Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I’m Sorry We Can’t Save You and Stop Your Descent into Hell!

You will never know the Perfect Love of the Father

We all have many choices in life but only a few have external consequences that last forever.  As the March of Mankind approaches its ultimate conclusion we are running out of opportunities for redemption and salvation.

Unfortunately, the spiritual evolution of Souls has not progressed and kept pace with the spiritual evolution of Creation.  God, our Creator, has given us many opportunities to discover the truth during the thirteen billion plus years of the existence of our Creation.

Look around you today and tell me you are a spiritually evolved soul.  Tell me how you are working to live the will of Father Creator or follow the path of his Son Jesus.  Explain how the life you live projects the Perfect Love of the Father, and encompasses all of Creation into that Love.

There are many who do understand and through prayer and devotion will find the Path back to the Garden, but you will not see or hear them because you have built walls of fear to protect you from Grace and Truth.

You deny God.  You deny Creation.  You deny the power of prayer.  You deny the infinite power of a higher good that can be served.

Your fear has poisoned your Soul and denied you access to the only path of eternal salvation, the Path of Jesus of Nazareth.

You have built an impenetrable cocoon to protect you, but your cocoon is in truth a tomb to seal you from salvation.  Your success hiding in your cocoon will prevent you from breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a Monarch, the magnificent butterfly of Creation that can lead you in flight to salvation.

Technology has fed your paranoia and empowered your fear by reinforcing your detachment from society and spiritual reality, and you feed on the technology.  Your Soul’s enslavement, now through technology, is the goal of the Dark Side, or more simply stated the Face of Evil, since the beginning of time.

Fear has always been the ally of Evil and the key to domination.  Fear is our own creation, not imposed on us by divine or natural law.  It is our contribution to the destruction of the Soul, to the denial of Creation, to the refusal to seek out the Will of the Father, and to the ignorance of the truth embodied in the words of Jesus.

Many of you deny fear controls you.  In truth you are a hypocrite.  Somewhere along your path you sold your Soul to the Devil, maybe not in this lifetime, but you have had many opportunities on Earth to make that choice.  Embrace the Perfect Love of God --- or be seduced by Satan’s false promises.

All Souls were embedded with the Seven Cardinal Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins.  You were given free will by the Creator to make your choices.  You had a choice between good and bad, light and dark, or right and wrong.  You also had a third choice, ignore the dynamics of polarity and choose to live the will of the Father.

All to often your ego prevented you from making the right choices.  You view ego as strength, power as necessary, and dominance as a direct result of the latter.  All are wrong in the eyes of the Creator.  You have succumbed to the illusion of Satan and your discretions threaten your existence for all of eternity.

Is that your intent?  If so you will get what you deserve.  But if you were a victim, a willing victim I might add, it just might be possible to still seek redemption from the Creator, for only the Creator can judge.

Of course, it will not be easy because you have one foot in Hell but the other still might be on Earth.  If that is the case, perhaps my best service to you is to tell you what is in store for you if you fail to seek redemption.

We have a rather Pollyanna perception of Hell thanks to a lot of misguided preachers and bad translation of the Bible.  There are no fires of Hell.  Once you leave this Earth you no longer have a physical body, you are a Soul in the form of an energy entity.

That dynamic entity has the potential to find everlasting peace and happiness in the Kingdom of God because there is only love, good, and beauty in the Kingdom.  From our limited awareness of the magnificence of Heaven it is hard to understand a world outside of time where thoughts are energy, and we have available to us co-creator powers and responsibilities.

Jesus meant it when he said we are created in the image and likeness of the Father.  Faith is the cornerstone of salvation because it gives us the ability to serve the will of the Father.

In order for us, in our human form, to find such faith we need to follow the teaching of Jesus and pray to be granted the insight from the Holy Spirit.  Knowing the Father’s will is beyond our ability on Earth, so Jesus will be our Intercessor and help us.

“Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”   

“Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” 

Jesus honors the authority of His Father through complete obedience. A very clear but seldom pondered truth of the New Testament is that Christ’s entire life and ministry were orchestrated by His Father and that Jesus was careful to carry out every detail according to the will of His Father. “Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come, to do thy will, O God’” (Hebrews 10:7).

Even His coming to earth was an act of obedience to His Father. His life and ministry focused on the will of the Father. “That the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do” (John 14:31).

All that Jesus did and said was exactly what His Father wanted Him to do and say. “For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me commandment, what to say, and what to speak” (John 12:49).
Should you fail to do this in your time here on Earth, and your Soul has been contaminated with evil by Satan, your fate is worse than death, worse even than the fictitious fires of Hell.  What is the pain from fire to an energy entity?  None.

No, Hell is not pain and suffering, Hell is no longer existing in any form.  It is the final awareness in your contaminated Soul that never will you enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be with Jesus, or God.

First your (Soul) entity will be banished to the farthest reaches of the galaxies of Creation.  When judgment is given that you failed in your mission on Earth, a Black Hole from our galaxies will swallow your Soul, then it will obliterate your Soul into nothingness, before ejecting that nothingness into the endless void beyond what is in the eternity of Heaven.

You will become invisible antimatter in an endless void of blackness for all of eternity.  

Simply stated, you will no longer exist in any dimension or galaxy for all of eternity.  You had your chance, you had your choice, and you were blinded from truth by the alluring illusions of wealth and power by Satan.  Your ego, your fear, and your willingness to judge on Earth caused you to be obliterated.

Pray and you might still have a chance.

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