Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Why Melchizedek says, “Reality - where Truth goes to hide” – How it manifests in the Trump Impeachment debacle.

Chaos on Steroids

Chaos is always the result of something very confusing to those caught up in it.

Take the Impeachment of President Donald Trump for example.  Once the doom-witted Schiff Road Show made it through the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees and finally made its way to the Schumer Senate, the House started making demands on the Republican controlled Senate through co-conspirator Schumer.

Suddenly a strange realization came to Schumer that here in the Senate the Dark Force no longer controls Impeachment, so no one cares what he might have to say.  It was as if all anyone heard was senseless babble.

So now both sides, the dark and the light, have made their cases and the Democrats and Republicans agree on nothing, absolutely nothing.  Ironically, guess what folks, Trump has fulfilled yet another campaign promise.  He said he would “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. and let me tell you all (anther annoying Hayseed reference), that you can already hear the giant sucking sound of the drains being opened.

You see, when you drain the swamp you must expose the swamp dwellers, the hideous political establishment, lest they escape your efforts to eradicate them.  Boy are a lot of swamp dwellers out there from Pelosi’s Posse to the Schiff Grave Diggers, from the news media mouth pieces to those who would bastardize intelligence agencies, from Obama staff appointees to the intellectually constipated bureaucrats and academia.

They have all sworn allegiance to the dark side.  This struggle for domination is not new to the oligarchs of the Democratic party.  From the high-profile Democrat fundraisers like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein to the Pelosi Posse, from Obama intelligence agency political hacks to the Obama apologist former staffers, reaching even into the intellectually constipated bureaucrats and academia, they are puppets of the ultimate puppet-master.

Well, you know you are mired in chaos when over ninety percent of news stories are passionately anti-Trump, when nearly ninety percent of the public does not believe the news media, and when less than three percent of Americans are even tuned in to the Senate Impeachment Trial.

The vast majority of the People do not believe the news media, and do not believe the anti-Trump politicians, bureaucrats, and blowhards.  In such circumstances, of course Reality is chaos on steroids.

Melchizedek says “Reality – is where Truth goes to hide.”

Our Reality is certainly in a stranglehold of chaos because the news media and politicians have bombarded us with lies, like a high-protein assault on the Truth combined with the bitterness of debate, the condemnation of doubters, the poisoning of minds, and the hijacking of our government agencies and bureaucrats.

Chaos indeed!

If you are under fifty years old you have already been subject to digital addiction pressure your entire adult life.  The digital revolution has taken over your ability to discover Truth and distinguish between good and evil.  Your perceptions have been overwhelmed by the avalanche of lies, and lies, and lies.

Many people are so enchanted (or perhaps under a spell), by the technology revolution that computers, iPads, lap tops, smart phones, smart TVs, with their gaming, texting, social media, and streaming of music, television and movies absorb all your attention and dominate your lives.

Far too many people spend more time in the Virtual World surrounding them than with their family or friends.  More often they spend more time in virtual space than with their teachers.  In other words, more of your time is spent being told what to think, do and say by a thing called Artificial Intelligence (AI), than with your parents, family, teachers, mentors, or friends.

You have built an impregnable wall and invited the enemy into your secret cocoon.  My hope is you have not lost touch with the real Reality completely so you can still find your way back home.  Back home means when you, your heart, and your mind are free of the digital addiction and can still question your truth, question the source of your moral foundation, and question why people are using your digital empire to enslave you and tell you what to think.

What better place for Truth to hide than in Reality where polarization is so extreme that both sides of any issue refuse to accept anyone’s truth that does not agree with them.  It is a truth that is inflexible, undeniable and so rigid, that someone just has to be lying.

In my last article I offered a number of quotes from the Book of Revelations from the Bible.  I did not use them to scare people into believing we are approaching the End Times.  If you have not read it lately or at all, you should check it out and no Internet Cliff Notes can substitute for the full text.

What is important about Revelations is that Melchizedek says those of us waiting for the beginning of the end of time when Revelations begins are going to be disappointed.  Revelations began at the beginning of time, even before humans were place on Earth.  We are closer to the end of time than you might think, because we are well beyond halfway through Revelations.

Do not panic.  We still have maybe a thousand or more years.  Far beyond your current lifetime.  But we have completed nearly thirty billion years to get here.  I have a lot to share about the thirty billion years missing from our history books and Bibles but first we must address the chaos now dominating our lives.

People enlightened by the love of our Creator know we are approaching the end.  They also know the darkness and evil we are experiencing is right out of Revelations and we do not even see it in our faces.  Do not be surprised.

Melchizedek says evil has walked the Earth throughout time, ever since Michael drove Lucifer and his legions of the dark side, the Fallen Angels, to Earth when we were still in the Garden of Eden, which existed at a higher range of frequency at the time.

Humanity was not born evil, it came from the misuse of free will through the temptation of the dark ones.  You see, the Fallen Angels once experienced the Kingdom of God, before they became jealous of the humans who first seeded our world and began recreating new humans to host the Souls coming to Earth.  It was a physical act not possible for Angels.
Under the leadership of Lucifer, they revolted against the will of God and wanted to usurp God’s place in human life.  In other words, they wanted to control humans by stealing our Souls thus enslaving us throughout our lives on Earth.

Having once been part of God’s Kingdom, they also knew God’s Plan called for us to spiritually evolve until we no longer belonged on Earth, but could reunite and become One with our Creator by the end of time.  To do so we must find our way back to the path of enlightenment as taught by Jesus.  Right now, evil Is making a last stand of sorts to destroy our hope for eternal salvation as One with our Creator.

There will be a final judgement of your Soul and what it accomplished toward achieving the conditions of your sacred covenant with God, your individual path to salvation.  There will be no such judgement for the Fallen Angels, they already made their decision to become enemies of God.

The Creator, or Unknowable One as Melchizedek says, created us and all that exists in our cosmos.  God also created the Kingdom of Heaven where we return between lifetimes.  In the end, all Souls that remain free of evil contamination, will return to immortality becoming One with God.

All Fallen Angels will cease to exist for there is no place in God’s eternity for evil.  You can save your Soul, they cannot.  With the end nearing, they know the consequence of their prior actions against God.  The total hopelessness of their situation is generating a panic in them to do everything possible to stop your Soul from uniting with the Creator.  If the Fallen Angels cannot have immortality like your Soul, then they will intensify their efforts to destroy you so you do not achieve immortality either.

The Luciferic forces have been here since the beginning of time to test your Free Will to make the right decisions.  Masters at temptation, at seducing the depressed, at massaging our egos, feeding fear, and fooling good people, they know the clock on their existence is almost run out.

Melchizedek says evil has been so well developed by the Fallen Angels they are even capable of disguising themselves as Jesus to lead you into temptation.  Are you prepared to recognize the deception?  I suspect not.

People are not evil, but evil can possess any person and make them do evil things.  You have a lot to learn before you are ready to confront the power of evil and that force is already being used against you.

You must learn, question, challenge, pray, meditate and fight evil.  There are many out there who can help you and God is flooding the Earth with spiritual and other beings who stand ready to help you, if you ask for help.  It is a condition of the right use of your Free Will.

Find those enlightened who stand ready to help.  Those in human form most likely are off the grid of the Internet.  Recognize that those who hate you are more than likely possessed by evil.  Drag them out of the shadows and into the light to expose and destroy them before they destroy your Soul.

Seek Truth and you will find the other Seekers of Truth and together you can build a wall against the powerful forces of evil now running rampant on the Earth.  Pray, pray, and pray as my friend Mr. Martin says for only through enlightenment and resistance can you find your way back home with the Creator.

It is your heart that can give you the emotional strength to find Truth and keep your mind from succumbing to the temptations of evil.  Your heart is the intersection between your body, your Soul, and God.

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