Thursday, July 25, 2019

Saviors of the 20th Century - Hitler and Stalin - Striking Similarities between Leaders of the Evil Empires

Saviors of the 20th Century - Hitler and Stalin
The war of annihilation between the Nazis and Communists

Saviors is a historical narrative by Jim Putnam tracing the history of Nazism and Communism and the rise to power of Hitler and Stalin. This book unveils many secrets of the Nazis and Communists long hidden in classified records and secret KGB archives in the frontier outside Moscow.

ISBN 0964599317
LCCN 2004095812

Available worldwide through Amazon Kindle books


Striking Similarities - Hitler and Stalin

Hitler’s family name was changed.
Stalin’s family name was changed.

Hitler’s father beat him.
Stalin’s father beat him.

Hitler’s mother gave birth to 3 children before Adolf, all died.
Stalin’s mother gave birth to 3 children before Josef, all died.

Hitler was a sickly child.
Stalin was a sickly child.

Hitler’s father virtually abandoned his family.
Stalin’s father virtually abandoned his family.

Hitler was raised and loved by his mother.
Stalin was raised and loved by his mother.

Hitler very much loved his mother.
Stalin very much loved his mother.

Hitler was a Catholic.
Stalin was an Eastern Orthodox.

Hitler’s mother wanted him to be a Catholic priest.
Stalin’s mother wanted him to be an Orthodox priest.

Hitler attended a Benedictine monastery.
Stalin attended Orthodox theological school and the seminary.

Hitler’s father died when he was 13.
Stalin’s father died when he was 11.

Hitler was an exceptional student at an early age.
Stalin was an exceptional student at an early age.

Hitler developed into an excellent artist in school.
Stalin developed into an excellent artist in school.

Hitler failed to graduate from high school.
Stalin failed to graduate from high school.

Hitler never attended university.
Stalin never attended university.

Hitler lost his faith by the time he was 13.
Stalin lost his faith by the time he was 13.

By age 20 Hitler was a social dropout living on his own.
By age 20 Stalin was a social dropout living on his own.

Marxism fascinated Hitler.
Fascism fascinated Stalin.

Hitler lived in Vienna in 1913.
Stalin lived in Vienna in 1913.

Hitler served time in jail for his political beliefs.
Stalin served time in jail for his political beliefs.

Hitler, born in Austria, moved to Germany to pursue politics.
Stalin, born in Georgia, moved to Russia to pursue politics.

At age 33 Hitler led the revival of the Nazi party.
At age 33 Stalin led the revival of the Bolshevik party.

At age 35 Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” outlining Nazi policy.
At age 34 Stalin wrote “Marxism and the National Question” outlining Bolshevik policy.

At age 42 Hitler was in control of the Nazi regime.
At age 42 Stalin was in control of the Communist regime.

In 1931 Hitler’s love committed suicide with his pistol.
In 1932 Stalin’s love committed suicide with his pistol.

Hitler’s love was 22 years younger.
Stalin’s love was 21 years younger.

At age 45 Hitler started purges of Nazi party foes.
At age 45 Stalin started purges of Communist party foes.

Hitler admired and feared Stalin.
Stalin admired and feared Hitler.


This stunning list of similarities is but a sampling of the fascinating look at history I was able to document. Readers say they are overloaded with new information, plot twists and turns, and motivations previously buried in secrecy. It is a must read for seekers of truth. Saviors of the 20th Century Hitler and Stalin is available for ordering through Amazon Kindle books worldwide on the Internet.


Saviors of the 20th Century - Hitler and Stalin

Table of Contents


Why Saviors?
Where is Truth?
Maya - The Illusion of Earth
Those that Fear Prophecy lack Faith
Journey to the Past
Searching for Stalin’s Secrets
Adventures in Motherland
To the Russian Frontier
Beyond the Looking Glass

1. A Search for Truth

Striking Similarities
Hard Facts Discovered
Strange Truths Revealed
The Fallacy of History
Warning Signs

2. A World in Turmoil

Revolutionary Fervor
Legacy of Revolutions
Legacy of Wars

3. Communist Evolution - Germany

Origin of the Term “Communist”
Hegel - German Socialist Philosopher
Early German Socialist Revolutionaries
Influential German Writers
German Marxist Communism
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

4. Communist Evolution - Russia

Pre-revolution Anti-Tsarist Political Movements - Russia
Russian Jewish Revolutionaries
Mikhail Bakunin and the Anarchists
Sergi Nechayev - Bakunin Disciple
Anti-Semitism Prevails
Jewish Political Parties
Russia - Motherland of the Social Experiment
Lenin - The Soul of Communism
The Early Years
Socialist Organizer
Revolutionary Leader
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940)
Early Political Life
Revolutionary Leadership
Life and Death in Exile
Communist Party Timetable
Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP)
Bolsheviks and the 1905 Revolution
The Revolution of 1917
Jewish Treatment by Soviets
Russian Jewish Money from America

5. Financing Wars and Revolution

Emergence of Jewish Moneylenders
The Jewish Banking Houses
The International Bankers
Bankers Role in American Civil War
Post Civil War -- American and African Monopolies
Financing the Communist Revolution
The Bolshevik Re-revolution

6. Josef Stalin – The Man of Steel

The Early Years
The Young Revolutionary
Lenin and Stalin
Russian Revolution of 1905
Lenin’s Counter-Revolution
Bolshevik Revival of 1911
February Revolution of 1917
October Revolution of 1917
The Civil War of 1918
Battle for Succession 1920
Illnesses Sweep the Leadership
Stalin Consolidates Control

7. Adolf Hitler – Messiah of the Third Reich

The Early Years
Hitler Loses Faith
A Bohemian in Vienna
Military Life and Honors
The German Marxist Revolution
Hitler’s Communist Subversive Bureau
Hitler and the Occult
Aleister Crowley - The Beast “666”
Other Occult Advisors
Himmler - High Priest of the SS
Hitler’s Miraculous Escapes
Hitler and the Jewish Bolsheviks
Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion
The Communist Manifesto
Jewish Declaration of War
The Rise of the Nazis
Hitler and His Doctors
Anti-Semitism Explodes
Poland - Armageddon of WWII
Dancing with the Devil

8. World War II (1939-1945)

Hitler Saves the English
The Devil’s Triangle
Himmler’s Death Squads
The Jewish Relocation Program
Tearing the Lid off Hell
Resistance Intensifies
The Final Solution
Concentration Camps - Labor and Death
Nazi Occupation of Eastern Europe
The Angel Among Demons
Hitler’s Reign Ends
Hitler’s Mysterious Death
Why Stalin Stole Hitler’s Body
Deaths in the European War

9. The “Other” Holocaust

Jewish Population Trends
Jewish Migration Patterns
Chart - Population Distribution
Chart - 20th Century Migration
The Nazi Holocaust
The Other Nazi Holocaust
The Soviet Holocaust
Bolshevik Extermination Leaders
Missing Population of the Soviet Union
Communist Genocide Program

10. Conclusion

The Devil’s Advocates
War and Revolution
Ancient German History
American Isolation
Hitler - The Great Dilemma
Ancient Jewish History
Stalin - Gravedigger of the Revolution
Lost Souls of the Atrocities
20th Century Paradox


1. Communist Manifesto

2. Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion

3. Selected Bibliography


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