Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Big Bang Part 1 – Things You Need to Know to Appreciate the Perfect Love of the Father and the Sacrifices of the Son Jesus!

Or, what they didn’t tell us in Genesis!

So, let me review how we got here, I mean in this story, not life.  This is about the precise moment of Creation as we know it today.  Science refers to it as, “The Big Bang.”  It is their subtle way of acknowledging they do not know everything, sort of a deflection strategy to keep us off track.

My hope is to be able to give you enough information so that you can decide for yourself what happened in that brief moment called, “The Beginning of Time.”

Father Creator, back in the pre-creation era called Heaven, was everything and all that existed.  He wanted to share his Perfect Love.  If you were the Creator then what would you do?

There are some inherent advantages to being the Creator.  You cannot be wrong, no one can judge you, and you know everything.  You are the personification of perfection, all knowing, all powerful, almighty, and supreme.

What rules exist are yours because there is nobody else.  Besides, whatever you create should be easier to accept since it is your Creation.

The Creator wanted to share His perfection, wanted someone or something to experience His perfect love, and to learn the goodness of His purpose.

Now I am sorry to say but humans were but a tiny blip in Creation, inhabiting just one planet of the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars and planets.  At least that was what we were led to believe.

The Father wanted us to have choices, between right and wrong, so he gave us a free will.  He reckoned humans would most likely make a lot of mistakes if left on their own, so He gave us a memory, of a time when we were One with Father Creator.

When we touched that memory, brought it from our super-subconscious to our consciousness, we would realize the sense of loss of being separated from being One with the Creator.  Our mission in life on Earth would be to find our path back to the Garden, the kingdom of God, and ultimately to Oneness with Father Creator again.

We got a free will to make choices, like I said, so we could experience all aspects of our Creation world.  Unfortunately, humans would long to live by their own rules.  Just look at the evidence.

We could fill a freight train with the magnitude and layers of rules, laws, statutes, regulations, standards, and guidelines we seem to relish and need to be good citizens.  By the way, you do remember what a freight train might be I presume.

Now God, He created you and everything else in Creation from people, to planets, to solar systems, to universes, to galaxies, to the ends of Creation.  Beyond that was Heaven which encompasses everything.

Creation was instantaneous, all powerful, all encompassing, and consisted of all that is in our world of time and space.  The act of creation by the Father was an explosion of imagination and creative thought generating seven concentric circles of thought to guide creation,

The circles were interconnected and each was to continue expanding (recreating) for as long as time should exist.  The core of Creation is the ability to continually recreate and expand.  This guiding principle applies to all that is within Creation from humans to animals, earth to water, air to galaxies.

So many miracles from our perspective are incorporated into the big bang that it is well beyond our ability to comprehend in our present physical state.  Just the complexity of the human body and mind is a miraculous mystery, let alone everything else.

This all happened instantaneously about 13.7 billion years ago according to science, about 16 billion years ago according to Melchizedek.  Included in the first explosion of creative thought of the Creator were all kinds of interesting things like the Son of God, Melchizedek as sort of an overseer of Creation for the Father, the Holy Spirit as a means of enlightenment for humans, and entities destined for major roles in evolution like the Holy Mother Mary.

The Father’s domain is Heaven, consisting of all that is, was, and will be.  The Kingdom of God was created as the domain of the Father’s Son, Jesus.  It is the bridge between the limitless Heaven of the Father and the time and space in which Earth and the galaxies must function, what we call our physical dimension.

There are two major parts of Creation, that which is in time (our own existence), and that which is out of time, where Jesus rules his kingdom from beyond the physical state.  Everything we know, can imagine, and can create is within one of these two distinct parts of the Kingdom.

Melchizedek is a partner or mentor type to Jesus to help assure the will of the Father is fulfilled through creation. Spiritual entities exist in the Kingdom such as the Holy Mother Mary and the Magdalene, persons like Jesus whose manifestation among humans is essential to the spiritual evolution of humans and all other elements of creation.

Most important to us humans is the existence in the Kingdom of the soul, which is the central core of the network of souls infused into humans at the moment of birth in the physical world.  Imagine the core of the soul in the Kingdom free of the constraints of our physical world as a giant golden sphere pulsating with love and energy.

Melchizedek describes the moment of birth of the new infant as the moment the fetus leaves the safety and harmony of the mother’s womb and enters the atmosphere of gravity, one of the polarizing forces intended to test the mind and will of the Creator.  At this moment of re-entry into the gravity of the Earth the soul from the Kingdom is fused with the infant child being born and the complete human now exists.

That soul entering the new born always remains connected to the orb in the Kingdom through a golden filament.  When physical death occurs, the soul returns through the filament to Heaven to await the next reincarnation.

While waiting it can visit other planets and galaxies, can rest, research in the libraries, share experiences with other earth souls, and even try to help those left behind on Earth.  In fact, according to Jesus and Melchizedek, the soul out of time can also create a vision and send itself back to earth to try and influence love ones left behind.

Spiritual evolution of the soul, and in turn the earth, and all of creation however, is not judged by going back but by moving forward toward fulfillment of the sacred covenant between the Soul and Father Creator.

Of course, in addition to the Soul, Father created Angels to help us, and Alien races to provide timely help over time.  Within the Kingdom there are immortals and adepts whose purpose is to materialize on Earth at pivotal times in history to help keep our spiritual evolution on track.

Now multiply these activities by a few billion galaxies and you start to see the task facing Melchizedek and Jesus and their cast of billions needed to make things in and out of time work.

Many, many information gaps and things difficult for the physical mind to comprehend will be presented as we progress with the Creation story but this gives you a decent overview of the situation in and out of time we live among.

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