Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – When the Impeachment process ends, will the forces of darkness, Lucifer’s Legions, suffer defeat?

As the three-year nightmare in American politics painfully plows to an inevitable end with polarization complete, leaving Truth to crown the winner, who are the possible losers?

On one side is President Trump and the people who elected him President.  On the other side is everyone else and what a strange coalition they represent.

Let me try to shed some light on the self-proclaimed “Resistance.”

Democrat leaders and party officials

From Pelosi to Schumer, Obama to Clinton, to the hatchet men and women and assassins they direct, the entire Democratic party apparatus seems implicated in using unscrupulous tactics to undermine the president.

Biased News Media

Most of the so-called mainstream media fit into this group.  Numerous studies from Harvard to Wall Street have documented that about 93% of all media stories are blatantly anti-Trump.  The vast majority of reporters, anchors and producers are also leftist.

Special Interest Democrats

Democratic fundraisers, Hollywood celebrities, sexual perverts (Epstein), sexual abusers (Weinstein), questionable organizations (Clinton Foundation), Democrat Law firms (Hunter Biden) and political activists (Fusion GPS) share the platform.

Academia Elitists in Civil Service

Dare I mention that for 28 straight years our President was a graduate of one of two exclusive Ivy League schools, Harvard, or Yale.  From Bush Sr. to Obama every president was a product of these prestigious and very liberal institutions.  Trump finally broke the monopoly.

Political appointees of the Elitist Presidents

Because of the two-school stranglehold on our government, the presidents filled their staff and thousands of political positions with fellow like-minded students.  Many of the bureaucratic and political appointees came to fame in the Mueller and Impeachment hearings as they carried over into the Trump administration, then used their positions to try to disqualify Trump.  The Justice and State Department appointees were the most obvious mischief makers who set new standards for arrogance, elitist attitudes, and left-wing mania.

Are we facing a Constitutional crisis?  Of course not!  Liars find no protection in the Constitution.  Liars face two levels of judgement.  First at the ballot box, and then in God’s final judgement.  Woe is the fate of liars in the eyes of Divine Providence.

Two key actions remain to find the Truth amid the maze and fog of doubt hanging over our nation’s capital.

First, the House seems hell bent on a mad dash to judgement by voting on Articles of Impeachment, regardless of the fact a huge cloud of doubt hangs over the action. 

Republicans and Democrats alike seemed shocked by the twisted process and toothless charges advanced by the Intelligence and Justice Committee Democrats.

Second, there is a 1000-pound gorilla coming out of the shadows in the form of an Attorney General investigation led by John Durham with the full force and power of the criminal justice system.

Unlike the powder puff review by the DOJ Inspector General which documented a mountain of flaws but placed no blame, the AG is investigating abuses by the government relating to the Trump campaign but not limited to the Justice Department and it covers a worldwide effort. 

As a criminal investigation it has the power of subpoenas, grand jury, and criminal prosecution.  All Intelligence agencies and the State Department seem caught in the spider web.

Action by the House to vote on Articles of Impeachment without the benefit of the comprehensive AG investigation is insane, at a minimum, suicidal at best.

Our nation, our government will never be the same after this fiasco.  There will be a winner, a champion of Truth before the dust settles.  If the House Democrats approve the Articles, the trial takes place in the GOP controlled Senate.

The Senate should take the time to investigate all the things the Democrats refused to look at in the House, the Truth.  They should also allow the release of the AG report in its entirety before taking final action.

When the liars get exposed, there must be severe consequences paid by the losers because our nation has suffered from hatred, polarization, and attacks on the Constitution for three long years.

Freedoms guaranteed and protected by the Constitution do not extend to those who maliciously abuse those freedoms to undermine our Constitution.

President Lincoln said it best, “a House divided cannot stand.”  Our government is for, of, and by the people under God with liberty and justice for all.

Let the losers beware of the consequences of their actions.  It is time for the lies to end!

Truth, in the end, will return government to the people from which it springs.  God help our nation in our hour of need.

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