Friday, August 16, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Art of Mediation - Melchizedek Style

Melchizedek Style

Find a space offering a safe haven, harmony, Oneness and peace with minimal electronic devices, minimal noise, and minimal distractions (no cell phone).

Create a unique environment within your safe haven with books, quotes, objects, sacred stones or artifacts, photos or other items that trigger your joy, peace and tranquility.

Begin transitional breathing exercises to reduce your anxieties, fears, blood pressure and pace of breathing.

One exercise I was taught requires you to inhale deeply through your nose four (4) counts (seconds), hold your breath for twelve (12) counts, and exhale deeply through your mouth for eight (8) counts.

The point is to rapidly expand your lungs to full capacity by intensely breathing through your nose, then empty your lungs by intensely exhaling.

Repeat this cycle rapidly ten times without stopping.  Then rest and try to feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth that binds you to her.  Obviously, it works best when undertaken in nature but it can be felt inside as well with practice.

Should you feel as if your mind is distracted, or you are not at ease, repeat the breathing exercise after allowing a few minutes between cycles.  If you ever feel overcome by fear, anxiety or foreboding, this breathing sequence can have a great calming effect on you.

[If you are in nature you should be sitting and barefoot to magnify your experience.]

Allow yourself to relax, deeper and deeper, and imagine becoming one with the life force and soul of nature, and see all of the intrinsic parts, from earth to water, land to sky, and everything occupying them.

Then recognize, witness or imagine the infinite multitude of miracles it took to create you, and to create all of Creation.

Marvel at the explosion of creative thought it took to create you and your beautiful world through these miracles.  Acknowledge the Perfect Love of the Creator when generating the explosion of thought resulting in you, and in all of creation, by returning your deepest expression of Love to our Creator.

With your acknowledgement of the Creator’s love, and your thanks by returning your love, you seek to unlock doors to open yourself to the higher frequencies of the Earth’s plane of existence.

Then talk to God, pray through words, thoughts, images, or conversation.  Ask the Father and Holy Spirit to help you find the path to Jesus who waits to show us the way to achieve Oneness with Father Creator.  Jesus lights the path, the Holy Spirit illuminates the soul, and Father Creator waits for our return.

You should try to meditate every day, just as you should use conversational prayer every day.  If you combine this discipline with the Melchizedek method to maximize your body balance while eating, it will ease your digestive system, and strengthen your immune system, allowing you to make far more effective use of the natural tools God gave us to survive.

Food - Fast - and Prayer

To achieve maximum value in your food consumption Melchizedek says you must combine Food, Fast and Prayer.  Many of us were taught to thank God for the food we eat every meal, which most of us stopped doing long ago.

In truth, you have the power to transmute food from the state it is served to the state your body requires for nourishment, for body the body and the soul.  We achieve this through food, fat and prayer.

Before you begin, you should bless the food in the name of God and Jesus, thank God for providing it, and pray it be transposed from whatever it is to whatever your body needs to heal.

For those worried about making a spectacle in front of those around you, do it quietly if you must.  However, Melchizedek cannot imagine how you could be making a spectacle when you are praying to God.  That sounds much more like a human vanity issue.

After blessing and transmuting the food, there are two other issues you must deal with to be successful.  Your body is the temple God gave you while on earth.  If you do not consider it such, and you ignore or refuse to make an effort to keep it as a temple to God, it is an affront to the Creator.

Every week you must work to purify your body.  Melchizedek says we must fast one day every week in which you should be on a liquid diet for the day.  It is a natural way to help detox your body.  You can never detox enough in this age of toxins and electromagnetic waves bombarding you.  

Ask and you will be heard.
Seek and you will find.
Follow and you will be One again.


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