Thursday, June 23, 2016

CPT Prediction - UK vote on EU Brexit issue - To Remain or not to Remain


Today the UK goes to the polls in one of the most polarizing elections in modern history (boy does that sound familiar.).  The voters must decide if the UK will remain part of the European Union.  The decision will impact on the world economy for many years to come.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron has bet his career in politics on persuading voters to remain in the EU. Pollsters show the outcome too close to call or predict.

As posted several days ago on LinkedIn, the Coltons Point Times predicts the UK will vote to remain in the EU on June 23.

The stock market will soar,

the Pound currency will strengthen,

and David Cameron of the UK will win election as Prime Minister again.

The Crown Jewels will be safe for another few decades.

Unfortunately, Member of Parliament and rising star Jo Cox was assassinated by a fanatic opposed to her stand in support of remaining in the EU.

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