Friday, September 14, 2018

Preparations begin for the newest Hurricane Season in Southern Maryland - Amid Facts and Fiction

Mandatory hurricane training begins for locals and come downers.

A Southern Maryland hurricane concert venue.

A come downer is an outsider who don't belong.

George Washington was born just across the Potomac River from here.

We don't much adhere to his tell no lies philosophy.

Two daughters of our founder married George Washington's Great Grandfather.

The bigger the flood up river the more materials we get for our homes.

Southern Maryland is an hour drive from the Confederate Capital Richmond.

Southern Maryland is the same distance to the Union Capital of Washington, DC.

On September 13, 1814 local resident Francis Scott Key wrote a poem.

When it was set to music it became The Star Spangled Banner.

It was made our national anthem in 1931.

Southern Maryland first colonists arrive 1634.

Watermen rule the waters of Southern Maryland.

On occasion the watermen can dress to dine.

Land for the nation's capital was donated by Southern Marylanders.

Southern Maryland was overrun twice by British troops.

In the early 20th century there was one liquor still every square mile.

The largest manhunt in history could not find John Wilkes Booth here.

Arnie?  This ain't that Hollywood.

Coltons Point is the oldest continually occupied chartered town
in the Continental United States.

Southern Maryland was the first colony in the world
guaranteeing religious freedom to all. 

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