Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blind Sided - Bullock, Biden and Barack


How about a trip around the world to check in on the morality of mankind? Then again, maybe we shouldn't do it because there may be less morality than I'd like to find. But this is THE WEEK, so I'm going to hope the forces of the universe will help get us through the problems.

1. Sandra Bullock - One of the hardest working actresses in the country, Bullock went through a most difficult career pattern fighting to gain artistic recognition from the film industry. For years she survived her personal difficulties by doing independent films because she was not considered for major roles.

Five years ago she married Jesse James, a custom motorcycle maker in California and this year, thanks to her taking another chance on an independent film, The Blind Side, she finally got the industry acceptance she so long desired. Her little film stunned the entertainment people by making a substantial amount of money, and still is making it, and the outsider Sandra Bullock became the number one box office draw in 2009. She was rewarded with the Academy Award for Best Actress.

Now we discover that her husband, Jesse, was also busy for when Bullock was away shooting the Blind Side film he was involved in a torrid affair with a tattoo model named Michelle "Bombshell" McGee who nicknamed good old Jesse the "Vanilla Gorilla" for his physical attributes according to the tattoo queen. She said Jesse told her he was separated from Bullock.

Now Sandra had already gone out on a limb marrying the guy as his first wife was a porno film queen named Janine Lindamulder, he apparently had a thing about queens. His actions may have cost him the best queen he ever had and for Bullock to have a clean sweep and a new start as the top female box office star in Hollywood, she should dump the chump.

2. VP Joe Biden - His recent trip to Israel to jumpstart the Middle East peace process started out as a disaster when the Israeli's blind sided Joe by announcing they were going to build 1,600 houses in a contested area of East Jerusalem, igniting riots from the Palestinians. His mission was destroyed before he even got to give his opening remarks. Now that is Israeli Blind Siding as only the Israelis can do when they insult and embarrass the vice president of their only ally and protector in the world.

Blame it on the far right wing radicals in Israel, yes they do have them as well, but the results have led to the worst relations between the USA and Israel in decades according to Israel's Ambassador to the United States. Of course we know such claims are not true because the USA will never abandon Israel but the right wing in Israel better think twice before they set out to embarrass the Vice President of the United States.

We are not their enemy, and like him or not, Joe is our Vice President. Just because we have disagreements does not mean we are not loyal to our leaders. It is the nature of Americans to be tough on each other but God help the outsider who tries to embarrass our leaders whether they be Democrats, Republicans, Independents or those not registered to vote.

3. President Obama - As the monumental health care bill, whatever it is and whatever it costs since no one in Washington has seen it or knows the cost, comes up for a historic vote this weekend, just in time to be buried in the middle of the March Madness tournament, let us hope that the President has not made so many backroom deals to get it approved at all costs that he doesn't get blind sided in the aftermath.

Unlike most journalists I think America is safe with or without the health care bill. If it passes and has too many flaws they will get corrected before the Communists overrun the country. If it fails even the stubborn Republicans know we do need health care reform and we need it now, not later. A failure by the Republicans to pass something in the aftermath would be just as reckless as the Democrats passing a flawed bill. But have a little faith in the Founding Fathers. They knew how stupid politicians can be and they have built into our Constitution provisions to protect the Republic no matter how misguided the elected representatives.

If nothing else, we now know quite clearly how desperately we need reform of not just health care but the entire political process. Fix the health problems, fix the Wall Street problems and fix the campaign laws that have given crooks control of our Congress. Do it or lose. That should be the mantra of the people of America and in a couple of elections we will eradicate the bad guys and restore American to its rightful place in the world.

No one else in the world has the ability to fix things in a peaceful manner like the United States and no other people in the world have the ability to know what is best for their country than our people so I have faith in the people over the politicians and the Republic over the radicals from both the right and left.


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