Sunday, July 07, 2019

You can love them or hate them, but you cannot beat them – the US Women's World Cup Champions!

They were bold.
They were brash.
They were arrogant.
They were cocky.
They were outspoken.
They were irreverent.

They were Americans.

Oh yes, and World Cup Champions again!

Throughout the entire thirty-day length of the Women’s World Cup Championship over one billion fans from around the world watched in awe, sometimes horror, shock, and in the end respect for the US Women’s National Soccer Team.

In the final round of eight teams there were seven European teams versus the United States, the best competition the world had to offer.  Seven to one against you is just the kind of challenge Americans are born to thrive on.

Thrive they did by overcoming serious challenges on the pitch, along with wave after wave of controversy, condemnation, and consternation off the field.  In the end, the Americans let their actions on the field match their words and only the Americans were left standing at the end of the grueling battle.

You must have the skills to be champions, but you also must have the character to breath fire into your emotions to help you be the best in the world.  No one has ever done it better.  So now we know, you can love them or hate them but you cannot beat them.  For that they deserve the admiration of all those who questioned their actions on and off the field.

Can they help heal the Nation?

They defended the nation’s honor, perhaps they can help heal the nation as well.  As they return World Champions maybe they can help demonstrate those qualities that have been missing in our divided nation.

Partisan politics have dominated our landscape and driven millions into hatred, social chaos, fear, a lack of respect for others, and an unwillingness to work together to solve those problems.  In short, we no longer communicate.

If these champions are truly concerned with women’s rights, pay equality, and ending discrimination, they should know there is only one sure path to getting anything done to help their causes.

They need to be heard by the people who get things done in America, like the President.  If I were them, I would use the stage they earned as world champions to reach a greater stage like the President of the United States.  Rather than disrespecting the Office of the President they should agree to visit the White House so they can take their concerns to someone who can help them bring about change.

The Lesson of Speaker Pelosi

Maybe they can learn from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.  Last week she had her Democrat controlled House pass a spending bill for immigration which differed from the bill supported by the president.  Trump’s bill crushed her efforts and he had bi-partisan support which she did not.  It was a masterpiece of power politics that even the news media has tried to ignore.

If the US team refuses to meet with the president as expected, they will eliminate their only chance to convince him to be their ally on some pretty reasonable women’s causes.  They might even find some unexpected support from the First Lady and the President’s daughter, and it is nice to have powerful allies in the White House.

The AOC Minefield

If they spurn the president and refuse to meet and the outspoken critic of the president on the women’s team, Megan Rapinoe, goes ahead with her announced plan to meet with the radical Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, known as AOC, the rare opportunity to be a voice for women will be blown.

Why, because AOC, while being the darling of the news media, has done absolutely nothing in Congress and is on the verge of destroying the Democrat Party.  Rapinoe should take heed of the words of Speaker Pelosi about AOC this weekend.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again dismissed freshman like Rep.Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, downplaying the amount of power they had amid a flurry of attention the media gave them.
“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,” Pelosi said of Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib, D-Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley, D-Massachusetts.

Her comments came during a New York Times interview, published on Saturday after those four voted against a Republican measure funding humanitarian assistance at the border – which was eventually backed by Pelosi.

Pelosi followed her Twitter comments, saying "But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”

The soccer team can be just another voice in the wilderness, or take their case to the highest authority.  Right now, they are pawns in a very dangerous game of credibility.   

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