Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Hour is rapidly approaching when you must take action to survive here and the hereafter!


"The Hour is rapidly approaching..."

Sounds ominous, but what does it mean?  Taking sides is what we have been about in recent years and polarization seems to be the new established trend in communicating.  Most of you will continue to avoid being caught up in the social-political-policy battles smeared all over the Internet and that is probably a good thing.

Those who do join the fray are pilloried before being burnt at the stake for getting involved as there is no such thing as normal communications on the social media sites of the Internet.  People are angry, frightened, fearful, and downright obnoxious in their blind defense of whatever side they choose to advocate.

Polarization will never lead to progress and blind loyalty to a cause, whether liberal or conservative, progressive or right wing, democrat or republican, is an insult to our Constitution and founding principles.  All Americans enjoy individual liberty, are endowed with many Constitutional rights, and can practice free speech no matter how intense, callous, or dark it may be.

All radical views and personal bias are tolerated as long as you accept and respect the right of everyone else to have their views.  When it comes to running our nation, no single bias can ever dominate as it violates the individual rights and freedoms of others as guaranteed by law.

Ours is a quite complicated system.  Most people mistakenly sense we live in a democracy when, in fact, we live in a Republic.  Most people think we must have majority rule and the Electoral College process denies it.  They demand immediate change to the system.  Sadly, they do not even understand the very system we have lived under since the adoption of the Constitution September 17, 1787, 231 years ago.

How sad so many are so ignorant of the history and principles of the most democratic institution in world history.

Over those centuries our political, cultural, and religious institutions evolved and there have been some improvements.  During that same history there have been many calls to modify our sacred Constitution, some successful, many not.  Still we endured.

Today we have reached a point when, thanks to technology, citizens have far greater knowledge of world affairs, of cultural differences, and to endless sources of history and there is open communication and dialog between peoples from all over the world.

Unfortunately, that same technology has simply overwhelmed the public with information, diluted their ability to think for themselves, obliterated our knowledge of what happened in the past, and made us dumber than probably any time in our storied history.

We are no longer the compassionate, generous, hopeful, innovative, determined, and optimistic people whose blood lines came from all over the world to find a place where all were treated equal.  We are too caught up in texting or gaming to bother to research the hopes and desires of many generations of our ancestors who often risked life and limb to get here as immigrants.

While we may have evolved on many fronts, when it comes to spiritual evolution, we have run into the same impenetrable brick wall found throughout the world.  We no longer hear, we no longer see, we no longer understand the nature of our own being.

Pray for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit so that we may find our path back to the Garden.

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