Friday, January 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - What is Wrong with America? Why are We the Unhappiest Superpower in the World?

As an eternal optimist who embraces Truth and Hopes for a better future, it feels rather odd to be using a negative headline to achieve a positive conclusion.

However, these are no longer normal times.

It is true we are the only world superpower left standing.  It is true we do not have the burden of thousands of years of history to overcome.

Not to diminish the unfair and inhumane treatment of the Indigenous original Americans in our history and the continuing problems they face today, the fact is today over 95% of Americans came from somewhere else.

For comparison purposes, China, India and Russia among others have been conquered and reconquered over the centuries and today their population includes thirty-eight percent of the world population.  Yet the vast majority of their current population are the original inhabitants.

America is 95% immigrant or descendants.

Most major nations are just the reverse, 95% native.

We in America are also the only super nation in the world that has not had a war fought on our continent in over one hundred and fifty years.  In fact, since our Declaration of Independence two hundred and forty-three years ago there has been no change in our adopted form of government.

We are wealthy beyond belief with the highest standard of living in the world.  No one can match our military strength or technology dominance.  As for American ingenuity, innovation, imagination and extraordinary Pride, it stands alone in the world.

Yes, we have had our share of evolutionary problems in society, but we achieved unparalleled success in religious freedom and tolerance, protecting individual rights and equal opportunity, abolishing slavery and class distinction for the most part, and fixed most problems encountered.

The most shining example of our success is also our greatest present dilemma.  Too many people from outside of America want to immigrate to America.  No other nation on Earth Faces the same challenge.  How ironic, the only nation of immigrants has an immigrant problem as well.

In light of all this good news, what is the problem with America?

It could never be stated better than the words of Our beloved President Abraham Lincoln.

  "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

We are a nation conceived of liberty, under God, and we stand as a beacon of light to the world.  That is God’s expectation of us.

Only an “erosion” of our freedoms and principles can undermine our standing and example to the world, and that “erosion” must come from within.

So why do we seem to have the most unhappy, spiteful, hateful, depressed, distraught people on Earth?

Well perhaps we should take the time to find the Truth behind the misery.  Our dilemma is certainly a cause for concern.  We really must make repairs before the cancer is allowed to grow and spread devouring us from within, just as Lincoln warned.

Make no mistake, there are a lot more good things than bad things that can be said about America.  But a cancer has a resistance to good.  It starts with just one cell and quickly destroys the strongest of bodies.

If you are concerned about, curious about, or want to help America’s future first you must find truth.  Ask yourself the following questions.

What has America’s wealth, strength, technology and power done for you?

Are you healthier?

Are you smarter?

Is your life expectancy rapidly extending?

Have you eliminated financial problems?

Have you broken free of deadly addictions?

Has crime been stopped and you feel safe?

Has hunger been wiped out?

Are people more civil?

Are people more ethical?

Is sexual exploitation ended?

Is immorality stopped?

Do you have a home?

Can everyone afford to be good?

Are your rights and freedoms protected?

Are bias and hate gone?

Are you safe from an invasion of your privacy?

Did harmful, wasteful, or unhealthy foods get abolished?

Have wars finally stopped?

Surprised by the result?

Remember, little problems become big fast.  Just last month a tiny electrical spark in California burned more than 150,000 acres, destroyed almost 19,000 structures, killed 86 people, displaced 50,000, damage is in the billions of dollars and it will take a decade to rebuild.

For more read my upcoming series of four articles titled “The Enemy from Within.”

They consist of the following:
  1.  Artificial Intelligence – God of the Digital Empire
  2. Politics, Political Parties and Self-Preservation
  3. Futility of Freedom of the Press
  4. Overreach of the Wealthy – The Invisible Wrecking Ball of Humanity

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