Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – What happens when you die? August 27, 2019 - In the arms of Jesus

Today, August 27, 2019 a good friend died.  Not without a fight mind you but in the end, Kathy died on her terms.  How could that be you might ask.

First of all, she was Irish, led a good life, she had children and great friends.  She was also a fighter, determined not to let the many diseases out there get the best of her.

Several years ago, she got cancer but beat it back into submission.  It bought her about a decade and a half more time in life.  But it came back with a vengeance.  By the time it was fully diagnosed early last spring the doctors gave her 30-90 days to live.  If she agreed to a massive series of chemotherapy cocktails, where three powerful drugs would be mixed, she might live another couple of months.

Kathy took the first round and it almost killed her so any further treatments were stopped.  But it was too late.  The tumor did stop growing, but the chemo also destroys your immune system so it cannot fight off all the other diseases waiting to strike a weakened system.

It was a lung infection that struck first and when it cut off her ability to breath oxygen, only an oxygen machine kept her alive.  It was not how she intended to live out her life.

She knew what awaited beyond death and did not fear it, so her family and close friends came from around the country and gathered this last weekend at her bed to help celebrate her life.  Each was asked to bring a “wish list” of the things they wanted her to do in Heaven to help them on earth.

She also told some attendees she would be leaving on Tuesday, August 27.  As all good Irish know, laughter and joy are a great antidote for fear and depression.  Her last party was a grand success, even by Irish standards.

At mid-afternoon today she told the doctor to cutoff the oxygen machine and shortly thereafter she was gone as she predicted. 

It was just a couple of weeks ago I got the last of many emails she sent me saying her condition was deteriorating and she would no longer be able to write.  However, she thanked me for sending her copies of all the articles I wrote for the Coltons Point Times, and said how much the wisdom of Melchizedek helped her prepare for her departure.

Just a few months earlier I spent five hours at dinner with her and friends discussing the teaching and words of Melchizedek.  She said they helped her during her darkest hours to not fear death and to accept the immortality of the soul as promised by Jesus.  She told me to please keep writing and sharing his teaching because the world desperately needs the connection to God and Jesus, and the path to the truth.

We all have family, friends, and loved ones who get sick and die.  Few have the determination, spirit and insight like Kathy to embrace death as she embraced life.  In her memory, I would like to share a few words of Melchizedek which had such a powerful impact on her.

Melchizedek reminds us what we have forgotten as the world around us has changed.  The industrial and communications revolutions gave way to the digital revolution of today.  It has left us slaves to technology and artificial intelligence.  We have given up our own creative thinking and seeking of truth to the soulless machines and software of the virtual world.

No machine or technology will ever be able to duplicate the wonders of the human body, mind, soul and spirit as created by God.  To this day we understand very little of the power of such gifts and refuse to do what is necessary to communicate with God, Jesus, or anyone in the spiritual world to learn how to use them.

We have forgotten the limitless capacity of the soul to maintain three distinct memory banks, your memories of your most recent lifetime on earth, your memory of all previous lifetimes on earth, and your memory of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Christ Consciousness of Jesus.

The soul is immortal, returning in death to the Kingdom outside of time to await the next journey back to earth to complete the next step in your spiritual evolution.  All is done to prepare you for the End of Time when the final judgement takes place to determine if you are to return to Oneness with God our Creator or simply cease to exist.

Kathy knew of these things and looked forward to her evolution.  Death on Earth is necessary to find eternal life in Heaven and beyond in Oneness with God.  Life should be about the joy, laughter and love we can attain living in the love of the Creator and Jesus, and finding our way home.

Those of us left behind should celebrate her life among us, thank God for the precious time we were able to spend with her, and follow her example in seeking the truth through prayer, meditation, following the example of Jesus and opening our own hearts to God’s promise and word.

Kathy is where she belongs, in the arms of the Lord Jesus and the grace of God.

Tonight I shall look to the stars.

The brightest star winking at me from the heavens will tell me all I need to know, she has found her way back home!  

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