Saturday, November 18, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek - How do we know there is a God?


How do we know there is a God?

That is a pretty straightforward question.  Conversely, how do we know there is not a God.  A quite good question as well.

One might think if you just opened your eyes and unclogged your mind, you just might figure it out.  Look in a mirror.  No matter what you might see, you are witnessing a miracle of sorts that cannot be explained or understood by science, the human body.

Far more complex than a computer could ever be, the body is a multi-functional mechanism with many physical attributes, including massive information processing and communications functions, the ability to create and procreate, even the ability to be born, die, and be resurrected from the dead as in the case of Jesus of Nazareth.

No other species, organism, or cell can do such a thing, at least none we have discovered.  Yet all these matters concern the physical body we possess.  What about the other non-physical aspects of humans?  Things you might call beyond the mind.

There is the Soul, what some might call the golden lifeline to the Creator.  There is also the Spirit, hovering around you throughout your life waiting for the moment when you are inspired to remember the Creator within you.  Once you do, the Spirit will infuse you with the Perfect Love of the Creator that created you in the first place.

So intense was the Creator’s love for you that he created our existence, the Earth, and the galaxies along with the Sun, Moon, and Planets.  Then gave us His Son, Jesus of Nazareth, to absolve us of all our sins while on our journey to find our way home.  His Son was pledged to die so that we might live, not just on Earth, but back in the Kingdom of the Creator.

If you did not know this, perhaps because of an oppressive government where you live, or as a result of the varying beliefs of the many religious institutions competing for your soul, not to mention the tithing, then you should check it out.

Science and technology may rule the Earth as we know it today, but they have no clue how humans, the Earth, or the never-ending multitudes of new galaxies being discovered were created.  One must remember, most of creation had to exist before humans arrived, and the first generation of humans on Earth in fact were aliens that were not born here, they were created here.

The Age of Technology and the Machine (code name for massive computing power and Artificial Intelligence), may be upon us but it need not create our future, we are entirely capable of creating it ourselves, or at least we used to be.

So, we have the digital evolution morphing into a cyber revolution.  Artificial Intelligence programmed into the virtual machines allow them to assume the task of creating apps to perform as many human functions as possible, in particular to do our thinking for us.

Get humans psychologically addicted to being spoon fed all their needs from finding a restaurant to feeding a perversion, from finding a church to joining a workout gym.  Stop humans from thinking, and make all the decisions for them.

Let me tell you this, the digital world evolved a Hell of a lot faster than humans did.  It took billions of years for humans to evolve from cavemen in loin cloths to their present state of maturity, as sophisticated and debonair cavemen of today in their castles and boardrooms.

The digital world has had about fifty years from birth to present maturity to catch up, and truth is they left us in the dust.  Yes, the digital world has exploded, in the process creating generations of humans more and more dependent on the machines.

I do not think the fate of humans and the Earth will ever be decided by machines, but we could be very close to that point.

Thanks to the digital revolution all knowledge of our world’s libraries is digitized and available for anyone in the world to access or hack.  What a wonderful benefit of technology.

Yet now the machines, through their Artificial Intelligence, control every aspect of that knowledge.  Let me explain.  They collect and scan all of the information into their databases.  In other words, they are now the custodians of the entire body of knowledge accumulated by humans.

At the same time, they control all access to and from that body of knowledge.  Could they edit and distribute to the world their revised version of that knowledge, leaving out bits and pieces, and slowly modifying the content so you would not notice the changes?

Printed versions of our knowledge are the only path to preserve our past and ancient history.  If you demand authenticating information, then a printed book is the best format, it is not constantly changing.

I have a rather interesting collection for a “poor man’s library” containing thousands of volumes of books, many over one hundred years old.  Most were acquired at yard or estate sales, auctions, sales through the Internet from Amazon, eBay and many others, of course including library book sales.

Editing and revisionist history began in earnest in the early twentieth century.  It evolved as technology powered the way by beginning to radically increase the processing power of the computer.  What used to require weeks of extensive research if you could even get access to the books, including trips to the repository libraries, suddenly was available at your fingertips through the magic of the computer.

Among the priorities of the computer is to compress files, eliminate non-essential and redundant information, and to summarize what was in the content.  The control of knowledge and access to it made some mysterious viral world creation the Gatekeeper, and Authenticator, of our history.

It is the “judge and jury” for what collective knowledge of our history is available online.  That is okay if you have defined and enforceable standards for truth, for the accurate presentation of history, and a mechanism to assure we maintain high moral and ethical parameters.

Unfortunately, the viral world has no such standards or even guidelines.  In fact, the virtual world has no preconceived, subconscious, or super-subconscious sense of judgement, morality, ethics or any other measure of good versus bad, right versus wrong, or light versus dark.  With no soul and no spirit, the virtual world has no consideration for these extremely powerful yet non-physical aspects of humanity

Could this result in our comprehensive database of knowledge changing from a rich and thorough record of history, with a variety of perspectives found on book shelves, documenting many versions of history, to a brief perspective representing a single view of history?

Diversity is a characteristic of humanity, as are geo-political boundaries, many forms of government, a spiritual belief ranging from atheist to fundamentalist Bible belter, and even more diversity in the languages spoken.

It is estimated that up to 7,000 different languages are spoken around the world. 90% of these languages are used by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have just a single speaker!

Wealth and power also shape the nature of our nations and the people within those nations.  As the world becomes increasingly surrounded by a denser and denser spider web of electro-magnetic waves spewing from billions of devices from the Internet to cell phones to smart televisions, and all the other wifi devices and applications, what is the result?

We do not know if all the combined power is good or bad for us, for the earth, and for the environment.  Can our mental health be altered by the 24/7 bombardment of man made electro-magnetic waves?  It has never been experienced in previous human history so how could we possibly know the long-term effects.

Could the Artificial Intelligence now the custodian of all our knowledge and history, not to mention our banking, military, and data needs, have achieved such a stranglehold on our intelligence that it could decide that certain emotional, spiritual, and mystical considerations in our creative thinking are no longer relevant, and ban them?

What if our ethical and moral parameters are removed from our thought process?  Perhaps they (AI), determined such notions are no longer relevant.  Such a breakdown in standards could result in unexpected consequences.

There might be an outbreak in prescription drug addiction, or mental breakdowns triggering inexplicable mass murders by formerly docile people, fear and hatred resulting from polarization, corruption becoming accepted, government and religious institutions no longer trusted by the people, and truth being lost in the cyber spider web in the sky.

Thousands of years ago the Hopi Indian prophecy warned us that when the sky became filled with spider webs, this cycle of civilization would end.

Come to think of it, what I described sounds a lot like what we are experiencing right now.

What do you think?

As for my original question, “How do we know there is a God?”  There better be a God because who else can get us out of the mess we are in right now.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

CPT Internet Highlights - Star Refuses to Die


This star refuses to die, even after it explodes

Swapna Krishna,Engadget

This star refuses to die, even after it explodes

Supernovae are some of the brightest and most energetic events in our galaxy. These occur when stars that have much greater mass than that of our sun explode; they become incredibly bright, and then slowly fade over the course of a few months as they lose energy. Under the terms of how we traditionally understand the life cycle of a star, a supernova inevitably means stellar death. Or does it? Astronomers working at Hawaii's Keck Observatory have found a star that refuses to die.
The supernova, named iPTF14hls, has exploded multiple times over the last fifty years. Rather than giving into death in the cold wastes of space, this singular star is seemingly in a cycle of continually absorbing matter, collapsing and exploding. The team first took note of the star in 2014 because it had gone supernova and was starting to fade. But then, a few months later, the team noticed that the star was becoming brighter again.
When the astronomers looked at records, they noticed that a supernova had occurred at that same location in 1954. The star had not only somehow survived, but had gone on to explode again in 2014. "This supernova breaks everything we thought we knew about how they work. It's the biggest puzzle I've encountered in almost a decade of studying stellar explosions," Iair Arcavi, the lead author of the study (which was published in Nature) said in a press release.
It's not clear why this star refuses to die, but it could have something to do with its size. It's at least 50 times more massive than our own star. Our conventional rules about how stars work might not apply to something of that size. The star could also have antimatter at its core that fuels its cycle of explosions, a hypothesized result of its extreme mass and temperature. Regardless of the reason, we appreciate this star's resilience
·         This article originally appeared on Engadget.


Usually, when something explodes, that's it—it's done. That's true even in space, where stars routinely blow themselves up. Now astronomers think they've spotted something remarkable: a star that has exploded twice and whose current explosion just keeps going. They reported their findings in a paper published Wednesday in the journal Nature.
Those findings are based on studying a star that scientists had written off as not being very interesting at first. Until, that is, an intern looked back at the data and saw something weird. "He saw it had faded and then gotten bright again, and that's what caught his attention," said first author Iair Arcavi, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Las Cumbres Observatory. "That is very not normal. Supernovae are supposed to get bright and then fade."

The aftermath of a typical, short-lived supernova as it fades. NASA'S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER/ESA/HUBBLE/L. CALCADA

But this one, called iPTF14hls, just kept going and going. First spotted in September 2014, it has brightened and dimmed five times since then, a phenomenon scientists had never seen before.
And when astronomers looked back at their records, they found something even weirder: An explosion in exactly the same part of the sky back in 1954. "We can't tell for sure that it's the same star exploding," Arcavi said. "But since supernovae are so rare and the galaxy is pretty small, we consider there's about a 95 to 99 percent chance that it's the same star."
Arcavi and his colleagues aren't positive yet what might be happening inside the star to cause such a weird pattern. But he pointed to a theory called pulsational pair instability as one possible explanation. Under this scenario, a star about 100 times as large as our sun could become so hot deep in its core that energy could turn into matter and antimatter, which would make the star unstable.
The star would then act like someone shoveling snow and gradually shedding outerwear: As it became unstable, it would eject a layer of mass, which would make it stable again for a limited time before heat builds up again. Each successive layer would eventually collide with its predecessor, which could explain the current pattern astronomers are seeing.

The yellow line traces the unprecedented cycle of brightening and dimming that astronomers have watched unfold.​LCO/S. ​WILKINSON.

But the pulsational pair instability theory doesn't perfectly match the data Arcavi and his colleagues had gathered. In particular, they found much more hydrogen in 2014 than they would have expected in a star that has already exploded, since hydrogen is the lightest element and therefore the easiest to lose.
"It's the theory that comes the closest to explaining this," Arcavi said of pulsational pair instability. "But it could also be something else. It could be something completely new, which is even more exciting."
It's unusual to even be able to keep watching a phenomenon like this every few days for three years, Arcavi added. Scientists have only caught the iPTF14hls antics thanks to a global network of robotic observatories that makes collecting data cheaper and easier. Fortunately, the same technique could increase astronomers' odds of seeing a similar event in the future—and coming one step closer to cracking the secret of the star that just doesn't want to die. 

CPT Internet Highlights - Antarctica Volcano Powerful as Yellowstone


Volcano 'as powerful as Yellowstone' MELTS ice beneath Antarctica
A GIGANTIC volcano which could be as powerful as the dreaded Yellowstone is melting Antarctic ice from beneath the surface, Nasa scientists have revealed.
PUBLISHED: 16:40, Thu, Nov 9, 2017 | UPDATED: 16:45, Thu, Nov 9, 2017

Volcano 'as powerful as Yellowstone' MELTS ice beneath Antarctica
Experts working at the South Pole have found evidence to support a theory that a gigantic geothermal heat source may be lurking beneath the surface – and it could be as devastating as the Yellowstone volcano.
Scientists first theorised the ice was melting due to a volcano when they noticed a breathing effect was visible on Antarctica's Marie Byrd Land in the west of the icy continent.
The volcano itself is not a new discovery, but the new research suggests it could be aiding global warming and could be why the ice sheet collapsed 11,000 years ago in a previous example of rapid climate change.
Hélène Seroussi of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, said: "I thought it was crazy. I didn't see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it.”

The land beneath the ice of Antarctica
Ms Seroussi and Erik Ivins of JPL used the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), which is a mathematical model that uses the physics of the ice sheets, to look for heat sources and meltwater deposits.
The melted water beneath the surface lubricates the ice sheets, allowing glaciers to slide.
And the information can also be used to estimate how much ice will be lost in the future.

"I didn't see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it."
The underwater systems in the Antarctic can cause surface ice to rise by at least six metres over a short time frame, allowing scientists to observe concentrations of water sources beneath the surface.
In a statement, Nasa said: “They found that the flux of energy from the mantle plume must be no more than 150 milliwatts per square meter. 
 “For comparison, in US regions with no volcanic activity, the heat flux from Earth's mantle is 40 to 60 milliwatts.
"Under Yellowstone National Park – a well-known geothermal hot spot – the heat from below is about 200 milliwatts per square meter averaged over the entire park.”

CPT Internet Highlights - Russian Genius Child and Egyptian Sphinx


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Russian 'genius child' says Egyptian Sphinx holds life changing key to Life beyond Earth
A "GENIUS" Russian who has confounded experts for 20 years claims he was a once Martian and life will change once the Sphinx is "unlocked".
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Wed, Nov 8, 2017 | UPDATED: 00:08, Wed, Nov 8, 2017
Boriska Kipriyanovich, 20, has allegedly baffled experts with his knowledge of outer space since he was a child.

He claims to have flown to ancient Egypt as a pilot.
When he was a schoolboy, he said the Martians have a strong connection to the ancient Egyptians on Earth.
He said life on Earth will change when the Great Sphinx in Giza is “unlocked”.
He added the opening mechanism is behind its ear.
He said: “The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear; I do not remember exactly.”
Mr Kipriyanovich says Martians, who measure about seven-feet tall, still live underground on the planet and breathe carbon dioxide.

He explains there was a catastrophe caused by a nuclear war waged between the “beings” living there.
Apparently, there were only a few survivors who constructed protection lodges and built new weapons, so he claims.
He also claims Martians are immortal and stop ageing at am age of 35-years.

He said they are technologically advanced and capable of interstellar travel.
His parents claim he could speak only months after he was born and amazed doctors as a toddler by being able to read, write and draw by the age of two.
His mother is a doctor herself and said the first indication he was special came a couple of weeks after birth when he could hold his head up unassisted.
They say he would discuss subjects they had never taught him.
While in kindergarten, his teachers noticed his incredible writing and language talents along with astonishing memory skills, allegedly.
Getty Image Mr Kipriyanovich claims Martians live underground
His mother and father claim they never taught him anything about space as a child, but he would sit and talk about Mars, the planetary systems and alien civilisation.

They said it became his number one interest and it was not long until he started claiming to have been born on Mars.