Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Message to Distressed Roman Catholics and People of all Faiths

What to do about the crisis in the 
Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious denomination in the world with over 1.5 billion members.  Never in the history of the Church since the time of Jesus over 2000 years ago has the plague of scandal from within threatened the very existence of the Catholic Church.

Ever since the recent revelations regarding sexual abuse within the Church the news media, many of whom have consistently demonstrated a bias against God, Jesus, the Catholic Church, and Christianity in general, have been feasting on the controversy.

In fact, after two years of incessant bashing of candidate for president, then President Trump, the media have honed their skills at fanning the fires of fear, hatred and bigotry.  Sad to say they have grown quite proficient at it.

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury report is a perfect example.  St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican was rocked to the foundations with the revelations currently in the news.  It only took a couple of days for former Vatican officials and ambassadors to be discovered by the media who started demanding the current Pope Francis resign.

Almost lost in the media feeding frenzy was the fact there have been no instances of abuse since 2002, sixteen years by my count.  Add to that many of the breaking news cases were identified long ago, and some dated back from eighteen to seventy years ago.

Make no mistake, the nature of the abuse is sick, evil and intolerable.  Even Pope Francis says those guilty of the deeds or guilty of covering up the deeds should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and guilty parties must face the most severe punishment possible.

What most news stories fail to mention is that the State of Pennsylvania criminal code has a statute of limitations extending twelve years and all recent cases discussed are way beyond the statute.  In other words, nothing can be done in either criminal or civil courts to punish the offenders who have ruined so many young lives.  The statute of limitations has expired.

Simply stated, it was never the intent of the news blitz to prosecute criminals, it was an attempt to discredit the institution of Christianity in general, a nefarious movement that has been underway for decades.

So, what can the Catholics do who are absorbing the shame and fear of the media campaign against all religions?

Well, perhaps they should listen to the words of the founder of Christianity, Jesus.  Whenever one has a crisis of faith, they have already ignored the sacred teachings of Jesus.  Faith, first and foremost, is the goodness of the Father and the teaching of His Son Jesus.

Faith that the miraculous creation of Father Creator, meaning our world, our Sun and Moon, our galaxy, our cosmos and even ourselves and our souls reflect the perfect love of the Father for all his Creations, including us, all of us.

As for organized or institutionalized religion, that was never part of the world Jesus described.  There was no hierarchy of religious leaders, no pecking order as to who was closest to God.  There was never any discussion of the church and the representatives of the church acquiring property, wealth, power or status within the institutional religion.

Quite the contrary, Jesus encouraged everyone of any or no faith to speak directly to the Father, to acknowledge the perfect love of the Father in creating us, and to recognize Jesus came to give us a path to eternal salvation.

That path would lead to the Holy Spirit coming to help us as happened to the Apostles and Magdalene at the Ascension of Jesus.  If we recognized the love of the Father, and followed the path Jesus showed us in order to live the will of the Father, we would once again become One with the Creator.

The “priests” Jesus recruited were married and single.  His disciples were men and women.  No massive cathedrals or monasteries were needed to find God and no religious hierarchy stood between you and the Father.

Now, do you really think God would create all that is to us, including you and me, then give us a free will and soul, and billions of years later turn his back on us?  I mean, he even sacrificed His Son for us to help awaken us to remember the path to redemption and salvation.

Maybe if we were not so busy trying to play God in our everyday lives and cultures and even in our religions, things might be quite different.

Maybe if we demonstrated our Faith in the Father and Son by living a life of love, joy and compassion as Jesus advised, perhaps the Dark Side might not have so easily confused us and been able to snatch control of our souls and make humans carry out the sordid acts of the Dark Side.

Make no mistake, evil is running rampant because we are losing the anchor of Faith in the “Father’s Will.”  Our fear empowers the Dark Side.  Only by taking back that power can we defeat the Darkness we manifested in the first place.  That is through Faith.

Finally, do you think an all-powerful, all-loving God would abandon you in your hour of need?

Jesus said to pray to the Father, or pray to the Father through him.  The Holy Mother Mary said pray to God through the Rosary for the good of all God’s creation.  The Magdalene and Apostles spread the same message after receiving the Holy Spirit at the Ascension of Jesus.

To find Grace you must have Faith.

When you regain the Faith you have lost, as the potential is always within you, you will remember and know.  At any moment the Father can act through miracles or whatever else it might take, Divine power and intervention, to fix the mistakes of mankind and our misuse of free will.

Pray for divine intervention to heal the earth and the people.  Pray that our world leaders will help fix the problems of the world.  Pray that those who lost their souls to the Dark Side and spread hatred and fear can escape the clutches of the Dark Side.

Pray thanks to the Father for the opportunity to live his Will --- then live with joy, forgive with compassion, and always remember, this lifetime is but another test and step toward eternal salvation.


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    During 16 years of attending Catholic schools and universities I did not experience a single incident of clerical abuse. Yet as a practicing Catholic, I am distressed by the report of the Pennsylvania grand jury and the many reports of sexual abuse by members of the clergy documented in the public media. From a legal perspective little can be done in Pennsylvania except prosecution of the two priests still within the statute of limitations. The Church can severely punish those priests who are still living by suspending their priestly functions and committing them to a life of prayer and solitude. This was done with one priest here in Nebraska. Beyond the Church's ability to rid us of this scourge is the need for the Church to limit the possibility of recurrence of this problem by rigid screening for pedophilia and homosexual activity. It is also time to revert to allowing priests to marry. We have a millennium of experience with celibacy and its problems. The largest of its problems today is not just the evil of pedophilia, but the rapidly declining membership in the priesthood.

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Bravo a Jim. Well said.
    See you in Tucson
