Friday, October 25, 2019

Profiting from Lies by the News Media and former Obama Administration officials through book sales constitutes perjury in the court of public opinion and criminal conduct against the Constitution!

Many liberal members of the news media and former Obama administration officials who were charter members of the Stop-Trump movement and whose names are now associated with the Justice Department criminal probe of misconduct by public officials have made millions of dollars writing “expose” books about the Trump administration.

Any book published is a public record so any lies offered by the malicious authors or their media bosses should be used as evidence of perjury against such unscrupulous writers involved in the leaking of classified and protected government records.

As the DOJ criminal investigation accelerates and more and more reporters and Obama officials are caught in the spiderweb of corruption their own words published in books should lay the groundwork for perjury charges and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for such a grievous violation of public law and trust.

Conspiracies seem to run deep into the lifeblood of the political establishment and the co-collaborators in the news media helping to inflame the anti-Trump news media since Trump became president.

Such efforts to undo the will of the people in electing Trump must be met with aggressive prosecution to insure such a violation of public trust never happens again.

Stay tuned for results from the Department of Justice criminal investigation of politics, politicians and press!

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