Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Book on the Shelf – Your Survival Manual for the End Times!


Where Truth lies hidden in plain sight!

You will not find truth in the endless streams of texts, instagrams, tweets, or social media jibber-jabber that fill your life and drive your emotions into hyper-speed.  No, the
tools of technology only serve to disconnect you from the Creator, Creation, Jesus of Nazareth, and your purpose in life.

Ironically, you probably had to look no farther than your own home to find the truth you should be so desperately seeking.  You see, most homes have a copy of The Bible.  No matter the translation, they all contain truths that you need now in order to survive the coming difficulties.

Even if you do not read it, the time has come to start and the New Testament teachings of Jesus are your blueprint for finding redemption and salvation.  Pick up the long-neglected truth and fill your head with the love, honor, respect, and truth you need now more than ever.

Time is coming to an end and there will be judgment of your lives and the condition of your Soul after all these years.  No Artificial Intelligence can save you and no App can rescue you from Judgment Day.

You will be held accountable for your actions, for your ability to live the will of Father Creator, and for the proper use of free will in life.  Rest assured, you are not prepared.  Two commandments were required of you.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:37-40    

Your eternal happiness in the Kingdom of God hangs on them too.  Did you embrace them in your life?

To hear the song I wrote called Book on the Shelf click following link.

Book on the Shelf
©Jim Putnam
(words and music)

There’s a book on my shelf, I guess it’s been
around a long, long time
I don’t remember when it wasn’t there
seems like that book has always been mine

But I never opened the cover
no I never looked inside
Don’t know what that book had to tell me
from it I would hide

For so many years I chased after dreams
it’s been a long, long time
Sometimes those dreams came true
most times those dreams I never did find

And I never knew the reason
I felt the emptiness inside
had something to do
with the book on my shelf I hide

One day dark clouds brought the rain
I lost the will to start again
Went looking, looking for that doorway
leading out yes I did yeah

Drifting round that bend
I was ready for it all to end
Fell down on my knees never felt so
all alone

So alone

And then I heard a voice whisper to me
you’re not alone I’m not that way oh no
What makes you think after I made you
I’d turn my back and walk away

I guess that book I left on your shelf
you never read the story inside

Cause then you might have realized
how much I loved you so
So much more than you could understand
then you ever could know

Enough to give you choices
Enough to set you free
Freedom that you used
to deny me

So I sent my Son to walk among you
To help you see the light
Then for you I gave the gift
my Son’s life

Book on my Shelf
The Book on my Shelf

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