Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Election wrap up if you are interested in the Truth!

The Truth, nothing that happened in the elections yesterday will have any impact on the 2020 presidential election.  There are off-year elections when congress runs for office and the president does not (2018) and there are off-off or way-off year elections like yesterday when a handful of states have mostly obscure offices up for grabs, except for the governor races in Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi.

In Mississippi the Republican won an open race, meaning no incumbent was running.

Virginia Returns to Democrat controlled state
When one party controls the three vital centers of state political power—the office of the governor, the state House, and the state Senate — it is considered a Democrat or Republican state.  Such control makes it easier for the dominant party to pursue its agenda, and more difficult for opposition parties to challenge it.
Virginia currently operates under divided government.
In Virginia, Republicans held control of state government from 2000 to 2001 and again from 2012 to 2013. Democrats held control from 1992 to 1993. In all other years, control of state government was divided.

One of the Virginia Democrats elected yesterday as supervisor for the Algonkian District in Loudoun County, Virginia became famous because she flipped off the President's motorcade in a great showing of respect for the presidency.

GOP loses Kentucky Governor but reasserts statewide dominance

One of the most unpopular governors in the nation lost re-election in Kentucky and not even President Trump could save him, although the actual vote is still too close to call and subject to a possible recount.

While Democrats around the country are celebrating Andy Beshear’s narrow win Tuesday in the high-profile gubernatorial race in Kentucky, some analysts are playing down what his victory over Republican incumbent Matt Bevin could mean for the 2020 election.
There were six statewide elections in Kentucky and while the governor’s race is still too close to call, the other five races were easily won by Republicans backed by Mitch McConnell and President Trump.

Cook Political Report analyst Dave Wasserman offered what he described as a “reality check.” Wasserman tweeted that a Democratic victory by less than a percentage point against “an unpopular GOP governor” is not a sign that Kentucky will be “competitive at the federal level in 2020.” In other words, don’t bet on Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell losing to Democratic challenger Amy McGrath, or on President Donald Trump struggling in the state, which he carried by a 30-point margin in 2016.

Other analysts echoed Wasserman’s view on the election results in Kentucky, where Bevin so far hadn’t conceded. The Republican incumbent reportedly lost by less than 5,000 votes, as 1.4 million Kentuckians voted and turnout rose to 41% from 31% four years ago.

Here is the most stunning outcome of the election.

In Tucson Arizona, a very liberal and Democrat controlled town where over one third of the population is Latino, the liberal effort to change Tucso into a Sanctuary City was easily defeated to the astonishment of the progressive and left-leaning backers sho poured out-of-state money into the campaign.

Liberal Tucson, Arizona rejects plan to be sanctuary city
Associated Press Associated Press 7 hours ago

FILE - In this Monday, June 25, 2012, file photo, a small crowd protests at the Arizona State Building in Tucson, Ariz., during a rally after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Arizona SB1070. On Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019, residents voted not to designate Tucson a “sanctuary city” with further restrictions on how and when police officers can enforce immigration laws. The initiative explicitly aimed to neuter the 2010 Arizona immigration law known as SB1070, which drew mass protests and a boycott of the state. Courts threw out much of the law but upheld the requirement for officers to check immigration papers when they suspect someone is in the country illegally. (David Sanders/Arizona Daily Star via AP, File)

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — After Arizona passed a law that required local police to check the immigration status of people suspected to be in the country illegally, the state's second-largest city wanted to send a message.
The Democrats who control Tucson designated their town an "immigrant welcoming city" in 2012, and the police department adopted rules limiting when officers can ask about the immigration status of people they encounter.
But on Tuesday, given the chance to push the envelope further, the heavily Democratic city voted overwhelmingly not to become an official "sanctuary city" with more restrictions on how and when police officers can enforce immigration laws.
The incongruous result followed a contentious disagreement that divided progressives between those eager to stand up for immigrants and against President Donald Trump, and those who said the initiative would bring nothing more than unintended consequences.
"The city of Tucson, in all respects except being labeled as such, operates as a sanctuary city," Mayor Jonathan Rothschild said in an interview before the vote.
The sanctuary initiative, he argued, would have tied the hands of police even on matters unrelated to immigration while inviting expensive retaliation from the Trump administration and Republicans in the state Legislature.
The Trump administration has fought sanctuary cities and tried to restrict their access to federal grants. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in June that the Trump administration could consider cities' willingness to cooperate in immigration enforcement when doling out law enforcement money.
Tucson has a deep history welcoming immigrants. It's widely credited as the birthplace of the Sanctuary Movement in the 1980s, an effort by churches to help refugees from Central America and shield them form deportation.
The ballot measure was pushed by activists who wanted to give a voice to Tucson's Latino community. They said it would have sent the message that immigrants are safe and protected in Tucson at a time when many are fearful of Trump's immigration policies.
"We have been failed by the city government here," Zaira Livier, executive director of the People's Defense Initiative, which organized the initiative, told supporters following the vote, according to KOLD-TV.
Tucson politicians say they stand with immigrants, but when the going gets tough, they back down, she said.
"We are here to test you and to tell you that the bare minimum is no longer good enough and we expect better," Livier said.
The initiative explicitly aimed to neuter a 2010 Arizona immigration law known as SB1070, which drew mass protests and a boycott of the state. Courts threw out much of the law but upheld the requirement for officers to check immigration papers when they suspect someone is in the country illegally.
A handful of Republican state lawmakers have said they would pursue legislation to punish Tucson. Prior legislation approved by the GOP Legislature to tie the hands of liberal cities, including Tucson, allows the state to cut off funding for cities that pass laws conflicting with Arizona laws.
Meanwhile, Tucson voters elected their first Latina mayor. Regina Romero will be the first woman to lead Arizona's second-largest city after Phoenix, with a population of about 546,000 people.
Tucson's last Hispanic mayor was Estevan Ochoa, who was elected in 1875 — nearly four decades before Arizona became a state and just 21 years after the United States bought Southern Arizona, including Tucson, from Mexico in the Gadsden Purchase.
Romero, who is on the city council, opposed the sanctuary city initiative, saying it's unnecessary given Tucson's welcoming attitude and policies toward immigrants.
"I am so proud and so humbled for tonight," she said in a victory speech.

Thanking her family, she added, "No single person can make history on their own."

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