Friday, November 02, 2018

It is time for my Midterm prediction. Liberals, progressives, and news media may want to unpack the Prozac - Trump Trumps or gets Trumped?

Trump Trumps or gets Trumped?

It is time to put aside all fear, stop worrying about being wrong, and make my picks for the Midterm Election results.  I note with amusement my liberal friends and the Main Street Media have adopted the position that in projecting the results never commit to anything specific.  Thus, they hold to the belief that “it could go either way” and assume we are fools enough to think they actually picked a winner.

If I had their dismal record in picking winners and losers I guess I would be gun shy as well but I do not nor am I afraid to go on the record.  What good is writing about politics and not picking winners?  No one expects predictions to be right and those wrong will just deny it by saying their words were simply misunderstood.

My belief is neither party will be the winner, nor will the news media, for the only winner will be that dastardly Trump again.  Only a fool like Trump would have the gall to hijack the Midterm election and make it a referendum on himself.

For once again standing alone while the rest of the world goes the other way, Trump will Trump in my opinion.

While the margin in the House may be close, the Republicans will maintain the majority of seats and control the House.

In the Senate the fruits of Trump’s efforts will also pay off as I expect the final count will reflect an increase in GOP seats from 51 to 54 or 55.

Why do I think that way?

First, the Democrats, pollsters, and news media continue to use faulty methodology for polling as they do not understand how to account for the 43% of the population who are registered as Independents.  They are underrepresented in most all polls, do not like Trump's demeanor or attitude, do like Trumps delivery on campaign promises, and really like his Drain the Swamp attack.  These people know better than to trust any politician, political party, or member of the news media.  Results dictate how they will vote, not promises, personalities nor power.  At a minimum they can make a 4-5% difference in the actual vote.

Second, they fail to understand the bond Trump has made directly to the people.  Since day one of his political career he has rejected the notion that politics is good, effective, honest or sincere.  Trump always speaks directly to people, either in the audience or at the other end of the television broadcast.  As long as he maintains this direct connection, of which Twitter and pop up news conferences are tools, he can ignore the constant media efforts to direct the national agenda and try to influence public opinion in a liberal direction.

My predictions are most likely going to raise the fear and dread in the news media.  They might shock the Democrats as well but long ago they lost their emotional connection to the people.  Stress levels will be way up and sales of the anti-depressive drug Prozac should spike when the realization settles in that Trump’s victory is not at all about the Midterm, he has just laid the groundwork for the 2020 general election.

If the Russia Collusion investigation fades away with no convictions of Trump insiders, which there will not be, the Prozac intake may increase.  Add to that Trump being positioned to greatly increase his agenda and you can count on a new health care system, (note neither party has offered an alternative to Obamacare), and trade deals with China and other nations will make Trump unbeatable in 2020.

For all those who spent the last two years trashing the President and trying to make life miserable for him, you may need a lot more than Prozac to get through the next six years.  Should that happen the promised Blue Wave may become the Red Sea.  If I am right I hope you learn the lesson that when anyone tries to tell the people who or what they need, you have become expendable to the public.  It is time to hit the Delete button and move on.


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