Wednesday, December 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Democrats beware, the hijacking of your party is happening on national TV – Impeachment hearings prove the Swamp far deeper than expected – Judgement on the avalanche of lies will come but not from Congress

The only obvious collusion in this fictional reality series is between Democrat party fanatics, the Civil Service bureaucracy, the news media, and Obama political appointees.

Long time members of the Democrat party are on the verge of abandoning their party and principles to a renegade movement intent on hijacking the party and using it to overturn our Constitutional process.  If you are a true Democrat do you really want the following to take place?

  • ·        Efforts will continue to restrict religious rights, practices and guarantees
  • ·        Open borders will allow a flood of illegal immigrants including criminals
  • ·        There will be approval of unrestricted abortion even after the birth of a child
  • ·        Radical left socialist views will be taught in our high schools and colleges
  • ·        The adoption of gender bending and biased laws will intensify
  • ·        More restrictions on Law enforcement will undermine safety   
  • ·        You will lose your right to own guns and forced to give up guns you own
  • ·        One hundred and forty million Americans will lose private health care plans
  • ·        Taxes will skyrocket to pay for the mass giveaway programs
  • ·        The Middle Class will disappear
  • ·        Economic freedom will end
  • ·        Your individual rights and guarantees will disappear

Is that what you expect out of the Democrat Party?  After all those years of loyal support perhaps taking you for granted was a mistake.  Now, they expect you to give up many of the principles you thought the party supported.

Wake up before it is too late.  Tell your representatives enough is enough.  If they follow though on this charade replace them in the primaries or reject them in the next general election.

America stands alone in the world because it is unique.  Your party leadership seems dedicated to bringing our government to its knees, breaking the strength of the Constitution by undermining the election process, destroying capitalism thus denying success to all future Americans, and many other destructive consequences.

End the madness – drain the swamp, give America back to the people where power rightfully belongs.

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