Friday, April 13, 2018

Melchizedek Prophecies coming true? - The Electromagnetic War of the Worlds - Human Slavery through Digital Addiction

Today NASA said the Sun has changed the pattern of sending electromagnetic waves to Earth and in a most unusual anomaly has altered the atmosphere of the Sun to bombard the Earth with the life force of the Sun, the natural electromagnetic waves our Earth needs to survive and grow.

Why, because humans have constructed such a dense force field from human inventions that the natural EM waves of the Sun can no longer renourish the Earth and help the planet continue to regenerate.  They are blocked by the artificial field being created on Earth.

Our ever-growing dependence and addiction to technology and artificial intelligence is destroying the planet and when the greed of mankind conflicts with the plans of God there can only be one winner.  This article today in Newsweek shows how the universe is capable at any moment of taking action to counter the arrogant acts of man.

We created a new form of slavery with technology, digital addiction.  Then we used artificial intelligence to rob or people of their minds, their creative abilities, and the need to think for themselves.  Through viral games and millions of apps we have conditioned humans to be told what to do, when to do it, and prevent them from making decisions for themselves.

Now, thanks to the proliferation of technology, the runaway speed at which we are being enslaved, and the inability of mankind to see the danger of the addiction, let alone act to correct the disaster, our failure is causing the higher forces of the spiritual universe to act to save the Earth and save mankind.

This astonishing action on Earth is a fair warning of what is to come.  If we do not save ourselves and Mother Earth, Divine Providence will step in and do it for us.  Melchizedek says seven times in our multi-billion year history humans have had to be wiped nearly extinct to save the world and creation.

Do you want to risk an eighth time?

Here is how the Heavens are going to change the rules of nature to fight back.

Three Vast 'Holes' Just Appeared on the Sun—and They're Bombarding Earth with Geomagnetic Storms
 Newsweek 22 hours ago
Three vast “holes” have opened up on the Sun over the past week, according to NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), allowing high-speed solar winds to escape into space and bombard the Earth.
These so-called coronal holes are gaps in the star’s outermost atmosphere, which are less dense and cooler than their surroundings. Magnetic field images released by the SDO show huge dark patches on the Sun’s surface, indicating their location.
The holes spew out charged particles which can affect animals and electronic systems on Earth, and cause auroras to appear at lower latitudes than normal if they interact with the magnetosphere—the region around our planet dominated by its magnetic field.
"A stream of high-speed solar wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field, and this is causing G1-class geomagnetic storms around the poles, reported on April 11. "Auroras have been sighted in the USA as far south as the Dakotas. The gaseous material is flowing from a wide hole in the sun's atmosphere—so wide that the stream could influence Earth for another two to three days."
For April 12, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center have issued an alert saying there is a 50 percent chance of a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm.
A G1-class storm is the lowest on the NOAA’s space weather scale, but these events still have the potential to cause minor disruption to power grids, satellite operations and migratory animals. But on the plus side, sky watchers in the northern United States, such as northern Montana, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota and Maine, will have a higher chance of witnessing an aurora.

For much of this week the sun featured three substantial coronal holes (Apr. 3-6, 2018). Coronal holes appear as large dark areas which are identified with arrows in the still image. Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA.

Coronal holes can develop at any time and location on the Sun but are more common and persistent during the years around solar minimum (the next one minimum is expected between 2019 and 2020). Solar minimum is the period of least activity in the 11-year cycle of the Sun, when the number of sunspots and solar flares diminishes. These stand in contrast to the solar maximum, during which time hundreds of sunspots may appear.   

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