Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Is Trump preparing to release a major Syrian Refugee initiative?


Trump campaign reorganization to open door to new policies?

Will the overhaul of the Trump campaign command structure open the gates to a new and more disciplined campaign?  Was the firing of controversial campaign manager Corey Lewandowski the pivotal first step in challenging Hillary Clinton?

As the concerns grew over the direction of the campaign under Lewandowski it seems Ivanka Trump, the candidates daughter and most trusted advisor, became the key to convincing her father to change leadership and bring in more experienced people to direct the fall efforts.

It was Sunday, when Ivanka sat down with her father, that she convinced him to get rid of Lewandowski and place veteran GOP strategist Paul Manafort in charge of the campaign.

The Coltons Point Times has noted the influence of Ivanka Trump throughout the campaign and look for her and her husband, Jared Kushner, along with her brothers Eric and Donald Junior, to play prominent roles in the campaign.

Does this signal a Trump policy shift?

Sources say Donald Trump, ever the one to confound the experts, is about to release a major new initiative to address the tragic Syrian Refugee problems resulting from the Syrian civil war.  The most current estimate of displaced refugees from Syria now exceeds 4.5 million with no end in sight.

The Trump initiative, called The Syrian Resettlement Program, is built around an international coalition of nations led by the United States, China, Russia, Germany, France, England, Japan, and Middle East nations, to establish a no fly zone in the Northwest region of Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping will be key partners.

All hostile acts against any Syrian civilians in the area will result in intensive retaliation against them including coalition air and ground support.  Adoption of a no fly zone will be part of the coalition building and will prevent Russian planes from attacking local rebel groups helping to fight ISIS and bring down Syrian President Assad.

The coalition will be built around the US, Russia, and China as critical partners.  This area will become the first redevelopment zone in Syria and will serve as the model for further initiatives.  Prohibited are any actions against civilians by ISIS, rebel forces, or the Syrian government.

In addition, Trump intends to call for the establishment of International Trade Zones in America's most distressed cities for manufacturing and other activities to support and supply the materials to rebuild the Syrian cities.  Trump expects the creation of tens of thousands of jobs and the generation of millions of dollars in foreign trade to result from this effort to restore Syria to its rightful place in history.

Once elected President, in addition to ordering the implementation of The Syrian Resettlement Program, Trump will create a Syrian Resettlement Commission of American business executives to work with Syrian and Middle East specialists on plans to redevelop the cities.  Of course, Trump also encouraged President Obama to launch the peace program sooner in order to get control of the refugee disaster.

This multi-faceted initiative will help alleviate the crushing burden of the refugee crisis and the need to press forward with a resettlement plan to return them to their native country and homes.  Calling a return home for the refugees the most humanitarian program possible, Trump is also expected to say it would also help speed up the processing of Muslims and any relocation to America and other nations but resettling them in their home country.

With over half the people of Syria currently displaced, the world demands a solution that helps keep the people in their native environment.  By initiating this plan, Trump believes the senseless deaths of refugees attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea will end and the crushing financial burden on other Middle East and European nations will ease.

Trump has expressed concern in the past that Syrian President Assad has been killing Syrians to protect his throne, and this new Trump initiative will force Assad to take sides.  If he attacks his own civilians, he becomes our enemy.

Syria's refugee crisis in numbers
3 February 2016, 19:02 UTC

Refugees in the region

More than 4.5 million refugees from Syria are in just five countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt:

  • Turkey hosts 2.5 million refugees from Syria, more than any other country worldwide
  • Lebanon hosts approximately 1.1 million refugees from Syria which amounts to around one in five people in the country
  • Jordan hosts approximately 635,324 refugees from Syria, which amounts to about 10% of the population
  • Iraq where 3.9 million people are already internally displaced hosts 245,022 refugees from Syria
  • Egypt hosts 117,658 refugees from Syria
The UN’s 2015 humanitarian appeal for Syrian refugees was just 61% funded by the end of the year.

Funding shortages mean that the most vulnerable Syrian refugees in Lebanon receive just $21.60 per person month or around US $0.70 cents a day for food assistance, well below the UN poverty line of US $1.90

86% of Syrian refugees in urban areas in Jordan are living below the local poverty line.

Conflict in Syria

According to the UN around 250,000 people have been killed and 13.5 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria

More than 50% of Syria’s population is currently displaced

One-in-every-two of those crossing the Mediterranean this year – half a million people – were Syrians escaping the conflict in their country

International Resettlement

In total, 162,151 resettlement places have been offered globally since the start of the Syria crisis, which equates to a mere 3.6% of the total population of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey.

At least 450,000 people in the five main host countries - or 10% - are in need of resettlement according to the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR.

Amnesty International is calling for at least 10% of Syria’s most vulnerable refugees to be offered resettlement or other forms of admission by the end of 2016.

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