Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - How to find Hope – How to find Faith – in a World shrouded by Darkness

There is only one way everybody in this world is actually the same.  Hard to believe if you are a card-carrying member of the avalanche of special interests who love their cause and hate anyone who does not.

Yet bias and prejudice also includes all the typical forms of polarization like religion, ethnic, wealth, cultural, political philosophy, gender, and others.  We have evolved to the point that you are not human if you do not hate someone or something.

Well, I do not think we will find much love, hope, faith or joy in that scenario, yet here we wallow in a much bigger and nastier swamp than the one Trump hates in Washington, DC., and quite a few hate him as well.

Still, through the fog, malaise and the deep-reaching fear and depression, we still share something in common.  We are all humans created by the Creator, no matter what you choose to call your Supreme Being.  That Supreme Being gave us a common enemy to share, to unite in opposition against, Satan.

So, what do we do?  We go after each other.

Boy does free will have its consequences!

We were given a free will, and we were given a mind to decide how to use that free will.  I think we might have made a few missteps along the way, maybe quite a few.

The Pathway to Hope

No benevolent Creator is going to create us, then drop us into a cesspool of discontent without giving us a pathway back to the road to Kingdom Come.  That is called Hope, a commodity in short supply at the moment.

We have a choice between seeking the Light or embracing the Dark.  Too many have fallen victim to the Dark.  They include those who reject God, those who succumb to the tantalizing, seductive voices of the shadow dwellers, or those who have genuinely never heard of God or Jesus.

You need to hear the message Jesus speaks about his love for the Father, our Father as well.  Jesus loves the Father because he knows the power of the Perfect Love it took the Father to create us in the first place, and all the rest of creation along with us.  No one else could do such a miraculous thing.

He knows the Father loves all of creation.  He knows the Father will never give up on saving every last soul in creation.  That means you too.

The Foundation for Faith

Jesus gave us a simple formula to find your way back to the Kingdom, no matter how deeply you have been dragged into that abyss of darkness.  There will always be a beacon of Light piercing the darkness that will guide you back home, to your salvation and eventual triumph which are the Hope for you in the first place.

Seek your path back to the Light through the two commandments he offered you.

First, acknowledge the Father’s Love that created you, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in.  Then acknowledge your Love in return to the Creator for breathing life into you.

Second, Love all of creation God gave us including the toughest test of all, your fellow humans, all of them, whether good or bad in your mind.  You must do this, for your Hope can only be fulfilled when you are living and sharing that Hope for others.
Now that is a very tall task.

The Secret

Take the first steps, however, and you will discover there is a secret way to protect yourself from the onslaught of the forces of Satan who surround you, both the dark spirits and the many humans they possess.

When you follow the path of Jesus into the Light you will feel the weight of evil and foreboding start to lift.  Your mind will find your way to that beacon of Hope as you follow it.  When you begin embracing the Light you feel lighter, as in a higher energy frequency.

Darkness is dense, it pulls you down into the abyss, but lightness raises you up to the Heavens, where you belong.

The Invisible Shield – Finding Grace

As you become stronger and stronger in what I would call moving into a state of grace, following the path of Jesus to the Father, the Light you embrace will create an Invisible Shield around you.

You are not invisible in a physical sense, but in Spirit.  Remember, your only true enemy is in Spirit as well, Satan, possessing the soul and poisoning the mind of those you might encounter.

Jesus faced Satan as well
Father Creator has given you the ability to make your Spirit invisible to the army of Satan currently plundering the Earth for weak souls to drag down into the abyss.  With the Father’s gift, you have the power to resist.

Find Your Way back to the Garden

Seek the true path of Jesus our Savior, find your way to the Light.  Then talk to the Father, share your emotions.  If you cannot talk to God then pray.  Talk or pray to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, the Holy Mother Mary, Magdalen or St. Michael, the trusted family of God the Father.  All are prepared to answer your call for help and lead you to protection from the dark ones.  Such is the Love of Father, and fulfillment of the first Commandment of Jesus.

If you sense you are caught up in the spider web of illusion and darkness, call for help.  What have you got to lose?  It costs no money and it may just head you in the right direction for redemption, forgiveness and eternal salvation.

Pass this knowledge on to other Seekers of Hope and salvation so they can find the strength of Faith as well, fulfillment of the second Commandment of Jesus.

Believe in yourself by believing in your mission and purpose in life - redemption, forgiveness and salvation.  When you do you will open yourself to not only Divine inspiration, but to help from all the other Seekers following the same path back home.

It is your right!  It is your destiny!                             

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