Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Is it Time for the End Times? Has the Beginning of the Biblical Revelations been activated? Are you ready to move to the next dimension?


Fasten your seatbelts
and prepare for
the Second Coming of Jesus!

Have you noticed the increasing anxiety in people over the moral collapse of civilization?  Does the hatred being spewed from the mouths of the social activist’s strike fear in your hearts that society has abandoned God and the message of Jesus’ life on Earth is being ignored?

Your conclusions are mostly right but the consequences you expect to see might be in need of change if you are to survive these dangerous times.

Our morality has been bankrupted.  Hatred does trump compassion.  The bad guys are winning and the dark side is working feverishly to make certain the curtain comes down permanently on people of the light.  Are your lights dimming?  Is your battery dead?

Normally in such times of crisis the first thing one must do is step back and assess the situation.  We have not done that.  Perhaps it is because we still do not know how deep the moral decay has spread into our friends, our institutions, our religions, our schools, practically every aspect of our life on Earth.

How could we be in such a mess when Jesus came to Earth, was horribly tortured, and brutally murdered for our sins?   We have had over 2,000 years to absorb his message, to spiritually evolve, to right the wrongs.

Yet in the midst of the modern chaos all we hear are people crying out to God “why have you forsaken us Lord?”  God did not abandon you and Jesus did not waste his time on Earth.

Listen closely, God did not create our mess, we did.  Why are you blaming God for the sins of humankind?  Is it not enough that he worked the wonderful miracle of creating you, in his own image and likeness no less?  Then he gave you free will to demonstrate how well you have learned the lessons of life.

Our consistent use of free will to satisfy our personal addictions, perversions, and greed are our contribution to the spiritual evolution of humankind and they are our fault, not the fault of the Creator.  The only hands with blood on them are ours.

So now in a fit of mass hysteria, we have conjured up the soulless wanderers of the Dark Side and invited them into our living rooms by our living in fear, hiding from reality, and embracing the very tools meant to suck the life force out of humans.

The Creator and his Creation is all about creating, using polarity to stimulate creating.  Creating does not happen without a great dose of imagination.  First comes the thought, through the use of imagination, and then comes creating the thought into reality.

That is your mission, your free will, when it chooses to follow the will of Father Creator.  We are the creative engines that must power Creation through never ending change, through a passion to make things better, through the aggressive use of the miraculous tools given to us by the Creator.

Anything that blocks the use of imagination or creativity is contrary to the Father’s Will because it stops you from using your God-given gifts.

Our digital revolution is the epitome of robbing humans of their mission in life.  The dependence on the digital world and the over-dependence on the myriad of apps to meet your every need and answer your every question block you from being human in the eyes of the Creator as you have delegated your thinking and multiplied your dependence upon Artificial Intelligence.

Add to that the destruction the Internet has generated in your ability to communicate by bombarding you with hateful, angry, artificially created issues, fake news, threads, and contrary arguments meant to make you an even greater prisoner to the internet, texting, emails, gaming, and social media.

You see, you can create your own false identity and avoid ever having personal contact and communication with other humans, unless, of course, your intent is predatory.  Addiction to technology results from having your mind hijacked by the engineers designing the addictive programs and dependency stimulants inherent in all social media platforms, apps, and screen images.

Your addiction, your dependency on immediate responses to texts, your hours of obsessive use per day dependent on what the Artificial Intelligence tells you is the truth, since you have no sense of truth and morality left in you, that Digital Addiction is your enemy.

I have news for you, Revelations is already here and you are embracing the plagues of the new world.  The use of technology for evil purposes is a far stronger Anti-Christ than John wrote about in Revelations.  No longer is evil confined to zones or cities like Sodom and Gomorrah but thanks to the freedom from boundaries and lack of regulation or oversight, it now penetrates every inch of our world and beyond.

The spiderweb in the sky, the electromagnetic waves of the Internet, smart phones, smart TVs and the hundreds and thousands of other apps we use every day, have already hijacked your brains and destroyed your creative gifts.

Thousands of years ago the Hopi Nation or original Americans were given a prophecy of when the End of this cycle of civilization would take place.  It said when the spiderweb in the sky was completed.  With the thousands of satellites, millions of devices, and billions of addicted users, I would say the time is now, unless we bring about a drastic change in our present course.

Perhaps it might take divine intervention, and if so, it would not be the first time.  Long ago Father Creator demonstrated the lengths at which he would go to protect his Creations.  In the end, it cannot be given without your request for help and intervention.

When was the last time you prayed to Jesus to act as your Intercessor to the Father and allow miracles to fix what we have failed to fix, not just for us as an individual but for all individuals of the world?

It is not too late but time is running out!

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