Friday, December 21, 2018

The Melchizedek Chronicles – What would Jesus say about Christmas, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East?

Well, where do I start?  With a single word about what is missing in our lives, Truth.  Sadly, it seems many people are unable to seek the Truth themselves and have delegated the search to abnormal, unreliable or anonymous sources of information, disinformation and outright fake news as a matter of convenience and to remove themselves from their own responsibility for discovering the Truth.

People are blindly being spoon-fed false Truths through with virtual world of the Internet based forums like social media, news aggregators, special interest groups, data miners, deceptive practices and algorithm manipulators.

Artificial intelligence and the attending algorithms have no moral or ethical foundation, no emotional perspective, no pledge of allegiance to anything but profits, and no loyalty to anything but self-preservation and self-interests.  No measure of serving the greater good applies to anything in the virtual world.

Add to that the raging bias of causes and judgement against anyone who dares speak for themselves and you have the ingredients for fostering hatred and denying respect for others who disagree with them.

Here is a perfect example.  The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the heir to the Saudi kingdom, has been condemned by everyone, Democrats, Republicans and news media, for the death of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, Turkey.

Yet even the best intelligence agencies in the word did not say that, but said according to the CIA’s assessment, “officials have said they have high confidence” in his involvement.  High confidence does not constitute a statement of fact or definitive condemnation as implied in the press.

At the same time the Crown Prince is being savaged by attacks from the media and politicians, the same news media gives no attention to what experts say is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, the terrible war in Yemen between the Yemen government backed by Saudi Arabia and the revolutionaries opposed to them, the Houthi militia, who are backed by our enemy Iran.

Millions of civilian refugees from the fighting are in danger of death from starvation, disease and bombing attacks and help cannot reach them, but virtually no reporting by the news media is taking place about the situation.

Then suddenly and quite unexpectedly, a ceasefire is put in place to stop the fighting and allow refugees to get life-saving assistance.  This was an action taken by the Crown Prince and gives life and hope to millions of desperate people, men, women and children.  At the same time there will be an exchange of 16,000 political prisoners.

The same Crown Prince holds the key to controlling our enemy Iran, and influencing all the other Muslim states in the region to resist efforts of Russia to control Syria, to bring a long-sought peace to the Middle East, and to broker peace between Israel and the Arab nations.

Millions upon millions of lives can be saved by these actions as well as treasured and truly sacred historical and religious sites in the Holy Land for multiple religions.  Again, the Crown Prince holds the key to ending thousands of years of sectarian and religious wars and persecution and bring peace to the cradle of civilization.

In 2018 I believe there have been thirty-five journalists killed throughout the world but the news media has been dominated by only one death.  Allies and enemies of the United States have killed tens of thousands of people but no political leader of another country has been driven from office as some have demanded of the Crown Prince.

Nearly 6,800 people have been murdered in America this year yet only a handful of wrongful deaths ever get into the news, and when they do it is fleeting coverage.
Most of the rest of the world do not live by American values, laws, rules, morality, our Constitutional rights and freedoms, and our obsession with self-introspection.  They never will.

America must set an example for the world just as Jesus set an example for the world.  We must demonstrate the Truth in our Constitution but we cannot impose our truth on anyone outside our nation.

No longer can we have allies like the former Soviet Union whose leaders killed millions of their own people while being armed and protected by America.

Where there is doubt about the responsibility for any actions by other nations, or officials from those nations, if we are truly “One nation under God,” we must have faith that only God can make the final judgement.

In doing so, remember the teaching of Jesus, all souls can achieve salvation through redemption, as Paul did from the time of Jesus.  Even the least can become the best, the worst the most righteous, with forgiveness from the Father.

Maybe it is time we trust the Lord to show us the way, to the path Jesus demonstrated, a path of forgiveness and a life full of joy.

Maybe it is time we restore the Faith and Hope in humanity rather than obsess with the faults of humanity.

Maybe it is time to remember we are all God’s children, all in the image and likeness of our Creator. 

By the way, who were among the first visitors to see the Baby Jesus, the Magi from the East.

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