Friday, April 12, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – A Message of Hope from God!

It is okay to doubt what you have been taught to believe when a higher Truth prevails!

As we approach the fateful crucifixion and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus, you should take a moment off from your texting, your digital real-time conversations, your gaming or whatever other apps absorb your time, and think of the sacrifice that was made for you.

Your Creator, the real “Unknowable One,” not the one in your games or video fantasies but God, is watching the Holy Week activities honoring the fulfillment of ancient prophecies in your life.  At the heart of that fulfillment is the vicious torture and death of God’s Son, Jesus.

Followers and kinfolk of Jesus will experience a wild swing of the pendulum between polar opposites of emotions.  First is the uplifting glory of the triumphant arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the cheers of the adoring crowds.  Then the plunge to the deepest depths of Hell as the same people demanded and got the crucifixion and death of their Messiah, the Son of their Creator.

Jesus came to show us the errors of our way, to teach us the true path to salvation, to remind us of all we have forgotten about God through the centuries, and to bring joy, peace and love back into our lives.

You have a mind, a spirit and a soul all gifted to you by Father Creator.  Do you protect those gifts, cherish them, nurture them and keep them free of contamination by the Dark side?  I reckon not, in the case of many of you.

Sometimes even, through no fault of your own, you actually believe the lies of your existence.  Has your mind shut out the spirit and soul, blocked them from influencing your day-to-day life by denying access to your spiritual and moral foundation?   Instead the mind has cleverly substituted rationalization for them.  You might fool yourself, but you will never fool God.

Today we have arrived at a major fork in your path of life and existence.  One fork leads to your illumination in the blinding enlightenment of God’s Plan for Creation.  The other fork, the polar opposite of the Christ consciousness, leads to your oblivion at the Final Judgement for failing to remember God’s Plan.

The good news, even if you start down the wrong path, God will never give up on you and will send divine spirits and angels to help you find your way.  On the other side of the equation, the wrong path, a failure to pursue God’s Plan is your expression of free will to defy God’s Plan.

In this time, we have entered the Seventh, and last Human Life Cycle on Earth after all those billions of years of existence.  By now your expression of free will should be consistent with God’s will.  You are running out of time to secure your chance for forgiveness, redemption and salvation.

Those who live by lies, falsehoods or partial truths are contaminated by the Dark Side.  If you remain that way you can never find eternal salvation as One with the Creator.  Evil cannot exist in the Creator’s eternity.

It is a pretty grim outlook for many.

However, contrary to prevalent “fake” news regarding the ancient Biblical prophecy, the whole story of being condemned and sent to burn in Hell for eternity is not part of God’s Plan at all.

You may be contaminated and fail, make no mistake, but the consequences are more “humanitarian” I guess.  Contaminated souls are sent to the farthest reach of the cosmos, the edge of the universe, and put to the final test, seeking forgiveness, redemption and salvation.

Fail that test and the contaminated soul is sent into a Black Hole where everything goes in, including light, and nothing comes back out.  All trace of existence is gone in an instant.

That need not be your final conclusion if you just make an effort to get on the path of redemption.  Many good people walking the earth as well as divine spirits and angels of God wait in the wings to come to your aid if you only cry out for help.

The Kingdom of Heaven and eternity in Oneness with God await your decision.  All you have to do is ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you to the path of Jesus leading to eternal salvation.  Joy, peace and love await those who hear the call and seek grace.

Perhaps you might want to reconsider your goals in life if they are ego-based or under the influence of the many sinful forms of deadly virtues in our lives.

Knock on the door of God, either the Father, or Sophia the Mother, or Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Magdalen, Michael or other divine spirits of the Kingdom and you will be welcomed by open arms and shrouded from evil by the cloak of love of the Father.

Will you seek your path back to the Garden?           

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