Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Sometimes Humans just need a Good Laugh – Joy Lightens the Heart and Heightens the Hope!

Trump is Trump period.  Nobody ever said rich kids had to be normal.  Oftentimes you can tell who is rich by how many times they get sued and how few times they go to court.  Whatever happens to all those mysterious charges that magically disappear?

Rich people are always surrounded by a herd of wannabes from insiders to press corps to creeps just waiting for their implied access to the president to get cutoff so they can release their best-selling  exposé book about him and get rich themselves.

There must be over a hundred “insider” books on the two-plus years of the Trump presidency.  Not bad for a guy who prefers his own company over others.  How did they ever get so close?

Just think of the television series President Trump can write and produce after what he has been through, sure to be a ratings phenomenon and TV Reality Show smash hit, “Trump Through the Looking Glass!”   You best not be on his “not nice” list.

Conversely, the “Unilluminated” opponents of Trump are a cause for concern as well.  They are prisoners of their own foibles.  Claiming to be the champions of “we the people,” their agenda is quite simple (minded).  They only want what you’ve got, especially if you are very, very rich.

The good thing about America is it always survives, in spite of the people (politicians, press, lobbyists and special interests) polluting our nation’s capital.  They have been there forever, at least in terms of our young and fledgling nation.

Sometimes it seems as if the super-rich send their kids into public service to become presidents, congressmen or women, cabinet leaders and think-tank brains to keep them from screwing up the family business and legacy.

Well, this year the Democrats have amassed twenty-five and counting replacements for President Trump.  Imagine that, twenty-five.  Trouble is they have to survive a demolition derby called a primary where only one can survive.

Remember, this herd of presidential candidates spent the past two and a half years sharpening their fangs on Trump, and he gave them a good dose of practice.  Now they have one year until the National Democratic Convention to devour their own and be the last one standing to face the president.

Seems like those diversified Democrats wanted someone for everyone in the group photo of candidates.  From boy scouts to geriatrics, all colors of the rainbow, all variations of sexes and all pretty much grounded in a hatred of the president.

As for an agenda, how about Everything for Everybody regardless of the cost.  Give them whatever they want or need from cradle to grave.  Let the unborn future generations figure out how to pay for the largess of the political establishment of today. 

As for “we the people,” long ago they were wise to the wayward way of politicians, and the news media.  One day “we the people” will say “enough is enough” and take matters into their own hands.

Political agendas will be thrown on the scrapheap of history where they belong and the real needs of “we the people” will finally be addressed.  A generation of politicians will be replaced by real representatives of the people, elected to serve the people.

Journalists of the future will adhere to the principles of being objective, fair and truthful.  Since many today fail to live by those principles they will suffocate on their own sinking ratings and be dragged down into oblivion.

Yes, America will survive the often-bizarre antics of the politicians by turning you off, or hitting the pause button, then delete.  Poof, you are now relegated to being a constantly modified paragraph on Wikipedia under the category of ancient history.

When you really take time to stop and think about it, the only problems our own planet faces, Mother Earth, are caused by those dastardly hapless humans.  She did quite well until we showed up.

Something to think about…  

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