Thursday, September 20, 2018

Where is the Truth? The news media explains-away the New Mexico Observatory mystery for the FBI and government.

It is beginning to seem more like a Roswell Denial Whopper than Truth

So, here is the final word from the government on the evacuation of the New Mexico observatory.  Seems a janitor was using a laptop and government wifi to traffic porn materials.  The explanation as reported by Reuters says it was a child pornography investigation, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation documents.

According to another story in the Albuquerque Journal, a laptop at the facility was seized without the knowledge of the suspect — a janitor.  The evacuation came after that person became increasingly agitated, prompting concerns about the safety of staff at the observatory, the publication reports.

In the Reuters story, a copy which follows, they claim a laptop was removed without the knowledge of the janitor, and then observatory officials were concerned that he might be a danger so they ordered the evacuation.  They also say he was suspected of using the Observatory wifi to traffic the child pornography.

In the Reuters story they report;

 "But the mystery of the Sunspot Observatory closure proved far less complicated. It was finally explained in newly unsealed FBI records, including a 39-page application for a warrant to search the suspect’s residence.

Other interesting items mentioned in the story include;
An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation wrote in the affidavit that she was “investigating the activities of an individual who was utilizing the wireless internet service of the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, to download and distribute child pornography.”
The FBI affidavit identified the suspect as a janitor under contract to clean the facility, whose laptop was found to have been used to connect to the observatory’s wireless system.

According to the affidavit, observatory officials made the decision to close and evacuate the site out of concern that the suspect might pose a danger to other personnel. "

The person has not been arrested or charged, and no arrest warrant has been issued, according to the FBI.

The warrant issued by a U.S. magistrate in Las Cruces, New Mexico, showed that on Sept. 14 agents removed from the man’s home three cell phones, five laptops, one iPad, an external hard drive, 16 thumb drives, 89 compact flash disks and other material.

Here are some concerns about the explanation that suggest this just might be a modern-day tall tale of the magnitude of a Roswell deception, one that has endured for seventy-one years.

First, if the laptop was removed without the knowledge of the janitor, why would he be agitated and acting unusual as reported in various media stories.

If he was agitated and running around in the woods why was this the only facility evacuated and not another just a half a mile away?

According to the affidavit, “officials at the observatory” made the decision to order the evacuation.  If the FBI secured the affidavit why are observatory officials, who seem to be private contractors, closing the facility and why was it closed for twelve days without public comment?

Also, according to the affidavit, a warrant was issued and a number of computer related items including laptops, cell phones, iPad, external and thumb drives and 89 compact flash disks, etc., were removed on September 14 from his home.  The evacuation of the observatory and FBI takeover of the facility took place September 6, twelve days before the affidavit-related warrant actions on September 14.  What authority was cited to evacuate and seal it in the first place?

If all of what the reports say are true, the janitor posed a great enough threat to life and property to close a government facility for twelve days, then why has the janitor not been arrested or charged with anything and why is he not being held in jail?

This is one of the more interesting cover ups, if that is what it is, to explain away something very mysterious that happened at that observatory.  However, as my questions and concerns note, there are many conflicts, questions raised, and reasons to suspect something far more important than a disgruntled porn-driven janitor caused all the actions.  If that were true it would be one of the greatest overreactions in history by the FBI since no charges have been filed, no arrest warrant secured, and the predator remains free.

New Mexico observatory closure stemmed from FBI child porn probe: documents
(Reuters) - The mysterious 11-day closure of a New Mexico solar observatory stemmed from an FBI investigation of a janitor suspected of using the facility’s wireless internet service to send and receive child pornography, federal court documents showed on Wednesday.
The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, was evacuated without public explanation on Sept. 6, leading to a swirl of social media speculation and rumors driven by its proximity to two U.S. military installations and the town of Roswell.
Approximately two hours away from the observatory by car, Roswell was the site of a famous 1947 sighting of unidentified flying objects that the U.S. Air Force later said were top-secret high-altitude weather balloons.
UFO conspiracy lore has it that a flying saucer crashed near Roswell, and that remains of the craft and alien crew were clandestinely removed from the crash site by the government and taken to a top-secret test site in Nevada for examination.
But the mystery of the Sunspot Observatory closure proved far less complicated. It was finally explained in newly unsealed FBI records, including a 39-page application for a warrant to search the suspect’s residence.
An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation wrote in the affidavit that she was “investigating the activities of an individual who was utilizing the wireless internet service of the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, to download and distribute child pornography.”
The FBI affidavit identified the suspect as a janitor under contract to clean the facility, whose laptop was found to have been used to connect to the observatory’s wireless system.
According to the affidavit, observatory officials made the decision to close and evacuate the site out of concern that the suspect might pose a danger to other personnel.
The observatory was reopened on Monday.
The person has not been arrested or charged, and no arrest warrant has been issued, according to the FBI.
Frank Fisher, a spokesman for the FBI field office in Albuquerque, told Reuters that the case was still under investigation.
The warrant issued by a U.S. magistrate in Las Cruces, New Mexico, showed that on Sept. 14 agents removed from the man’s home three cell phones, five laptops, one iPad, an external hard drive, 16 thumb drives, 89 compact flash disks and other material.
Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Joey Roulette in Orlando, Florida


Link to CPT breaking News on Observatory

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