Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Global Warming – Natural or man made? What are the Scientists Missing?

We have already written extensively about the tragic consequences of over 2,000 nuclear bombs detonated around the Earth during the Cold War, with seventy-five percent underground.

Named “Little Boys,” the two bombs that hit Japan in 1945 were 15 and 21 kilotons.  Far more powerful nuclear bombs detonated more recently.  From a mathematical standpoint, the difference is startling.

In metric terms a ton is 1,000 kilograms.  Nuclear weapons tests have ranged from the early kilotons to a fifty-megaton bomb by the USSR.  So, a kiloton is then 1,000 tons and a megaton 1,000,000 tons. Thus, a megaton is larger by a factor of 1000.

Consider this, that USSR monster has a force of 50 megatons, which is equivalent to 3,333 Little Boys or 50 million US tons of TNT.  So powerful is the bomb that if one dropped on Washington DC, the blast zone would extend all the way to Baltimore, 41 miles.

It is not out of the question that the 2000+ nuclear explosions could have a combined impact of nearly one million megatons.  What have we done to our Earth?  Our man made toxic poisoning of the Earth is now being processed by the Earth, with no help from the people.

Thank goodness our Creator made plans for our mistakes and created a purification mechanism to preserve the Earth.  While my other articles address this issue in detail, rest assured the Earth, through natural processes, is purifying the toxic mess.

Gravity draws the radioactive and super-heated nuclear debris to the core of there Earth where 11,000 degree magnum exists, somewhat similar to the temperature of the surface of the Sun.

Here is the temperature of nuclear explosions according to scientific experts.

 "Fusion reactions require that the atoms be raised to temperatures of millions of degrees."
Zitzewitz, Paul & Robert Neff. Physics. New York: Glencoe, 1995.
"… temperature of millions of degrees Celsius"
Taffel, Alexander. Physics: It’s Methods and Meanings.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992.
"… fireball whose temperature is over 10 million degrees"
 Rammanohav, Reddy C.  Effects of a Nuclear Bomb Attack.  Kathmandu, Nepal: Himal, 1998.
"Within 17 meters, the explosion temperature was 300,000 degrees Celsius. Within 50 meters it was 9,000-11,000 degrees, and at ground level beneath hypocenter the temperature exceeded 6,000 degrees."
Soo, Jason. Atomic Education, Enscquire, 7, 4 (September 1995): 10.
"… instantaneously reached several million degrees centigrade"
Ochi, Yukiko.  Nagasaki marks 53rd anniversary of atomic bombing. Internews, 1998.

When super-heated radioactive debris gets to the core of the Earth the natural reaction is to absorb it into the core and expel it through the vast network of fissures created for Earth including volcanoes, earthquakes, geysers, hot springs, or other natural outlets.

We have reached the height of the absorption with toxic waste expelled through every nook and cranny and the resulting release of the pressure and heat build up within our Earth demonstrating the power of Earth to self-heal.

Just remember that this period of extensive heat buildup is temporary and not part of the natural cycle of an Ice Age to warming.  Our last Ice Age was 11,000 years ago meaning the pendulum spans close to 14,000 years each direction.

Yet another unintended consequence!

Beyond the purification of the earth underway there is another unintended consequence missed by science.  Many long dormant volcanoes have erupted to help with the purification and we are just discovering that hundreds of them could lie directly under the polar ice caps.

New research techniques used helped detect over 90 volcanoes erupting far under the Antarctica Ice Cap, in a very small section of the Ice Cap.  There could be hundreds of them under the massive ice caps all pouring the super heat up underneath the ice.

This very unnatural action could melt the ice caps much faster from below than the carbon impact from above the earth.  It would drastically distort normal climate change or global warming.

Hiding beneath the massive Antarctic Ice Sheet lies one of the densest clusters of volcanoes in the world. A recent study discovered 91 new volcanoes, adding to the 47 already identified volcanoes.

What is troubling scientists is the ability for these volcanoes, if they erupted, to cause wide scale melting and breakup of Antarctica's ice sheets. The research was conducted by a group of geologists at the University of Edinburgh and recently published in a special publication of the Geological Society of London.

Volcano climate SHOCK: Heat source under Antarctica could be melting giant ice caps
Nature Communications published the report.

According to NASA, satellite data collected since 2002 shows both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets have been losing mass.
The agency further stressed the melting ice has accelerated since 2009.
Further satellite observations show the average global sea level has risen by nearly seven inches in the past 100 years.
Ironically, the effects of climate change are not very predictable, especially since we still do not understand the contributing factors.
In 2007 former US Vice-President Al Gore gave an apocalyptic speech. 'The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,' he said. 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.'  Those comments came in 2007 as ex-VP Gore accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for his campaigning on climate change.
But seven years after his warning, The Mail on Sunday Newspaper revealed that, far from vanishing, the Arctic ice cap had expanded for the second year in succession - with a surge, depending on how you measure it, of between 43 and 63 per cent since 2012.

To put it another way, an area the size of Alaska, America's biggest state, was open water two years ago, but is again now covered by ice.
Recent US Navy technology has identified substantial heat generated by volcanoes far under the ice caps and it could well be the eruptions are the real cause of global warming.
People are still the cause of what is happening, only is may be the sins of the father rather than our sins driving global warming.  We have much to learn about the impact of the vast radiation poisoning of the earth and the natural purification underway.
It also means the current climate change may accelerate from the radiation purification, but it will stop soon enough as the remainder of the radiation expels.  Does that mean natural climate change will take over again?
If so, then the Creator has done a far greater job of anticipating the needs of Creation than we might expect and we still have time to make our contribution to the preservation of the earth for future generations. 

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