.  In fact, Father Creator’s power of magic is embedded in every aspect of Creation from the magic of the human body to the wonders of the galaxies.

It seems when something becomes miraculous to us, it was something magical that triggered this ability to defy limitations based on our physical existence.  When miracles were performed they were performed in the name of God or Jesus, the true wielders of such power to alter what is.

Most important, Melchizedek warns that our ability to communicate with the entities of Heaven is dependent on our successful use of white magick just as the Oracles, wizards, prophets, healers, sorcerers and mystics used it to channel information to earth.

Out of the magicians over time came one of the most powerful forces of good to ever walk the earth, the Druids.  Melchizedek says they are one of the closest cultures to identifying and understanding the will of Father Creator to ever walk the earth.

He describes their dominance in terms of 25,000-year cycles that have taken place numerous times in our billions of years of history, as part of the Creator’s plan in that Druids understand the need to protect Mother Earth and protect the Prophecy of God.

Because of their importance, they were given the ability to travel to or send people to the Underworld, where the dead go after a not too good of life.  We might call it Purgatory.  Others might call it Hell.

Druids could access the souls in Hell and use them to possess people trying to conquer the lands of the Druids, like the Roman Emperors.  Druids did not take sides with warring parties such as the local clans, or even invaders from beyond their shores.

Yet everyone, competing clans to invading Roman legions, feared them more than anything or anyone in the world.  The Druids had no conventional weapons, but they did have the blessing of the Creator to use whatever powers they could to protect the plan and prophecy of God.

In return for their loyalty to God’s plan, some Druids were given extended lifetimes because of the rare nature of their knowledge and wisdom.  It would be impossible to teach a new person the complexity of the Druid system of working across dimensions. 

Instead some Druid leaders were given extended lifetimes spanning up to five generations before dying.  At the same time adepts were also regularly found in Druid communities, those rare people sent in to help jumpstart our spiritual evolution when needed.

Melchizedek refers to this magick and the powers associated with it as the “Merlin magick,” so special it has a frequency all its own.

The most important part of the discussion of magick is that it needs to be brought back into all our lives so those Seekers can use it in three ways.  First as a tool for miracles.  Everyone should know there are far less miracles taking place than any time in our history.

Second as a way to bring sacred and ancient information back into our world where it is desperately needed.  There are many secrets that were protected over the years because people were not prepared to hear the truth.  It is time the secrets be brought back to the Earth.

However, since many of the source materials have now been destroyed by natural causes, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, it is only possible for the information be transferred back to earth through the mystics and healers who once played a crucial role in God’s plan.

If we understand that magick is good, very good in creation, and needed back on Earth for inspiration, then those resisting or repressing magic over the years must stop trying to control it for their own purposes.

Many potential mystics, prophets, and psychics will be channeling much of the missing secrets of Creation in the next few years and we must give them credibility and honor their efforts on behalf of humanity, the very people trying to destroy them.

Because truth also has its own frequency, we will know what information coming to earth is true or the work of the Dark Side.  This ancient knowledge is critical to reactivating our spiritual evolution.