Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Clarion Call for Clarity – Time for the New Council of Nicaea

Creation creates and recreates, why not the Bible?

Perhaps it is time the Roman Catholic Church sponsor the “New Council of Nicaea” to provide the “Twenty-first Century Living Bible of God,” for use by all religions.  Ever since the “inspired word of God” as exemplified by the Holy Bible was adopted by man in 325 AD, it has never been reinterpreted for today’s changing world.

We have entered an era when knowledge in archeology, science, technology, health and many other fields of discipline, is changing and being recreated, at lightning speed.  All change must be incorporated into the Bible if it is to remain a vibrant and inspirational tool to salvation for modern society.

Discoveries, solving mysteries, inspired teachings, even the evolution of science and technology of today’s world must be incorporated into a new body of understanding and teaching of the precepts of God and guidelines for the path to redemption and salvation through Jesus.

The Holy Bible is nearly 2,000 years old, the history it incorporates goes back a few thousand more years.  Life as we know it has changed.  The tools of life have been revolutionized and tools unknown at the time of the Bible adoption now rule our lives.  Every aspect of our existence has changed.

Diseases once described as punishment or the wrath of God in the Old Testament of the Bible have been cured by man.  Marvelous, even miraculous advances in health care, environmental understanding, science and technology changed everything, shedding light on the power of nature and the consequences of abusing God’s Creation.

Contributions toward the fulfillment of God’s Plan by ancient civilizations preceding the time when Jesus walked the Earth should be recognized, as the pre-Christian era encompasses millions of years of spiritual evolution.

All civilizations, all cultures, all people and all spiritual practices played significant roles in our history and made contributions to our knowledge and understanding of the Laws of God and Natural Law.

Sacred sites and artifacts of the pre-Christian civilizations along with those of the Christian years should be preserved, protected and honored as all contributed to our heritage and advancement and they may still carry secrets or powers we are yet to discover.

Concerning temptation, sin, redemption, the force and face of evil, the illusions of the Anti-Christ, it seems much of the Dark Side of today has meta-morphed and now uses tools, techniques and technologies for their evil doing that did not exist in Biblical times and were well beyond the prophecy of the Bible.

Today tiny machines called “drones” have the power and intelligence, artificial that is, to fly undetected and obliterate all the armies of good and evil from Biblical times throughout recorded history without human causalities.

Too much in our world today is not reflected nor addressed in the Bible.  Like everything else in Creation, it is time for change, regeneration, revitalization and renewal of our foundation.  A New Living Bible is needed and should incorporate all the common elements of sacred and inspired text discovered throughout our history.  It should incorporate all that is missing from the original Bible.

Truth demands that it identify how pre-Christian civilizations and cultures like the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Celtics, Druids, Persians and other cultures throughout the ancient world as well as a large body of them plus Buddhists, Taoists, ancient Greeks and others were ignored during the time of the Old Testament.

Yet these same cultures preserved the memory of the Creator and the bounty of the earth by contributing to the maturing of civilization and our understanding of the magical, mystical, mysterious and magnificent world of Creation.

We must revitalize our Faith to get back on the path, and we start by recognizing the miracle of Creation resulting from the Oneness of the Creator.

In order to find Oneness, we must understand humans are but one aspect of God’s Creation.

To know Creation is to see the Life Force and integral purpose served by all of God’s Creation.

All are part of God’s Plan and contribute by working in harmony and Oneness to serve God’s will.

Know that mankind is not God’s only creation, and humankind is not the sole beneficiary of Creation.

We are the custodians of Creation, and we must accept our responsibility to the God who created us.  Our Oneness with God makes us co-Creators, and therefore responsible for all that was, is and will be.

We must discover the Perfect Love of God as manifested between Father and Son and is responsible for Creation, identify the Dark Side working to destroy Creation, find the good in adversity as a function of Creation, and help Seekers find the Path of Jesus to lead us through Creation in order to find Oneness with God the Creator.

In order for Creation to be all that was, is and will be, it must accommodate all that was, is, and will be.  It is time to stop glorifying the Dark Side by embracing hate and evil - instead glorify the light.  Our final destiny awaits our awakening.  Only then Faith will be restored.

Pope Francis, working with other leaders of religions, institutions, disciplines, cultures and inspired thinkers could provide the forum necessary to build the bridge to eventual Oneness and fulfillment of the Creator’s Plan for all that is Creation.

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