Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weekend Economic Stimulus Guide - The Vintage Source Weekend


Forget about Washington and the feeble attempts by the White House and Congress to do anything to help us. They have their hands full with health care. For over a year health care seems to have filled their hands in fact. In the meantime the real people in the real world face the same economic uncertainty, struggle to save money while Congress struggles to blow money, and stuff like that in our lives.

Well the Coltons Point Times has our own economic stimulus program in which deserving merchants with quality service and exceptional products who are a little on the eccentric side are recommended by us because you will find very good bargains on very good old stuff. You will be served by very entertaining women who realized if you give people what they really want and need, and are fair, you can do quite well in spite of the politicians and bankers.

The women of the Vintage Source Antiques and Social Club who decided to only open one weekend a month will be open this weekend and with the weather the finest we have had this year you would miss a real experience if you don't go to the Vintage Source.

Bring lots of money and plan on taking your time to enjoy the experience and while you are at it check out the incredible non-vintage Hot Dog and everything else stand. Buy a couple of designer dogs there and kick back and imagine how no matter what the fools do in Washington there will always be folks like those at the Source to help us forget our problems and save our money.

Here is Michelle's latest invitation to the Vintage Source.

The Vintage Source
It's a Vintage Source Weekend!

Sat & Sun, March 20th & 21st, 8am-4pm!

Hi Folks,

Do you remember the old cartoon character, Pepe Le Pew? He was a swarthy skunk always laying the love lines on extra thick and failing miserably due to his odious nature. Recently, Pepe came-a-calling to The Vintage Source. And just like all the other ladies in his life, I wanted no part of him. After a week of traps set with tasty treats we had to pull out the big guns and and litter the place with moth balls! I think he got the hint though, because he finally moved on and took his stench with him. Really, we lead a very glamourous life over here at The Vintage Source.

Onto the good "atta girl" goes out to our very own Sheryl Tart, whose slipcovers were part of a magazine spread in Romantic Country (the summer edition)! Park Hall resident, Patty Andreoli's home was a feature article in the magazine and showcased Sheryl's slipcovers and if you look closely, you'll recognize some Vintage Source furnishings as well.

Lastly, there are lots of pictures up showing off just a portion of the New Arrivals in the shop! Beautiful, functional, affordable's all waiting for you.

I will leave you with a quote from my friend Pepe, "When you are a skunk, you learn how to hold your breath for a long time."

See you this weekend, March 20th & 21st, 8am-4pm.


Michelle Radez
The Vintage Source

The Vintage Source | 22080 Newtowne Neck Rd | Compton | MD | 20627

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